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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by adagray

  1. All of my fills have been super easy. The needle just feels like a tiny pinch when it goes in and I don't feel anything after that. Even when she has had to move the needle around to find the port, it doesn't hurt. I still only feel the initial pinch when the needle goes in. I would say it is even easier than giving blood. I think we must have less nerve endings in our stomach than in our arms. I would recommend not looking at the needle, though. I NEVER look at the needle for any shots or when they put in an IV. I think if you watch it, it makes you think its gonna hurt and then you perceive pain when it really isn't painful.
  2. adagray


    This was my first experience w/this. I was so miserable yesterday, I did not even feel like posting about it to my blog. But, I did post on another thread so I am gonna copy those entries here: ******************************** 5/17/10: I just got another 1cc added and am up to 7.5cc in a LAP-BAND APS (10cc capacity). This is the first time after a fill that I'm experiencing water going down slowly. I can only drink one sip at a time and there is a lot of gurgling as it goes down. Does this sound alright? I'm a little concerned just because I've never been this tight before. :rolleyes2: My doctor says only to drink clear liquids for 72 hours after a fill, though, so I guess I shouldn't worry about it for now. Maybe it will loosen up by the time I am supposed to be able to eat. For those of you who are at your sweet spot, what do you think? Is that a normal feeling for water to go down slow and gurgle??? ******************************** 5/18/10: Update... I've decided to go for a slight unfill today. I have an appointment in 2 hours. Last night, I just kept getting tighter and tighter. Then, I decided to have some warm broth. Big Mistake! That made me swell almost completely shut. I had to spit out my saliva for awhile it was so bad. Then, I alternated between sipping really cold water and spitting out my saliva and that seemed to reduce the swelling enough so that I could sleep comfortably. I really did not want to have to go to the ER and end up w/a complete unfill. Woke up this morning feeling fine, but then took two tiny sips of water and started feeling all the gurgling and discomfort again. So, I don't know if the swelling would go down in a few days, but I can't even deal w/a few days of this. Plus, I had very good restriction after my last fill and did not have trouble with fluids. So, I really don't think it would get better enough to stick w/for the long run. Anyway, I hope she can just take maybe half out and I'll be good w/that. We shall see... ******************************** Now, I'm back from my unfill appointment and I feel sooooooo much better. It felt better as soon as she took half the fill out from yesterday (0.5cc). So, now my total fill is 7cc instead of 7.5cc. And, boy does that half cc make a huge difference! I have never been so happy just to be able to drink water freely and protein shots. Woohoo!!! :confused:
  3. adagray


    Woohoo!!! I can't wait to be Overweight!!!!!! Last time I was Overweight, I felt Awesome! Seriously!!! Good for you, Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. adagray

    No Straws!!

    I love these Contigo auto-seal cups. Check it out here: http://www.target.com/mdp/B00260GLO6/ref=sr_qi_1_7?sr=1-7&qid=1274248530&asin=B00260GLO6 I got them in a 3-pack from costco. Each one holds 24 oz and they are BPA free. You press on the back and sip out of the front. I drink at least three full of Water every day and that way I know I have exceeded the 64 oz my doctor recommends.
  5. adagray

    Why So Different

    I really doubt anything is wrong. I also never had problems taking pills after surgery and felt ready to eat the next day. I emailed the nutritionist to see if she would OK with me eating real food sooner because I had consumed my entire bariatric clear plate at the hospital in about 10 minutes (broth, Jello, tea, and water). Of course, she said NO! My surgeon does allow her patients to go straight to real food on Day 4 post-op, though, and I did without any real trouble at all. In fact, I had Christmas dinner w/my family just 8 days later. I was very careful to take small portions and chew chew chew, but I didn't have any real problems. The reheated turkey the next day didn't feel great going down, but I never really slimed or PB'd until a couple months out. I did get stuck on a roll about three weeks post surgery, but that is the extent of any problems I had before my first fill. Anyway, so my only point of that long story is that it is true that everyone is really different. Some people have more of a swelling response to surgery and fills, but others have almost none. And, some people have a really sensitive gag reflex and others don't. So, at this point, I would just count yourself lucky because you are not having any problems and hopefully that is a good sign that you will tolerate your fills really well too. Since surgery, after a few fills, I've had really good restriction (very little hunger, satisfied on very little food), but could still take my pills and tolerate foods that others seem to have trouble with (chicken breast and red meat). But, I do have trouble w/bread and Pasta and have chosen not to 'go there' anymore.
  6. adagray

    How Much Do You Eat???

    I don't know for sure because I don't measure my food. My surgeon's rule is to just not eat for more than 20 minutes, 3 meals per day, and no snacking. This was really hard to do before restriction and so I would add a healthy snack or two and they were fine w/that (just meant I needed a fill). I do know my portions are much much less, though, even though I don't measure. I can only eat one chicken thigh or leg (not two or three like I used to). I can only eat about half the size piece of salmon than I used to. If we get pizza, it has to be thin crust for me and I can usually only eat one piece before I feel stuffed (when I used to be able to eat 4 pieces w/regular crust). Its really quite dramatic and takes time to get used to the smaller serving sizes. There are just a few things I can still eat a lot of... like salad and smoked salmon come to mind (sliders for me). I always have smoked salmon ready for protein when I am tight.
  7. adagray

    Help! My pants are too big!

    I have given up on buying pants/capris/shorts this Summer. And, then having to buy tops too that will coordinate. So, I'm buying all dresses instead. I've had great luck at Ross and Target and have bought several dresses that were all around $25 and very flattering. I also think I'll be able to wear them longer than a pair of pants since they are not fitted around the waist or hips. For strapless dresses or tank top styles, I bought a couple of shrugs. So, I can still wear those to church and other places where I don't feel comfortable going sleeveless.
  8. My surgeon has her patients go straight to real food (from clear liquids) on day 4 post-op. She has no full liquid stage or puree/mushy/soft phase. I was eating Christmas dinner 8 days post-op. All doctors are different so do w/that information what you like. ;->
  9. Reflux and night cough are definitely a sign of your band being too tight. I think if you are eating a couple hours before bed, that should be enough time. If you had said you were eating right before bed or within an hour, I might try cutting that out first (if you are otherwise happy w/your level of restriction). I used to always get reflux when I was pregnant in the 3rd trimester and had to watch what I ate later at night. And, also sleep on my back w/my head propped up on pillows. Its really pretty miserable and I personally wouldn't do it just to keep my band tighter. I think you could probably still have good restriction without being quite that tight. I'm actually going in for a slight unfill myself today because even just drinking Water is uncomfortable. I had a little reflux last night as well, but it was only water because I haven't eaten since my fill yesterday.
  10. I'm so glad you posted this. I actually have been doing the same math to motivate myself as well. My average since surgery is 1.59 pounds/week. And, my excess weight lost is easy since I want to lose 100 pounds. I've lost 42 pounds so far so that's 42%. Woohoo!!!!!! One thing that I've noticed w/the band that is so different from every other diet is that the weightloss seems to come off in spurts for me. So, instead of seeing a constant one or two pounds per week, I might see a four pound loss one week and then nothing for two weeks. If you have any self-doubt at all, then you start thinking the band is failing you and you're not gonna lose anymore. But, the longer you have the band, the more confident you get that you can rely on it. Also, the weight that comes off w/the band doesn't come back. At least for me, even if I break some rules or eat some things I shouldn't, I generally don't start gaining back. It might take me longer to see another loss, but the weight that's gone is really gone for good!
  11. I totally understand what you're saying. I am very conscious about choosing foods that I know won't get stuck when we go out. For me, soup or salad is always a safe bet. And, shrimp, crab, and most fish too. Plain cheese (no cracker) works too. At home, I'll eat chicken, steak, rice, and a lot of other stuff that I won't eat out just because sometimes it gets stuck and I don't want to be yakking something up in a public bathroom.
  12. That's awesome! Congrats to you on your success and inspiring others. I got the lapband after my Mom got it and had great success with it. And, I'm so thankful for her for showing me the way. If she had never got it done, I don't think it would ever have occurred to me to do it. I would've probably thought it was hopeless and wouldn't work (like everything else). And, it really is so great to have someone else in the family who has first-hand knowledge and you can be a support system to each other. My mom has taught me a lot, but now I am also teaching her because I discover things she didn't even know about because she's not on the computer as much as me.
  13. Update... I've decided to go for a slight unfill today. I have an appointment in 2 hours. Last night, I just kept getting tighter and tighter. Then, I decided to have some warm broth. Big Mistake! That made me swell almost completely shut. I had to spit out my saliva for awhile it was so bad. Then, I alternated between sipping really cold water and spitting out my saliva and that seemed to reduce the swelling enough so that I could sleep comfortably. I really did not want to have to go to the ER and end up w/a complete unfill. Woke up this morning feeling fine, but then took two tiny sips of water and started feeling all the gurgling and discomfort again. So, I don't know if the swelling would go down in a few days, but I can't even deal w/a few days of this. Plus, I had very good restriction after my last fill and did not have trouble with fluids. So, I really don't think it would get better enough to stick w/for the long run. Anyway, I hope she can just take maybe half out and I'll be good w/that. We shall see...
  14. I've been on this site for over a year and have never heard of anyone who ended up eating or peeing out of a tube because of the band. And, we have plenty of people here who have had their surgeries in Mexico. I would say that it is extremely important for you to do your own research on the surgeon and hospital you plan to use, whether it be here or Mexico or anywhere. There are plenty of bad surgeons and hospitals around the world. You might even poke around in the forum here for complications to see if anyone w/problems has gone to the surgeon you are choosing.
  15. adagray

    Giving up...

    I believe the roller-coaster has everything to do w/how hydrated vs. dehydrated you are at any given time. At least this is how it works for me. I can barely eat anything now when I am dehydrated, but feel like I can eat too much when I am well hydrated. So, I need to be more disciplined about getting my Water in ALL the time and staying away from alcohol (since it is a diuretic). I would say first try to increase your water and see if that helps. Then, if it doesn't, try a slight unfill. You've come too far to give up entirely, though. A small unfill may be all you need. Best of luck to you! Your weightloss is an inspiration!!!
  16. adagray

    Unfill before Trip??

    I wouldn't do it just for a trip. But, if you think you are too tight in general, then that's different. With my last fill, I've gone back and forth between being too tight and too loose. I think I'm finally ready for another fill, though, cause I've been more hungry than not for the past couple weeks. For me, its taken awhile to get good restriction so I guess that's why its not tempting at all to unfill just for a trip or occasion. Its taken so long to get this band really working for me and I just don't want to give that up and have to start over just so I can eat more for a trip. And, I did actually get too tight during my trip to Vegas a couple weekends ago. I probably did it to myself due to dehydration (drinking more alcohol than normal which is a diuretic). I ended up hardly being able to eat during the trip, but it didn't really bother me much. When I am too tight, the good thing is that I'm also not hungry. So, it doesn't phase me if everyone around me is eating. I even went to the Paris Buffet w/all my friends and used my lapband card for the first time so they would only charge me the child's price. Trust me, nobody really even notices what YOU are eating when they are going back over and over and over for more heaping plates of food. LOL I should also add, for my Vegas trip, I brought a bunch of Protein shots w/me and was so thankful I had them. It made it so much easier to just be able to eat whatever sounded good or that I knew would go down easy and then supplement w/the protein shots between meals.
  17. adagray

    stuck on...

    I was never able to make myself throw up before, but since being banded, I've learned that if I force myself to cough, I eventually cough up the offending food. I know its a bummer that some bad foods go down easy and some good foods just get stuck. One thing I do w/the bad foods is if I want some, I eat only a little at the end of a meal (so my pouch is already full). This way I can be satisfied on only one chocolate or a couple bites of sorbet.
  18. adagray

    Az bandsters

    I'm in AZ too, banded by Dr. Blackstone of Scottsdale Bariatric Center. Unfortunately, my insurance just dropped Blackstone so she is no longer in-network for me. I need to switch to another doctor for fills, but there's only a few that my insurance covers. Dr. Terry Simpson is one of them. Has anyone gone to him and know his process for fills?
  19. Yes. Generally speaking, a smaller body burns less calories per day. So, all else being equal... if exercise, calories, and muscle mass are equal between a person who weighs more vs less, then the person who weighs less will lose weight more slowly. As a person w/a lower BMI, the best thing you can do to speed your weightloss is exercise more and build more muscle mass. Also, I think for anyone (high BMI or low BMI), its best not to compare your rate of loss to anyone else. Concentrate on what you can do w/your own body to lose as best you can. You can't switch bodies or metabolism w/anyone else so its just wasted energy to compare.
  20. This is really sad. The highest I have been is just shy of 250 and at my height (5'5"), it was really effecting me physically. It is inconceivable to me that someone could be happy at 600 pounds and want to gain more weight. Physically, it has to be soooooooo hard (not even to mention emotionally). I think she must be in deep deep denial and possibly other mental issues as well.
  21. adagray

    Pain reliever-post op

    My doctor said the same thing. She said that I should make an appointment w/my PCP to discuss other options for any NSAIDS I was taking. My PCP actually prescribed Percocet for my monthly cramps. That works great, but not so much if my cramps come on during the day because I can't/won't take the Percocet if I have to drive anywhere. I'm gonna ask her if I can possibly have the Rx NSAID I used to take sent over to a compounding pharmacy to have it ground up and put in a liquid/suspension form so I have something that works during the day. We shall see...
  22. adagray

    Lean Quisine???

    I really like Amy's and CedarLane organic frozen meals. The taste is better and all the ingredients are real food (no chemicals or stuff you can't pronounce). Just be careful to make sure it has enough protein for the calorie content. And, some of them are tricky and say there are two servings (like for two enchiladas), but I eat both so have to double all the info. I just aim for at least 20g of protein for less than 400 calories. If some fall below 20g protein, sometimes I will add a little cheese or greek yogurt. Or, just make up for it in another meal or snack.
  23. LB is a walk-in-the-park compared to c-section plus you don't have a new baby to take care of or the hormonal roller-coaster. The gas pains are 'different', though. Sometimes you can get one that comes on strong all of a sudden. I recommend having a heating pad to roll up and put on your shoulder when/if you get any bad gas pains.
  24. adagray

    Before and After

    Oh my gosh, I can see a huge difference in your whole body! Look at your teeny tiny waist!!! I can't wait to get my waist back. Congrats to you!!!
  25. adagray

    Too Thin for Surgery!

    This is an exciting milestone for me. Yep, I now have a BMI of 34.8... too thin for surgery. Well, according to my insurance that is. Of course, I still have a lot to lose to get to a healthy weight. But, I am down 40 pounds now and boy can I feel a difference. I have a ton more energy and everything seems physically easier. :smile2: Its the little things that really add up. Its easier to do the dishes, the laundry, pick stuff up off the floor, even just reaching across the big tub to turn the water on and off for the kids when they take a bath. I know that sounds crazy, but I used to feel like I was gonna fall over when I did that because I had 40 more pounds hanging off of me and mostly in the front of my belly.:smile: I was trying to explain to my DH just what a difference it has made and the best example I had was for him to imagine that he had to carry our daughter, Jillian, around all day every day for everything he had to do. She weighs 37 pounds right now. Yeah, its amazing!!! :thumbup: Well, I can now say w/confidence that this band is really working for me. I am one month out from my last fill and my restriction is holding strong. Occasionally I feel a little too tight and occasionally I feel a little too loose, but for the most part I feel just right. I am eating three meals a day (no snacks) and not feeling hungry in between. Went to Vegas this past weekend and still lost two more pounds this week! Woohoo!!! :w00t:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
