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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by katrbro

  1. I have been banded for 3yrs this coming June. When I started exercising post-op I tried walking first. But due to Lupus and Fibromyalgia it was very hard on my body. So I began doing Water aerobics. I joined a class and did an hour 3 days a week. It helped soooo much and I was able to do things in the water I couldn't out of it. I was able to drop 20-30 pounds. I was then able to add walking and other things back into my workout.I am now down to my goal and traning for my first half marathon... Good Luck with your weight loss
  2. katrbro

    Water aerobics

    I have been banded two years this month. I started out with water aerobics because I have lupus and Fibromyalgia. My first class I was so sore every part of my body hurt. I went back the next day and everyday there after for the entire summer. I took the high impact class after the first two weeks. It was awesome it set the start for a great workout habit. I am now past my goal weight and don't think I could have done it if not for starting in the water. Good luck to you...
  3. I was approved by tricare and got my band june 1 this year
  4. katrbro

    me and my bff

  5. katrbro

    No longer the doormat!

    You look so great, you give me hope. I was just banded june 1st. I have lost 25lbs, but I am getting crazy about getting under 200lbs. i have been dancing around 205. But looking at you in your dress (oh and love the shoes) has given me the pick me up I needed. So thanks

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