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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ibtrouble

  1. I made that same mistake but I let mine go much longer. I was initially successful with the band slowly the weight came off but I quit working it. I wanted the band to do everything for me. Some health problems kept me away but I logged back in TODAY and reset my Ticker....and read your post!

    I have enrolled in a support program including nutritionist and medical support. Thanks for sharing your story- it made a difference to me right now....

  2. Stay strong! I am very disappointed in myself. I haven't exercised as I should and feel awful. I have only lost 29 lbs in 6 months? I fully expected so much more from myself. I am down 2 sizes in clothes but am begining to feel like a fool for failing again.

    I want you all to succeed...I want it for myself too...it just seems out of reach. I liked the idea of an OEA class...something to give me support...

    best wishes to you ALL!


  3. Just checking in...I had my second fill on Tuesday and I'm up to 5cc. I am anxious to hit that sweet spot and start feeling some serious restriction. I was kind of emotional at my visit but my surgeon was so supportive. He said 'BE PATIENT' and told me I am doing good! I don't know if I could do this if he wasn't so kind and such a good listener. And his office staff is always supportive.

    Anyway...I am feeling great, finally feeling restriction and now I just need to up my exercise. It's so hard...

    Good luck to everyone!:eek:

  4. I need a reality check...I am getting depressed because the pounds are not coming off as I expected. I only have 2cc in my Realize band, and don't have much restriction AT ALL yet...but I am feeling very blue because I can't seem to break that 20 lbs point. It has been almost 6 weeks...should I just chill out and work my band? am I wanting too much? my clothes are a little loose and my family says they can tell in my face some, but I am REALLY down today...can someone throw me a few encouraging words?:rolleyes:

  5. Do what your surgeon says to do. Mine gave us guidelines but I felt pretty good and could eat a fair amount...like a can of pureed split pea Soup, etc. He didn't seem to faint or fuss when I told him...liquids and mushies go through fairly easily and as long as you aren't putting foods back in too early (follow your timeline you were given) I think it's ok if you have a little more; check to be sure. Just realize this is a time for healing, not losing. Don't flip out if you don't lose, or actually gain. It takes a while to get restriction and move forward.

    Thanks for posting this...it's just what I needed to hear today. I have lost initially, yet have put a few pounds back on. I'm 3 wks post op and getting VERY hungry. I guess I have a HUGE fear of failure at this point and want so desperately to see results. I am praying for patience...and also want to feel like this is a new life for me and not another diet that will fail. Right now, it just feels like a diet since I don't have restriction yet. Anyway...thanks for the post!:tongue2:

  6. My wife and I are in serious contemplation about getting banded. I am a pastor and my wife is a teacher. We have been amazed at the perceived quality of care by Dr. Ortiz in Mexico and the price. It is half the cost of a self-pay at our closest surgical clinic offering this surgery! We both have Blue Cross, but neither of our carriers covers weight-related surgeries or procedures. We are wondering a couple of things:

    1) If you and your spouse did it at the same time, what was it like?

    2) What is the worst thing that you have heard in terms of a complication?

    3) What have you heard about excess skin and/or liposuction needs once the majority of excess weight was shed?

    Anyone else from Central Mississippi here?


    Pertaining to 'extra skin' after wt loss...with the Lap-band the wt loss is much more healthy and 'gradual' on avg 1-2 lbs per week. My Surgeon said plastic surgery post lap band is less common since the wt loss is slower and your body adjusts better.

  7. Hey to everyone in the Mississippi family!! I live in North MS and I have been researching lapband surgery for several months now. It is so reassuring to read all of your posts and see how well you are all doing!! Kudos to you all!!! I am so thankful that I found these forums and would really appreciate any guidance you all could give me!!

    I have so many questions (concerns) I don't even know where to start!! :scared2: My biggest concern at this point is exactly where to have the surgery done. I am self pay so of course money is a concern. I am considering surgery with Dr. Ortiz in Mexico, but I am worried about not being able to get affordable fills in my area. Does anyone know of a doctor in the North MS area that does fills if you have surgery in Mexico?? I've read the posts about Dr. Byars in Oxford, but I can't afford to pay $700 for a fill!! I also wonder if it wouldn't be about the same price to use Dr. Byars for the surgery once all the costs of having the surgery in Mexico are figured in?? Any suggestions??

    I'm also worried about the longterm effects of the band and the port, like does the port protrude out especially after lots of weight loss??

    Thanks for any and all advice you all could give me and I am really excited to get to know everyone!!

    I don't know how much it costs to go to Mexico to have your surgery done, but Dr. King and Dr. Byars have a cash price for the lap band. ?I think it was between 12 and 15,000. I can't remember. I do remember that after the surgery then your fills only cost $100 plus you would have the comfort of knowing they would take care of you if there were problems.

    There are pros and cons to every situation and it sounds like you are considering all your options...Good Luck with your decision!:biggrin:

  8. My surgery is tomorrow. I have to go in to the hospital at 5 am for surgery at 7 am. I am excited and nervous. Plus, I don't have any real loose clothes to wear- which I JUST thought of. Anything else I should take to the hospital? Was anyone bored? I will be there a full day and overnight. Will I sleep pretty much the whole time? Hope someone is still awake to respond...

    :biggrin: socks, underwear without holes, maybe a magazine or book...there's never anything on TV. You won't sleep the whole time. Make sure you have a big soft shirt that will be comfortable to wear home from the hospital. some deoderant and a toothbrush and you're ALL set! I took my soft pillow off my bed- it's nice to have! Good Luck...you're gonna be fine.

  9. Well don't be anxious! be proud! you are being very brave and taking the first big step to becoming more healthy....it's scary, but this is a proven tool to help us reach our goals.

    I take lots of comfort in prayer and also...you might try guided imagery tapes.- just tapes with relaxing music and nice voice telling you to relax and guides you through letting go of your anxiety. Just a suggestion- it works for me and I get anxious over all this too!

    Best wishes!

  10. My Doc will have me on clear liquids for a week after surgery, too. I have bought 12 boxes of Sugarfree Jello!!! hee hee! I'm sure I will have to get some chicken broth for some Protein, too. Did your Doc. fill the band when it was placed? Mine does it at the follow-up appt.

    Dont forget sugar free popsicles! they are awesome and help you stay hydrated.

    Congrats and Good Luck!

    I have just graduated to full liquids and I'm in heaven...:laugh:

  11. I am sure I am drinking enough, but will drink more. Unfortunatley I can not take stool softeners, don't laugh, but I am highly allergic to them. I will try the popcycles and Jello, but I am concerned that I have to take a multivit., and they alone cause constapation. Adding that to my already existing problem...I should call the bariatric center...

    Yep...you are right about that! those Multivitamins will back things up significantly. Call the center...maybe they can get creative with some natural supplement to make 'things happen'....I will be hoping you get relief soon!

  12. HANG IN THERE!!! I went through this same routine when I was banded. I was hungry, hurting and tired!! I went into a big slump post op day 4 & 5. I woke up in the middle of the night and all I did was cry for a few hours wondering WTH I did to myself. food and shopping were my BIGGEST friends when I got in a slump and I couldnt have either. I talked to my friend on this forum and my family and friends here at home and by the end of day 5 , I was no longer hungery and better than ever!!! SO MANY people reached out to help and coming to this site each day is my saving prayer. Im addicted, I cant wait to hear how people are doing and who has had or having their surgery. I am on post op day 12 and havent missed a beat!! 12 lbs down after suregery and my first fill is on 12/30. Keep your head up, its tough sometimes, but I promise, you WILL get through those tough times!!!

    Thanks so much for the words of encouragement! it's day 4 post op and I am HUNGRY!!! but holding out for greater rewards in the long run!....

  13. I am on the pre-surgery liquid diet and I am extremely thirsty. I am drinking constantly- more than I need to, but nothing helps. I am also very constipated (TMI) and cause ripping an bleeding every time I have a BM. Anyone else with this problem? Oh, MOM not helping.

    are you measuring how much liquid you are drinking? You might not be getting all that you think you are...also try Jello and popsicles to get in additional hydration *sugar free of course.

    Give your surgeon a call and see if a stool softener would be appropriate...MAKE SURE you are getting those basic 64oz a day down!

  14. I got a call earlier today and my surgery has been pushed back one day. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but I'm a little bummed out, as I've already prepared myself for this day for so long. So, now I am a Dec 20th bandster!

    Remember that everything happens for a reason...it might turn out to be a perfect day for your surgeon to do his best job! Keep all in perspective and know that you are changing your life! one day won't be remembered...

  15. Do your homework! it's not just the surgeon you're checking out...it's the hospital and the nurses that will care for you. I did lots of research both online and with my insurance company *they have quality ratings on facilities and surgeons.

    Even though CMMC is 20 minutes from my home, I chose to drive 2.5 hours to use Dr. Michael King at Baptist Memorial in Oxford MS. They are a top notch program. Dr. King is a true sweetheart- imagine this; a doctor that makes eye contact and sits down and talks with you until you have no more questions! His bedside manner is great. He puts you at ease and is not intimidated or put out if you ask questions or want to participate in your care and decision making!

    Everything was VERY organized and put together! they have the process down to an art. I can't say enough nice things about his office staff and also the staff that cared for me at the hospital. As a nurse, I'm kind of picky...but they handled every detail this allowed me to relax some!

    I won't say anything against any other program near me, only that after checking everything out I chose to drive to Oxford and have been very happy about that decision for me.

    Talk to patients that have had lap band; check out the hospital quality ratings; is the Doctor's office clean? do they return your calls promptly? do they make you feel 'rushed' or welcomed? Does your doctor wash his hands before he examines you? *it's the little things that mean alot.

    Just a few rantings...hope maybe something will be helpful to you!


  16. :blushing: Well, just made it through post op day 3. I had to have a HUGE hiatel hernia repaired at the time of my banding, but I really thought I would be up and back to normal more than I am at this point. I'm hungry, but seem to be satisfied with broth and popsicles so far. I am still holding lots of Fluid *about 7 pounds from pre-op weight, is that normal? I just feel kind of tired out and tummy still sore.

    Not meaning to whine...just feeling a little low right now. I know I have done the right thing, just hurting and tired. any words of wisdom?


  17. Suprise! I got a call from my surgeon's office Wednesday night saying they had a cancellation for Friday was I interested? This meant I would miss one more long week of slim-fast! So I said yes of course!

    The rest was a roller-coaster of emotions...anxiety, fear...I was in Boston on business and had to fly home in time for the surgery. I made it home on time, arrived at the hospital Friday at the crack of dawn and all went smoothly. The nursing staff really put me at ease, they were awesome.

    Post operatively; main pain was from positioning during surgery...I felt like I had been sleeping on a sharp rock or something...had some pain in my neck, and it felt like I had been doing lots of sit-ups and my stomach was sore but that was it! I got up and walked twice that night after surgery, walked again the next morning...and went home. They kept me over-night because I live 2.5 hours from the hospital. It's probably important to mention; I had a HUGE hiatel hernia that had to be repaired at the same time as my band. I also chose to have the REALIZE band due to the additional online support postoperatively.

    Anyhow...it's my second day postop and I have had my shower and beginning to feel like a real person again! I am not hungry *except in my head....and ready to begin my new life...

    Preop wt 266, ht 5'9":scared2:

    no worries...:tongue2:

  18. I'm a December Bandster...down for 12/19. I'm on day 3 of my pre-op diet and have had 'little indiscretions' every day. A few crackers here, goldfish there... Why am I doing this if I can't even stick to the pre-op plan. I am scared...But I have lost 4 lbs as of today despite my best efforts so I won't give up just yet. Also, I'm VERY grouchy...anyone who says this is the easy way out is insane.:sad_smile:

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