Hi, Please allow me to introduce myself to a place where I can relate to many and many can relate to me.
My name is Caryn which does not sound like Karen, it sounds like Cuh-rin.
I weigh 265 and I am 5'7.
I have battled my weight since I was a little kid. I went to fat camp in 4th grade, and I have tried to diet ever since. I guess it has not worked.
I am 33 and have a super hot loving husband, and 5 beautiful children ranging from 6mths-7yrs old.
Two of my children are on the Autism Spectrum, and through them I have recognized that we all have special needs.
A few months ago I went to a seminar about the lapband. I thought, what if I shell out money, and my insurance does not cover the rest? Then I decided to try to diet one more time unsuccessfully.
Recently, my father fell ill. During this time he felt the fear that I might lose him, and my children might lose me before growing up due to me being overweight. So in an act of kindness and caring he decided he wanted to pay for any amount that my insurance would not pay in order for me to get banded.
I am currently waiting for an appointment to persue the next step in the process, and I am excited to finally have something that will truly help me with portion control, losing weight, and that I may be able to jump on the trampoline with my kids someday.
If you have read this far, thank you, and I look forward to getting to know you all.