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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by misslinda

  1. misslinda

    thought I would have lost more ..

    Mary Thanks so much for the info. I've already gone to the web site and so far it's good reading. I'll keep you posted. Also, I see I really have to be strong during this holiday season. The people I work with are bringing food in every day and even small bites can be detrimental to my goal.
  2. Seems like everything comes with a price. Now it seems like I have gallstones!!! :frown:

  3. misslinda

    thought I would have lost more ..

    I noticed a lot of you had tickerfactory.com on your posts. I just found that site. I'll post my ticker scale soon.
  4. misslinda

    thought I would have lost more ..

    Thanks for your comments. Yes I think I should see a nutritionist also. There's one a the hospital where I had my surgery. At first I was eating all liquids and soft foods but I quickly got tired of that. I still don't eat beef or anything fried and drink a protein shake every morning. I eat several small meals but I must not be doing the combinations right. Do you know of any good web sites with eating programs designed for people with lap bands?
  5. misslinda

    thought I would have lost more ..

    Thank you all for your replies. Tonight I start doing water aerobics. I also have arthritis and believe this will be better for my joints. I have been reading a lot of the comments and I truly didn't know there were so many people who chose the lap band. It's somewhat comforting to know that I am not the only one who had some doubts that this was a good decision. Mary, like you said, those numbers on the scale is the last time I will see those again!! And *Love*, they did tell me that the band would be slower, but I just didn't think it would be this slow! LOL
  6. Hello everyone, I found this site yesterday totally by mistake. I enjoyed reading the posts from other lap band patients and realized that some of the issues I had was experienced by others. I had the band surgery done on June 30th 2008 and at that time I was weighing 310 lbs. This morning I weighed 280.6. I have to admit that I was hoping to have lost more weight by now. I have had three fills and it wasn't until the last one that I really started to feel a difference. I have small goals set for myself and now my goal is to be down to 270 by Christmas. I had a choice to have the band or the bypass and there are days I wish I had chosen the bypass. Does anyone else feel that way? Linda
  7. misslinda

    thought I would have lost more ..

    I felt like you. I have been very slow loosing the weight. But don't get discouraged. I had my 3rd fill a couple of weeks ago and now I’m beginning to lose more. Sometimes it just takes more time with some more than others. I have to keep reminding myself that it took me years to put it on and even with the band, it’s going to take time to come off
  8. misslinda

    Before Picture

    This was taken three weeks before my surgery. Surgery was done on June 30, 2008. I was weighing 310 lbs.
  9. misslinda

    Hot day in Georgia!!

    From the album: Before Picture

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
