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LAP-BAND Patients
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About misslinda

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/12/1951
  1. Happy 62nd Birthday misslinda!

  2. Happy 61st Birthday misslinda!

  3. misslinda

    thought I would have lost more ..

    Mary Thanks so much for the info. I've already gone to the web site and so far it's good reading. I'll keep you posted. Also, I see I really have to be strong during this holiday season. The people I work with are bringing food in every day and even small bites can be detrimental to my goal.
  4. Seems like everything comes with a price. Now it seems like I have gallstones!!! :frown:

  5. misslinda

    thought I would have lost more ..

    I noticed a lot of you had tickerfactory.com on your posts. I just found that site. I'll post my ticker scale soon.
  6. misslinda

    thought I would have lost more ..

    Thanks for your comments. Yes I think I should see a nutritionist also. There's one a the hospital where I had my surgery. At first I was eating all liquids and soft foods but I quickly got tired of that. I still don't eat beef or anything fried and drink a protein shake every morning. I eat several small meals but I must not be doing the combinations right. Do you know of any good web sites with eating programs designed for people with lap bands?
  7. misslinda

    thought I would have lost more ..

    Thank you all for your replies. Tonight I start doing water aerobics. I also have arthritis and believe this will be better for my joints. I have been reading a lot of the comments and I truly didn't know there were so many people who chose the lap band. It's somewhat comforting to know that I am not the only one who had some doubts that this was a good decision. Mary, like you said, those numbers on the scale is the last time I will see those again!! And *Love*, they did tell me that the band would be slower, but I just didn't think it would be this slow! LOL
  8. misslinda

    thought I would have lost more ..

    I felt like you. I have been very slow loosing the weight. But don't get discouraged. I had my 3rd fill a couple of weeks ago and now I’m beginning to lose more. Sometimes it just takes more time with some more than others. I have to keep reminding myself that it took me years to put it on and even with the band, it’s going to take time to come off
  9. Hello everyone, I found this site yesterday totally by mistake. I enjoyed reading the posts from other lap band patients and realized that some of the issues I had was experienced by others. I had the band surgery done on June 30th 2008 and at that time I was weighing 310 lbs. This morning I weighed 280.6. I have to admit that I was hoping to have lost more weight by now. I have had three fills and it wasn't until the last one that I really started to feel a difference. I have small goals set for myself and now my goal is to be down to 270 by Christmas. I had a choice to have the band or the bypass and there are days I wish I had chosen the bypass. Does anyone else feel that way? Linda
  10. misslinda

    Before Picture

    This was taken three weeks before my surgery. Surgery was done on June 30, 2008. I was weighing 310 lbs.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
