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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Lufferly

  1. I've been trying to understand this, and I don't seem to quite get it. Why is it that we can't drink anything within 30 minutes before eating. I understand why we can't drink during and after eating, but it's the before that confuses me. Since Water just goes straight down the pipe, wouldn't it not be a worry to stretch the pouch if it's only before eating?

  2. I have the exact opposite. My scar from where my port was, has adhesions on the inside that pull it in so it's a constant indented spot. Bugs the crap outta me! I was REALLY hoping that they could go in through that scar for my RNY, but alas, they couldn't use it.

  3. So I'm on purees now and I feel like I can eat way more than I should be able to. I'm able to eat like 5.5 oz of food over 30 minutes before I get the full sensation. I just had the RNY, shouldn't I only be able to eat like 2 oz before I feel full?

    Is it different because of the food texture? Will I be able to eat more of the purees/soft foods, then less of the solids? I've lost 10 lbs since surgery, but haven't lost anything (in fact I've gained about .5 lb) in the last 3 days.... I'm already feeling like this was for nothing if I'm eating enough to gain weight! **I do think part of it is that for the majority of the first 2 weeks, I was only able to drink about 4 cups of Water a day, and I'm finally starting to drink closer to 8 cups**

    So yes... how much can you eat post op? How much of softer foods? How much of more solid foods? How far out are you?

  4. I'm getting RNY next Wednesday, 11/16/16!!!! I'm crazy excited and pretty nervous, too. Question is, and I've asked the surgeon, but can't seem to completely wrap my head around it.... How exactly do you get full and have it last? Surgeon said that stomach size will be about 2 TBSP, but fullness only lasts about 4-5 minutes, as the food will travel into the intestines, then you continue eating..

    *If the food just moves out of the stomach after 4-5 minutes, how will I get the full feeling to last between meals?

    *Is the idea of every meal to eat enough to fill up my intestines and my stomach?

    *How much can YOU eat after surgery? How long does it usually take to get the full feeling?

  5. I need help!!!! I was banded May 2009, and have since lost about 93-94 pounds... in December, i had to take pills, and cut them up, which irritated my band. I didn't give it time to heal, and for over 6 months, I was throwing up everything I ate. I had an unfill at the end of June, and let myself heal, then 2 weeks later I had a fill (not as full as before, but a fill). Since then, the band has once again gotten too tight, and I have had another unfill. Now, the band is once again too tight... What is going on? Did the irritation just not have a chance to heal properly, or is something wrong? I was tested for a slipped band, and it's not slipped. It's located perfectly. It's caused more problems in the last 10 months than it has done good, and I'm seriously thinking about having it removed... PLEASE HELP!

  6. I'm on my 6th treatment of laser hair removal on my upper eye brows, upper lip, underarm, lower leg, and entire brazilian area... I couldn't be happier! It hurts like hell, but i love being hairless and not having to worry about shaving! I just hope it doesn't get hairy again when i get prego.

  7. I have also been irregular my entire life, the ONLY thing that I found that provided reliable, healthy relief, was exercise. I worked out 5 days a week in the morning, and after a couple weeks, I was regular! It was a miracle. However, I stopped working out, and have found myself back in the state where I can not go without a laxative. I would suggest a regular exercise routine and see if that helps any.

  8. I just bought the GoWear Fit, and got it in the mail on Wednesday. Happy early birthday present to myself.

    I love it so far, i'm a very visual person, so i love being able to see the charts and what not. The GWF is comfortable most of the time, i usually forget it's there.

    So far, so good. I cant wait to see the results I get with it.

  9. I want one of these... however i can't decide which is better. What do you all think? For those of you who have one or the other... what do you like about the one you have? What do you wish were different? Do you wish you had the other one?

    I just need some input on people who use these things.

  10. GRR! I can't seem to break past 197-199. Last friday I got to 196.8, but now i'm bouncing around between 197 and 199... :)

    How did you ladies break past your plateaus? This stinks... I want to lose as much as I can by my birthday which is only a month away.. What were some of your tips?

  11. Well my body is...strange and horrible then. I only lose weight if I eat under 900-1000 calories a day. If I eat around 1200-1500 I start gaining...:lol: damn.

    That seems to be happening to me too... it stinks. I was doing great for the past couple weeks, and now... i've gained a pound or two, and i can't shake them. it's frustrating, i REALLY want to get 180 by my birthday, but it doesn't look like that'll happen.

    gotta kick my own ass at the gym tomorrow! 4 days without workin out....:thumbup:

  12. Personal pizza

    -1 whole wheat pita

    -2 Tbsp pizza sauce

    -3 oz chicken (cut up into small pieces)

    -1 Tbsp ranch (I like wishbone lite ranch)

    -2 slices provolone cheese

    -2 tsp hot sauce (if you want a kick)

    -spread hot sauce on pita

    -mix chicken and ranch (and hot sauce) in a bowl

    -pour mixture onto pita

    -cover with provolone cheese

    -bake 12 min at 400

    -broil on high until browning on top

    Tuna Melt

    -4 pieces whole wheat melba toast

    -1 can chunk light tuna in Water (I like chicken of the sea)

    -2 Tbsp ranch (same kind as above)

    -2 slices american cheese (I like 2%)

    -salt and pepper for taste

    -drain tuna, then mix with ranch and S&P

    -spoon even amounts onto pieces of melba toast

    -fold each piece of cheese in half to make 4 pieces, then place on each mini melt

    -heat in microwave for 30 seconds, or longer to melt more

    Stuffed shells

    -3 to 4 large Pasta shells

    -6 Tbsp low fat cream cheese

    -1 oz chicken cut up in pieces

    -1 slice provolone cheese

    -2 tbsp pizza sauce (or spaghetti sauce)

    -cook Pasta shells

    -put chicken, cream cheese, and provolone cheese in bowl, then heat for 1 min--mix up

    -fill each shell with equal amounts of mixture

    -spoon sauce over

    Cordon bleu

    -1 chicken breast

    -1 slice swiss cheese

    -1 slice ham (lunch meat works great)

    -egg white wash

    -1/4 cup bread crumbs

    -pound chicken breast to 1/4 inch thickness

    -layer cheese and ham on chicken

    -roll up (place a toothpick to hold it)

    -cover with egg white to moisten the chicken

    -roll in bread crumbs

    -bake at 375 for 30 min (or to internal temp of 175)

    (red sauce on top is good, but not necessary)

  13. -So... here's an update. I haven't been able to run since last week because it's hurt my knee so bad.

    -I bartended a party tonight, and there was an E.R. doc as a guest, so I asked if he could check out my knee.

    -He said i pulled my ligaments because I have flat feet that pull too hard on them.

    -He said that I'm out of commision (as far as running goes) for 3-6 weeks.

    -I'm REALLY sad because now I'll have to push back my training that much.

    -I was really loving being able to move...

    -Now i'm getting really discouraged because the scale doesn't seem to be moving enough for the work that I was doing, and now that I can't to treadmil work, I feel totally unmotivated, and have cheated for the past couple days...

    -I need help to get back on track... :frown:

    -I'm very disappointed for letting myself get so discouraged so quickly.....

  14. Alright. Totally overtraining! I took the day off yesterday, and the legs felt a bit better today, but not good enough to run on... learned that the hard way. So i walked, and I'm going to start weight training tomorrow. I like Kathybad's idea. Mon-Wed-Fri I'll do weights, and Tues-Thurs-Sat I'll run, and rest on Sundays. Hopefully that'll help melt the pounds too... Still got 24 more to lose by 8/30/09! WHOO!

  15. Oh yeah. I thought I'd let you all know. I joined the PPRR (Pikes Peak Road Runners.) And I have picked out about 11 races I want to run/walk by the end of the year. **I know, I'm ambitious** And there's a local group, the Jack Quinn Running Group, that I think I'm going to run with. They do a 5k every tuesday. They call it a Run / Walk / Trot / Stagger / Crawl to the finish. So everyone's welcome, and it'll get me involved with locals.:tongue_smilie:

  16. So, I think you're right. I'm overtraining. I just read the program again, and it says I'm only supposed to train 3 times a week. I've been training every day. So, I'm taking today off... hopefully I'll feel good enough to run by tomorrow, if not, then I guess 2 days off.

    It makes me feel REALLY guilty when I don't run. Now that I'm in the habit, I feel like I'm cheating when I don't exercise. I don't want to get too comfortable sitting around again.

  17. Kathy, I hope they pick you to carry the torch. That'd be awesome!

    Man, this running thing doesn't feel like it's getting any easier. It does when I first start... then by my 4th jogging/running interval, I feel like I'm ready to quit... I don't, but I sure feel like it. It doesn't feel like I'll be ready to do the next set by wednesday... When does it get easier? Lol.:eek:

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