Hi -- I'm a year out (down 70 lbs) and I have struggled with motivation. At the advice of my therapist I started practicing some cognitive therapy techniques. In short, you start becoming aware of the negative messages going through your head (there are probably lots, just grab a few). After you've identified the messages, first say to yourself (or out loud) STOP. The next step is refuting the message. I thought this was absolute crap at first. WHile I'm doing it, especially if I'm in a tizzy over something, I refute a negative message and I feel stupid -- kind of like, yeah, like that is going to work. But I'm telling you, from a hard core skeptic, that it works. Just do it no matter how stupid you feel.
And yes, small changes at a time. I was on a chocolate kick and I started saying to myself "yay for me" when I ate LESS chocolate. I kept doing it and now I just have it once in a while.
You can do it! We can do it. I hope this helps in some small way.