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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ichefmastersgirl

  1. ichefmastersgirl


    Doing great! Doing so well Dr. Let me come home a day early! We were having so many tremors that the Internet is not up and running at the hospital!
  2. ichefmastersgirl


    All is well done a few laps of walking now going to rest Kathy
  3. ichefmastersgirl


    Nope not yet the crazy thing is we had a 5.5 quake and I am now sitting outside:( Kathy
  4. ichefmastersgirl

    Mexicali---any updates?

    Hay everyone I am here! Hotel is great see some damage around town! Tomorrow is the big day for me everything seems to be getting back to normal! The wait was worth it and I feel very comfortable being down here by myself! Thanks for the support! Kathy
  5. I am on my way today! If I am up and about come see me tomorrow! 4 day delay on my surgery but that was Gods will! Have a safe flight! Kathy
  6. Ok on my way to Mexicali tomorrow!:thumbup: Revision band to sleeve surgery on Monday April the 5th. I have so many things swimming around in this pretty little head of mine. One question I have for people that have had the revision from band to sleeve is about post op. I still follow all the band rules and I have been for over a year and no longer have head hungry issues does that start over again with the sleeve?? Do you believe that having the band has given you a head start?? I think those are the only 2 questions I have right now. Just excited to finish what I have started.:thumbup1: Kathy
  7. ichefmastersgirl

    Heading out Tomorrow!!!

    All right how many of you get to say this twice......Heading to Mexicali tomorrow.....yeah!!! Everything is going great and back on track so they can do my surgery on Thursday! I did talk to 2 people down there when it all happened they had theirs done today. They are all fine...scared....but fine. Part of the hotel was damaged but being fixed as we speak. Not much damage done to hospital...few damaged air conditioning ducts..things knocked over and ceiling tiles fell. But nothing major. Ann Marie and David hope you had an uneventful day and you are doing well tonight. Kathy
  8. ichefmastersgirl

    Hey full liquid friends.....

    Teresa I was just thinking about you and wondering how you were doing? I finally get to have mine done on Thursday. It is so nice to kind of follow you and Anna to kind of see what is coming next. Hope you have a great day! Kathy
  9. ichefmastersgirl

    Heading out Tomorrow!!!

    Ok so now I have a maybe for Thursday!!! My oh my this is one wild roller coaster ride!!! Wheeeeeee ( my hands are in the air right now and I am holding my breathe)! Kathy
  10. ichefmastersgirl

    Heading out Tomorrow!!!

    Dude, I should of thought of that I had not ate anything that day and they were already poking and prodding in that area. I should have just told them to knock my ASS out.:sad0: Oh well! They probably could have not handled us both at the same time. HAHAHAH Thanks for the pick me up:thumbup: Kathy
  11. ichefmastersgirl

    Heading out Tomorrow!!!

    It looks like I will be pushed back to next week!:sad0: That is if I keep my fingers crossed. For everyone else flying down there this week I hope you have a safe trip and I will be thinking about you all. Kathy
  12. ichefmastersgirl

    Heading out Tomorrow!!!

    Center was Baja, Mexicali, Mexico.7.2 I live in Yuma Arizona and it was about 6.9. Kathy
  13. ichefmastersgirl

    Mexicali---any updates?

    I have a feeling we will be there at the same time:thumbup: I believe it is meant to be that we meet. Have a great day and tell your friends to take a deep breath and you will be fine because you will be with a staff that did a great job through the whole thing and that your doctor refused to do surgeries until everything was perfect. Have a great day. Kathy
  14. ichefmastersgirl

    Mexicali---any updates?

    I am not there i live close by in Yuma. I was going on the day it happened and they called me and told me not to come. I know of 3 People that are there Ann Marie, David and Scott. Scott is the one who sent me the update. He told me the other 2 are fine and I think are getting their surgeries tomorrow. I have not heard from anyone about mine being rescheduled yet. So my life is on hold and my bag sits by the door ready to go. Kathy
  15. ichefmastersgirl

    Mexicali---any updates?

    Sitting in my hospital bed doing something online I started to hear what I thought was someone rolling a hospital bed down the hallway outside my room.* The noise got a little louder and everything started shaking a little more as it approached my room.* About 5 seconds after the shaking started, I realized it wasn?t a bed, but could only assume it was an earthquake.* Having never been through an earthquake, I really didn?t know what to do.* An email I once received instantly popped into my head.* Its subject line was, ?this could one day save your life?, and was an email about earthquakes and collapsed buildings.* The article stated that one should never lay beneath an object, but rather beside it (couch or bed or something big that wouldn?t compress).* The reason being is that when a building collapses, there is an air space created right next to the object that would give a person a better chance to survive.* As the shaking and noise intensified and the lights started flickering, I decided that I didn?t feel like being crushed to death today and got out of my bed and onto the floor beside it.* I lay there staring at the ceiling and just assumed the building was coming down.* How could it not?* How on earth does the ground just start moving like this?* It was the most un-natural feeling to me?no control, just laying there waiting for something to happen.* I?m not sure how long it lasted; my guess would be 30-40 seconds.* It stopped pretty sudden like, not like how it began.* It was at its max, then it was done very shortly after that.* I got up, thanked God for keeping me safe and opened my door to the hall.* There was someone there that was waving me to come on and get out of the building.* I didn?t have a long walk to get outside, but saw there was some damage out in the main area, all lights were out.* Several ceiling tiles had fallen and some other things were dangling from the ceiling.* As I made my way outside, all I noticed was the controlled panic of people and mostly the hospital workers.* They were in and out of the building carting bed-ridden patients and bringing out supplies.* Others were crying, most just looked very concerned and one lady was rocking back and forth chanting to herself.* It was very difficult to watch as one little boy was carted out.* It looked like he had just been admitted because he was very bloody and had not yet been treated, from what I could tell some sort of head gash injury.* I?m guessing it was his older brother that was holding his head and neck and talking loudly to him to try and keep him awake and alert.* A short time after people were carted out, a few cars trickled in with people that had been injured at their homes.* Most due to flesh wounds and they were taken care of as soon as they pulled into the parking lot.* Yolanda happened to be there because her son?s father in law was admitted and his room had actually been right across from mine.* She said they get earthquakes, but not this big.* Sometimes between 3 and 4, but this was the biggest she had ever felt.* Yolanda is my patient coordinator, probably mid 50s and has lived in Mexicali for most, if not all her life.* She had just witnessed a 7.2 earthquake.* While in the parking lot, there were several smaller tremors that could be felt and even as I am typing this a good 15-16 hours later, I just felt another small one.* I don?t think they?re done yet either, as someone last night mentioned something about 24 hours after it hits?talking about an earthquake and the aftershocks. After several hours in the parking lot and when things had quieted down a bit, Yolanda went in and grabbed all my stuff and said she would be moving me to the hotel for the next two nights.* We hopped in her car and started off across Mexicali.* There was no power, so all street lights were out.* Everything was closed and there was some visible damage.* The damage was mostly large windows that had blown out and some exterior stone on buildings that had crumpled to the ground.* I was surprised to see only (what I would consider) minimal damage.* I also learned that Yolanda is an aggressive driver . J* It was another sleepless night for me.* There were several more aftershocks throughout the night and each time my heart would start pounding harder and faster.* They?re small, but they start the same as that big one?so that same feeling rushes back.* Also, things started running through my mind?what kind of structural damage was done to this 6-story hotel in the big one?* Since they?ve never had one of this magnitude before, how was the building affected?* Will one of the small ones ?set it off? and send the 5 floors above me down to my level?* Before I went to bed that night, I moved the nightstand out from between the 2 beds because that?s where I was going if the place decided to come down. Thankfully nothing has collapsed and I?m ready to be back in Colorado.* These earthquakes are for the birds. I just received this email from Scott! Kathy
  16. ichefmastersgirl

    Mexicali---any updates?

    Just got my first email from Scott he was in the Hospital when it happened and then there was 2 more that I knew of at the Hotel. He said they are all fine and doing well he should be heading home in the next couple of days (he had a tt done) and Ann Marie and David are also fine I believe they will be having their surgeries tomorrow. I still dont know when they will do mine. I do know the good thing was they were all on vacation last week so no surgeries were done by Dr. Aceves. I believe my group on Monday was the first after there vacation. I hope everyone else is able to get theirs done on time. This sitting and waiting a wondering crap is getting to me. Well all I can do is just keep waiting. Kathy
  17. ichefmastersgirl

    Heading out Tomorrow!!!

    Still have not heard back from Nina yet about when my surgery is going to happen. I hope everything is ok down there. Will let everyone know when I get there. I know of a few that were there when it happened and have not heard from them yet. Kathy
  18. ichefmastersgirl

    Earthquake near Mexicali

    Well I know my surgery is canceled for tomorrow but Nina told me to wait by the phone because things might change. I live so close that I am able to go when the call no flights. It was a really strong earthquake and it scared the crap out of me. We had some damage but not to our buildings. Hoping to hear from Nina soon. Hate being ready and excited about something and then it not happen. But it is always better to be safe. Kathy
  19. ichefmastersgirl

    Heading out Tomorrow!!!

    I was not there yet. I live so close that I was going later tonight. I own a bar and a tv fell off and a lot of liquor bottles but no damage to the building. I live about 50 miles from the center. They canceled my surgery for tomorrow for now but told me to stay by the phone. Kathy
  20. ichefmastersgirl

    Heading out Tomorrow!!!

    Thank you so much for all the support. I am getting very excited. I will be taking my computer so I will keep you up to date. Kathy
  21. ichefmastersgirl

    post-op day #8

    I have not tried that one myself. I drink Premiere Protein or Muscle Milk Light. I like both of those a lot. And for unflavored I found one that mixes really well with no smell, flavor or aftertaste and the is NOW Whey Protein Isolate Unflavored. Thanks for the suggestion I think I will go buy one today and try it. Kathy
  22. ichefmastersgirl

    post-op day #8

    I would read look at those little protein vials that you have I bought a bunch of them and returned them because the largest part of protein they have in them is collagen protein. This is not a good form of protein it is one of the lowest forms of protein out there. And you don't even want to know how they make it. Look at your label and type it into google after this kind of surgery this is the last kind of protein you need.
  23. ichefmastersgirl


    Anna Have not heard from you yet want to make sure you are doing alright. I heard from Teresa who had hers the day after and she said she saw you. Hope everything is going ok. Kathy
  24. ichefmastersgirl


    I am so glad you are home. I was very worried about you. I am so happy to hear that you are able to keep things down. When I was getting my pre op testing done I was asking Lucy about you and she said you were in surgery right at that moment. I had to wait for the doctor because they were having such a hard time getting to my port. I am really excited to get this dang thing out of me. Hope to hear more from you. Kathy
  25. ichefmastersgirl

    Dr. Aceves patient's...HELP!

    I am so glad you are doing good. I am getting so excited to get there. Monday will be here before I know it. So how is your pain?? How was the trip back home?? Hope your next couple of weeks go smooth for ya!! Kathy

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