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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ichefmastersgirl

  1. ichefmastersgirl

    High protein preop diet

    My favorite low carb snack is Pepperoni Chips. Just bake the pepperoni in the microwave for about two minutes pull them out let them cool and they are crispy my replacement for chips! Dip them in a little ranch and that was my evening snack with string cheese.
  2. ichefmastersgirl

    On my way!

    HI I am so glad you are doing well. Very Well!! It was nice to meet you and your family. They let me go home a day early so by the time you were out of surgery I was gone. But Grace kept me informed on how you were doing. Please keep me up on your progress I sure do love hearing from all the people I met while in Mexicali.
  3. ichefmastersgirl

    Can.sleeved's spouse

    Between 5am and 6am every morning!!! AHHHHH I hate mornings but now I am a morning person....no way....this has to stop!
  4. ichefmastersgirl

    ODD Man Out!

    Ok I am only 12 days post op and I can drink anything and I can drink like I did before surgery. I never was a gulper...but no sipping for me. I drink all day get in way more fluids and Protein then I need to. This worries me a little because I read that everyone can only sip and take it slow and somethings make them sick or taste different. Am I the only one???? I have no hunger if it was not for this or that the pain that I had daily in my side from my port...I would never known that 80% of my stomach was gone.
  5. ichefmastersgirl

    ODD Man Out!

    So true..I feel like a million bucks. I am so excited because today I get to go to the gym and workout on the elliptical...I love the gym and it has been hard to stay away but been cleared just need to remember that I just had major surgery. And healing faster with protein ....even my incisions I might say are beautiful they are already disappearing and Dr. Aceves I might say did a wonderful job of keeping them small not anything like my Lap-band incisions. Thanks everyone today now I just feel like a lucky one not the odd one!!
  6. ichefmastersgirl

    ODD Man Out!

    Thanks Tiff so funny that I worry when things seem to be going so well.
  7. ichefmastersgirl

    Holy COW!

    If you are doing low carb stay away from all fruit!!! Almonds are a good low carb snack if you have a hand full not a zip lock bag full. Plus on low carb dont worry so much about the calories as you do about your carbs. MEAT CHEESE & EGGS. That is what I repeat over and over when I did low carb. Get some cheese sticks, pepperoni, salami, deli meats, jello, they have a bread called flatout bread that is low carb that I used. Just remember most likely if it is low fat it is high carb. Read your lables!! You can do this!
  8. ichefmastersgirl

    Sleeve set for Apr 19th, anyone else?

    Good luck everyone will be in my thoughts all day tomorrow. Let us know how you are all doing as soon as you can.
  9. ichefmastersgirl

    Clear Liquids Only Stage?

    Dont use the New Whey Protein Vials they are not a good source of protein. It is a collegen protein it is made out of things you do not even want to know about. On the protein scale they have it is one of the lowest forms of protein. I used the NOW Whey Unflavored Protein and Syntrax Matrix (after day 5). Isopure gives me cotton mouth.
  10. Hi everyone it is one week today that I had my surgery with Dr. Aceves. My experience was a wonderful one. First I met a great sleeve sister there....SHOUT OUT TO YOU GRACE, she up with me walking after each tremor that would wake us up at 2am. The staff took outstanding care of me. I did have one small problem from the spinal block they give you some people have a problem with peeing after surgery. Well I was getting IV fluids so by 8pm wow I had to pee but no such luck. The nurse did not speak english but I got it across to her my problem. She then went and found another nurse somewhere in the hospital that did speak english to tell me they were going to straight cath me. Kind of odd to say I have had a few caths but the nurse did a great job with minimal pain to me. Well at 2am I had a full bladder again and still could not pee. They gave me a heating pad and called Dr. Campos and gave me something to counteract what ever was in the spinal block that can cause this problem and whala 4am guess who was peeing and the happiest girl in Mexicali. Other then that no problems I was up and walking less then and hour after my surgery and kept going till they let me go home, which was one day early because I was doing so well, plus living only a little over an hour away. So now it has been a week and I am still having no issues. All fluids going down easy adding Protein to everything I am drinking so I think I am getting right around 100grams protein a day. My daughter made me popsicles with protein add and Jello cups with protein. (she missed her mom). No hunger but sure looking forward to going to full liquid stage I miss my Muscle Milk Light Protein shakes. I still walk everyday and enjoy seeing the scale still moving down. (lost 84lbs with Lap-band) My energy level is very high waking up around 6am and can not get back to sleep so getting a lot more things done in the day the I normally do. Ok enough is enough thanks for reading. For all of you getting ready to go exercise and diet before going I believe made a huge impact on my recovery. Plus having a FABULOUS team in Mexicali.
  11. ichefmastersgirl

    WOOOWHOOO!!! One Week Out!

    Yes bring jammies I wore shirt and pants that were a couple sizes to big and make sure they are thin and comfy. They give you Bottle water. In the hotel and at the hospital. I think someone told me there was a mall somewhere. But because of the earthquake and things happening at the time I was there I just hung out by the pool at the hotel. I had a very nice room. My couch was small but I was alone. I know the rooms that had guest have nice big couches in them. Yes you can take a shower after surgery I believe I waited one day. They put pressure garments on your legs they took mine off the night of my surgery. But I think they only took them off because I asked. Couple of things I suggest that you take: Heating pad (they have some but if in use you have one of your own) Your own pillow (it was so nice to have my own pillow) and you can have nothing by mouth for 24hrs after surgery no water no ice chips nothing. I found this spray at Walgreens in the toothpaste isle that helps keep your mouth moist I got a bottle and used it and it works wonders. I did not use it all so I pasted it on to Grace and then I believed she pasted it on also. But that little bottle saved me from cotton mouth. Good luck Angie.
  12. ichefmastersgirl

    WOOOWHOOO!!! One Week Out!

    Angie Yes the air in my room at hotel was just fine. But I could not get cool enough in the hospital. Check your closet at the hospital for a fan they put them in there is there is not one ask for one. It can take them a while to find one. Ruth was a doll and walked around to try to find me one. But I did get one and used it the whole time.
  13. ichefmastersgirl

    WOOOWHOOO!!! One Week Out!

    I was hitting the gym 3x a week and seeing a personal trainer x2 a week. I so believe my body, even though fat, has been conditioned and in good shape. Just having some muscle tone, even though that is under fat, and in good cardio condition helps a body recover faster. Plus having a good anesthesiologist helps. When I did the lap-band back in 2008 it took me a day and a half to wake up and start moving around. With this surgery 1 hour. I feel great and since I have been home I walk at least a mile a day and so excited to get to start back at the gym on Wednesday. (treadmill and elliptical only) And Grace also had been doing a lot of walking a training for her 3 day cancer walk so she was cardio conditioned also and she bounced right up from surgery. I am not saying that is completely why everything is going great but I do believe it has a lot to do with it. Debbie Great to here from you look at you go girl! Good job glad everything is going well for you. Nice to see the progress of everyone that was there. I am starting full liquids i am having an easy time with liquids because i keep it in my hand at all time never go anywhere without some Fluid. My problem with like pudding and Soups are I am not hungry so trying to eat these things are just not that appealing to me.
  14. ichefmastersgirl

    Sleeping post op

    I am post op at 10 days and have not been able to sleep past 6am even with my Ambien.
  15. ichefmastersgirl

    Sleeping post op

    I am not sure why it happens. I take Ambien the Dr. said I could continue taking them so when I got home I have been taking them and I am still waking up between 5am and 6am not sure why but I do.
  16. ichefmastersgirl

    WOOOWHOOO!!! One Week Out!

    Ruth you have lost 14lbs that is wonderful plus you get to have your Protein shakes that is today or tomorrow right. I have had problems with acid but Dr. Campos upped my Nexium to 2x a day and that seems to be working but other then that it has been great. It was so nice to meet you down there and thanks for all the visits and support it really is so wonderful when you are alone to have someone care that much. Will see ya on the full liquid side enjoy!! And to anyone reading this pre op....the Syntrax Matrix 5.0 that you can have at day 6 is outstanding. I have the chocolate and it is one of the best tasting Proteins I have ever had.
  17. ichefmastersgirl

    Straws? Can anyone shed some light for me?

    So true when you are really ready it is easy! Quit over 8 years ago and never looked back!
  18. ichefmastersgirl

    Help I cant do this!!!

    You can DO THIS. It is really important because after you are going to be really doing low carb when you are on Clear liquids only. If you can get past those first couple of days it will get easier. I hate low carb because of they way I feel with the headaches and no energy but about after day 4 for me it was better. Plus if you have a week under your belt before you go in you will be one step ahead. I believe the low carb diet and the exercise I did before my surgery help me recovery faster and with little pain or hunger. I know you can do this hang in there!!!!!
  19. ichefmastersgirl

    finally HERE .. :)

    Yahhh its time.....Good Luck!!!
  20. ichefmastersgirl

    Gas tubes?

    I had some in my shoulders but nothing a heating pad for 5 minutes didnt cure. Kathy
  21. ichefmastersgirl

    Straws? Can anyone shed some light for me?

    You know I never asked Dr. Aceves about a straw. But every time I got my liquids in the hospital there was a straw on my tray so I thought that he thought it was fine. I have been using one since day 2 post op. Kathy
  22. Hay there GK it is KG. Girl you dont know it but you made my whole trip and now I am proud to know that we are GAL PALS.(dont have one at home) I am doing well little problem with acid but the emailed Dr. Aceves and within hours got a response and he upped my dosage of Nexium. I dont know many Drs. that get back to you that fast. I will be going back to see him in 3 months for my check up just because I know the staff there really cares how I am doing. Miss our 3am post tremor walks.hahaha Kathy
  23. ichefmastersgirl

    Attitude Adjustment Please!

    Anna, Get rid of those protein shots. It is a very poor source of protein (collegen protein) on the protein scale of 0-100 i beleive they are a 25 and whey protein is a 100. I bought 36 of them through bodybuilding.com before I read the info on them and I returned all of them and just got a big 5lb tub of NOW Whey Unflavored Protein and add it to everything. I make Jello shooters, Crystal Lite Protein Pops, all Crystal Lite I drink and my broth. Today is day 5 for me and do not seem to be having any problems (thank god) but I do know you had a harder recovery after surgery you are still healing and you will get there. I make sure I look for all your post because you are just a few weeks ahead of me and I love your progress. Kathy

  25. ichefmastersgirl


    Finally made it I am next in line just got done talking to all the doctors and nurses! Due to my band I found my recovery and post op diet will take longer. But so excited! Thanks to all for support and updates to follow! Kathy

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