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LAP-BAND Patients
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About elysenoland

  • Rank
    Junior Guru
  • Birthday 06/05/1969
  1. It’s a special day here at BariatricPal, according to your profile..it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday, elysenoland!

  2. Happy 44th Birthday elysenoland!

  3. Happy 43rd Birthday elysenoland!

  4. You read my mind! Is 18 months the fail date? I think it's pretty darn funny that so many of us are having problems too. I have a friend that's been banded 3 years, same thing, problems around a year and a half. Good news is she's fine now, at her sweet spot and continued to lose after that stall.
  5. Funny you should say that, I had my gallbladder removed when I was 20, but that is EXACTLY how the pain feels. Maybe it's just a new kind of stuck? I can't throw up no matter how bad I wanted too. I'm gaining also, totally hating this no restriction business. I feel like I've been stranded on a desert island, starving, and just got rescued, want to eat everything, eat way too fast, and more than I should, like DD said. It's not really my food choices, it's that I'm eating too much of it all!
  6. So, I have no restriction, but now I have this new thing. Sometimes, after I eat I have this horrid pain in the middle of my back and chest. Usually in the evening about a half hour after I eat. It's not the stuck feeling and I don't slime or pb or throw up. Nothing relieves it, last about an hour, feels like a giant air bubble is lodged in my chest. Some of the worst pain I have ever felt, much worse than being stuck. Any ideas?
  7. I had always kind of thought in the back of my mind, that once I lost all the weight, I'd be able to have my band emptied and live a normal life. I've only had 3.5 ccs out and still have some restriction, but I have absolutely no control. Its like I have been starving for so long that I'm just nuts now that I'm not super tight! I ate an ENTIRE wendy's single cheeseburger AND FRIES!! I haven't had a french fry in over a year! I'm going to have to get a grip on myself or I'll gain 20 lbs before I get a fill in three weeks!
  8. Man, I must have just not realized how crappy I've felt these last few months. I was obviously overfilled. Just kind of ignored that uncomfortable continuous pressure in my chest and back. Never ate much. My body must have been just shutting down. I had a wonderful dinner last night, still had restriction, was able to eat an egg for breakfast! (I haven't had anything to eat before 10 am for four months, and I get up at 5:30 am!). I have a tremendous amount of energy today and have burned through my entire weeks to do list. At this point I am not sure I want another fill. I'm really not concerned about this last 8 to 10 pounds, I feel very good about my body, so if I can maintain my weight these next few weeks, I may just stay where I am. I am SO SO SO Thankful for you guys for telling me to go, I don't even want to think what might have happened. I guess I should've had some removed a long time ago, just thought that I was so tight it had to be good, instead I was starving myself and ruining my metabolism I bet! Thanks again!
  9. Since you'd been though it, I went in! Thank goodness, no slip but my esophagus was dilated and no barium was getting through the band due to inflammation. They took out 3.5 ccs and I felt IMMEDIATE relief. He said if I'd messed around and waited, it's likely it would've slipped. I was so dehydrated that my blood pressure was 98 over 42. I can go back in three weeks to have a fill (maybe). I asked why, after five months, he said likely I ate something that got stuck, inflammed the stoma and then kept trying to put more in there which got it more inflammed and now it's swollen shut, so need to give it a break. Works for me. I feel fantastic right now! Thanks for the advice, if you hadn't said it, I probably would've drug my feet and waited, and done more damage.
  10. So I need a little advice. All of a sudden, I'm having really bad reflux at night, not acid, just kind of fluid and I wake up choking on it. I don't eat after 6 pm, I flush my band out a couple of hours before bed, I've even tried taking papaya enzyme and acid reflux meds. I haven't had a fill in 5 months and everything has been fine, now just out of the blue I'm really tight, can't get much down, PBing all the time, and now the last four nights this awful reflux stuff. I didn't sleep more than 20 minutes in a row all night last night. Should I go to dr or will this pass if I back off and go to liquids for a few days? I wondered if this wasn't a TOM thing, but have never experienced this before.
  11. Oh Rhonda, I'm in a slump too! For some reason, I'm very very tight all of a sudden, and can barely get down protein shakes, so I've dropped a couple of pounds. But I definitely need to get back in the swing of exercising, I ended up working outside all day yesterday, tilling, hoeing and planting, and boy am I sore this morning!
  12. Ugh, I feel for you. I have some sort of reflux thing going on, but I've learned the trick to not have it happen. I don't eat anything after 7 pm. That seems to give the food time to move through my band, so it doesn't sit there all night, causing reflux. I've also been told you should 'flush' your band out before bed, by drinking a glass of water. Of course, I'm still eating like crap, and haven't been hitting the gym. These last few pounds just don't really bother me enough to motivate me, which is terrible. This is my last week of heavy duty work and classes, so hopefully next week I'll find a little energy to eat better and go run. Good luck to you, keep us posted!
  13. I'm sure I've asked this before, but now that I've lost weight, I am freezing cold all the time....anyone else? I'm assuming it's cause I lost so much fat, I used to run quite warm, but it seems I can never get warm enough now.
  14. Ok we've got minimal time before bathing suit season. Time for everyone to check in and be accountable. I haven't had the scale budge in weeks, and haven't been going to the gym, nor have I been eating very well. I'm sick and tired of being cold all the time (anyone else find that now that you've lost all this weight, you are always freezing to death!?). I have about 10 pounds I'd like to see go away, and I am recommitting myself to just getting it done. It so easy to become complacent about it now that I feel (and look) so much better, but I do want to complete this last ten pounds. Upside--I just bought my first bikini in about 15 years!
  15. Hi everyone! I'm still slacking off and not getting this last ten pounds off....I have been eating any and everything, but haven't gained an ounce-so that's nice. Also haven't been at the gym for over a month...this winter has just been too long and all I want to do now is sleep and eat. The sun broke through today and made me want to go running, but I didn't. Tomorrows another day, I feel myself getting motivated to start the outdoor activites: jogging, swimming, kayaking, tennis. I love my body, I feel so good in it now, love even more those size medium shirts and the size 12 Victoria Secret jeans that I had to return because the were too BIG!!! Down to a size 10 now and it feels like its where I want to be.

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