Hello, I'm new here and just wanted to suggest to PianoLover51 that shemight want to consider using some quiet music through headphones during her surgery. I am also a pianist and had surgery a few years ago in which I did this and my recovery time was so much faster than usual because the docs said that with the music, I needed less anesthesia and less anesthesia means a safer, faster recovery! If you want to use what I used, go to www.HealingMusicEnterprises.com/products/surgical_serenity/Surgical_Serenity_Music.html.
This is music is being used in hospitals around the country right now, but has been used by friends and family members for about 10 years now and everyone raves about how much less anxiety meds, pain meds, and anesthesia they need to get the same excellent results! Give it a try!