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karin joseph

LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by karin joseph

  1. Hi--I am also going to Strax,Dr. Choi on Dec. 10th. We have amazingly similar stats except of course that you are 22 and I am 54. Wish I had this available to me at a younger age. I am thinking of a vitamix machine to liquify vegetables and meats and add spices--mine are Haitian but any kind that you like can be used--and it cooks the food into a soup or smoothie. How are you doing post surgery?

  2. Thank You! You are my 1st online friend. I kind of got carried away and broke my diet Saturday which was my Thanksgiving because I worked 12 hour shifts the previous wed/thurs and was breaking out my kitchen for a remodel on Sunday. I felt so sick all day--like a food hangover--but now I am back to the liquid protein shakes. I am considering buying a vitamix machine so I can make liquid food that is not all sweet like the shakes. I am more a savory, not a sweet lover. I can use meat and vegatables with my Haitian spices and feel not so deprived. m How is your presurgery diet. 14 pounds gone so far and surgery is not til the 10th!

  3. Well my big day has come and gone. Dr. Choi tried to band me and found I have too many adhesions and scar tissue so I went home unbanded. Bummed about it but lost 26# on the presurgical diet so I will keep trying to lose without the band. Really hope yours is a success but I was warned that this was a possibility for me. Upside--did I mention I lost 26#--10% of my body weight! Also I get $10000 back from the surgery center. I am not binging because I think my tummy shrunk. KJ

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