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karin joseph

LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by karin joseph

  1. Oh boy, I feel your pain! I am also a week out and nothing to dull the hunger. I feel weak and light headed and also no very fond of sweets. I sneaked in some v8 spicy juice just to get a break from those protein drinks and it was a slice of heaven. I am buying a vitamix for the post surgery food so I can liquify and drink normal food only extremely pulverized.

  2. HI EVERYONE, I have been on the preop diet for 3 days now pending banding 12/10. Mine consists of 2 protein powders with coconut oil a day (yuck) and a meal of 6 oz lean protein and a vegetable. I think I have food withdrawal--not all that hungry but feeling really strange and foggy. I don't know why I have a month of this to do--my BMI is 38--but I am going to anyway because I am nervous about having adhesions from previous surgery and not being able to get the band. I guess it is a kind of karmic bargaining--if I follow the diet twice as long as everyone else I will have been so GOOD that I will get the band. Also I am paying for this myself so I am double nervous. I hate the shakes--I would rather ear protein only like Atkins.

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