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LAP-BAND Patients
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About kelliannie

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/13/1988
  1. Happy 25th Birthday kelliannie!

  2. Happy 24th Birthday kelliannie!

  3. Hey i read your post on ca bay area social group. Did you ever have your surgery? i had mine with Kaiser on June 5, 08.

  4. kelliannie

    Advice Needed!!!

    My blood pressure is low.. and I am being tested for diabetes as it runs in the family! WOW 14 pounds thats AWESOME!!!! Good for you! How are you feeling? Did it or does it hurt at all? And hows the eating situation?
  5. Helllloo out there! My name is Kelli! Im trying to get banded through my insurance, but my BMI is a 33, and they say thats too low. I need help on trying to convince them that this is the right thing for me to do. My dad's side of the family has a history of obesity, and I have gained so much weight, I just know that within the next year, I am going to gain another 50 pounds.. or at least I feel that way. I just feel so ugly. :wub: Has anyone else been in the same postion as me, and have you been able to convince your doctors??? I have my sleep study Sunday.. Wish me luck and if you have annnnnnnnny advice at all please contact me!!! THANKS!

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