I am a generally active person. I do help manage my friends band hopefully I can help them get to the next level. And I work way to much I actually put on 75 pounds at my current job I think it is the hours and the late night eating and stress.
MUSIC, movies, I want to learn how to paint but I think I am so hapeless when it comes to visual art I better stay away
good for you losing 40lbs! so you went to your follow up yesterday then, how did that go? did you get a fill? yeah i am back at school-- i go to the university of missouri. its cold... like 7 degrees.
oh not much just been a little busy... I have lost right around 40lbs going for follow up on 14th will know more then I guess you back at school huh? which one you going to again?
nah I grew up in Rowlett and Forney. I just live in "The City" now... I checked and I at about 40 lbs. and that is on a scale that is really off on the heavy side so not really sure. You grew up in the country I can tell.
Well it sounds like its time for your fill! haha And IDK how you can't step on the scale--I do it everyday. It would drive me nuts not knowin'! I just live in the area actually. Are you from the city? lol
I am not sure I have not weighed myself didn't want to get obsessed with it. I have slacked on getting my fill and dont have it until the 20th. I go for my followup with dr. b on the 14th at his office at 1030am . So you say Dallas but really come one do you live in the city or just the area???
That is a small world--cuz I am going back for a fill on the 14th!!!! haha What time u going? And that's awesome. I was banded 12-28. Dr. B is a good guy. He did great on me. HOw much have u lost darlin?