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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Terez

  1. Hi Everyone!!

    Well, I'm feeling a little better and I found a solution that definitley helps ease the pain. Instead of using heat, I use ice packs. I stopped drinking sodas and I never drink with a straw. I've been eating less and stopped snacking in between meals and that has helped. The pain is still there but not so bad as it was before! Thanks everyone for helping and suggesting remedies. I'm going to try the pushups and see if that helps even more.

    Take care!

  2. Scribby - I forgot to tell you, don't get worried about this happening to you and staying with you as long as it has with me. Not everyone that is banded has this happen to them. My friend that got banded a year ago, she only had it for the first 2 months and then it's gone away and stayed away. Hopefully mine will too as soon as my body gets used to the Band. I sure hope that's all it is.......

  3. Thanks everyone for the concern. Oh man....last night was unbearable. It hurt to even breath in........I forgot to mention that when I went in for my last fill, it showed that I still have a Gas pocket from the surgery. I really feel like it's a combination of eating in the evenings and the band pressing against something like Wheeler said and the gas pocket. I was reading something on the internet about "referred pain" and it said to try ice packs so I'm going to do that tonight because I know the little bastard will be back tonight so I want to be prepared!! :rolleyes: My neck is starting to have a crick in it so hopfully the ice packs will relieve that as well.........Good Grief, can you believe!?

    I'll try that and let you know how that works out for me. I still think I need to call a doctor and have them check this out......talk to you tomorrow!

  4. Hi everyone - Thank GOD I found someone else that has this same pain. I've just hit my 6th month post-op and I have excrutiating pain in my left shoulder that goes up my neck. It sometimes happens after I eat lunch and ALWAYS after dinner in the evenings. Putting heat on it used to help but now that doesn't help too much. I tried peppermint oil and that doesn't help, I've tried massage oils that put off heat and that doesn't help. When I've gone in for my fills they said it was my band pushing on my diaphram sending pain up to my neck. "OK I got that, but what do I do for it?". I don't eat too much because I don't want this pain to come back but, sometimes I just have to suck it up and eat because I'm starving. I'm in so much pain after I eat and I don't know what to do for it? Does anyone have any suggestions. I've been living with this since I had this surgery. Other than that, I feel really good and have lost 30lbs in 6 months. My restriction is 2.4 cc's so, it's not too tight, it's actually just right for me.....:help:

  5. Hi Susan

    yes, i got my fill and they charged me $100. I'm going to call Dr. DeMattia in Tomball and see if they will see me? Worth a shot otherwise it looks like I'm going to have to pay $100 everytime I go there...eeeeek! I have to tell you....while I was in Dr. Spiegel's office waiting to go back, the phone rang and the nurse answered it, then she said "Dr. Spiegel is not accepting new patients, just the current ones he has." I thought that was kind of odd??

  6. I was banded February 15th, 2006 by Dr. Spiegel in Houston. Because of some recent incidents that have occured, as of June 1st UHC will drop him from their plan. My question is....Should I check with my insurance company and see what other Doctors are in the network? And if I find one, will that doctor give me my fills if he didn't perform the surgery? I've been told that if that doctor didn't do your surgery, they will not fill your band. Is that a crock? From everything I have read, it seems to be...

  7. Hi Cissy

    I was banded February 15th, 2006 by Dr. Spiegel and sometimes that happens to me too. You may have ate them too fast or took too big of a bite? Sometimes I forget to take small bites or eat slower and then that first swallow goes down and I know I just screwed up and then like you I'm making a dash somewhere to get it up. That is such an uncomfortable feeling! Try eating the chicken again but take smaller bites and wait a few more seconds before you take another one and if that doesn't work, add it to the list.....Hope that helps?

  8. Thanks MelodyJ. I'm definitley going to stick to my smaller portions and eat slower! After reading about that poor lady that half of her stomach is dead, and how she's trying to deal with all of that scared the crap outta me! I feel so bad for her!!

  9. Hi everyone - I'm new to the group banded Feb 15th, 2006 - 21lbs Dr. Spiegel, first fill March 16th.

    My problems so far are Gas in the shoulder and neck area maybe 3 times a week after I eat, I think I'm eating too fast? And also, food is getting stuck in my throat it feels like a golf ball is sitting there and it's so uncomfortable. Sometimes it's so bad (sorry for the visual here) but have to vomit to get it out. Anyone else have these problems and if so, how the heck do I get rid of the "stuck" problem? I'm waiting to get my 2nd fill May 25th, I'm totally unrestricted right now and can pretty much eat whatever I want but I don't, I try to keep my portions small and I eat allot of Fish and Vegis.

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