If your friend and her friend that had the lap band by Dr. Stephen Hamn failed, it was not becasue it was done wrong.I had a band with Dr. hamn and I have lost 105 lbs. in little over a year. I followed everything he told me to do, and it works. Dr. Hamn has had huge success with his lap band patients. He is one of the most experienced bariatric surgeons in Texas. Remember,the band is only a tool. Many people fool themselves and eat too many calories, then blame it on the band or the fills. The patient has to take responsibilty for how many calories a day they are consuming. If a band patiet is having problems, then they are probably eating too much and filling up their esophagus. With a lap band you really have to eat slowly, chew your food really well, do not drink fluids until after your meal, and count your calories. A patient can really create problems themselves with their band if they do not follow the rules. Let's stop blaming the doctor's and take some responsibilty for our own failures or successes with our eating habits.