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LAP-BAND Patients
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About readteach

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  • Birthday 01/01/1961
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  2. Happy 51st Birthday readteach!

  3. readteach

    Inexpensive Lap Band Removal???

    I had a lap band approx. 7 years ago; the old kind; can't be filled, etc; I never lost more than 30 pounds and I've never been able to eat certain things since then. I can not eat meat other than ground meat. All others make me very sick. Raw fruits and veges do the same thing. I have been miserable all this time and want mine removed. Anyone know a great doctor in Houston that will do it? I think my doc who did the surgery botched it, because my best friend and I had it done the same day by the same doc and we both have had nothing but trouble. She did, however, lose more weight than I did. I advise everyone NOT to get the surgery!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
