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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lt2896

  1. Just introducing my self as the thread says I should. My name is Christie Garner from Waco, Texas, Banded 4/5/06. Not looking to be a skinny mini, just a healty weight.. 150- I am 5'7. I turn 21 on October 19 2006 so I am gonna do all in my power to get to my goal by then. I am a married lady.. My hubby is 6'5" and about 330. He's my everything. Everyone asks, but no he is not interrested in ANY of the weight loss surgeries.. That's about it. NOthing to interresting. DOnt know to much about all this reight now. jsut got my first fill today. Christie Garner
  2. THanks for the warm welcome, since theres not a support group in waco this site has been really helpful.

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