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Posts posted by Mr.Mike

  1. I wouldnt be concerned with it. It is probably retention like I had. Watch the sodium in your liquids especially canned Soups. They are sky high. Believe me it will go away and when it does it will be quick. The bloating feeling lasted for almost a week for me and then one day bam it was gone. I can't tell you if it was gas or what but it just went away. Also just one pointer. Don't concern yourself with others weight loss. Everyone is different and will lose differently.

  2. Whoa, can we really puree pizza? Isn't it too thick? Please give details!

    I didnt think it could be done either but I tried it and ate it without any problems. I did not eat a whole piece. It may have been half at the most. Like I was telling Pete I had to add sauce to it to get the liquid in there so it would puree. Without it you cant get it thin enough. I left it in the bullet for quite some time to ensure it wouldnt come back up and again it worked for me and cured a craving which was the reason for even trying it.

  3. Pete I will tell you one thing about the bullet when you get to put regular food in it. You have to make sure its moist or add some sort of liquid or it will bunch up on the sides and not mush enough. I found that out when I tried the pizza. I had to add some sauce or it wouldnt blend it enough. Are you still doing Protein Shakes? If so I blend the hell out of the shake with the 3 blades and get it thick. I then put it in the ice box for a while and its almost like eating ice cream. It helped cure a craving I was having while watching the football games. I was able to eat a gallon of ice cream at a time before so believe me I miss it and this worked.

  4. Hey Pete. I too bought a bullet and its the best thing I ever bought. I can't live without it. I put everything and I mean everything in it. I lived on Soups for almost a week. I went to Trader Joes and bought low sodium soups but honestly their Tomato Soup was like heaven. I had my wife make vegetable Soup and put it in the bullet and it was delicious. I also did the chicken soup thing. It doesnt taste any different because its puree or mashed!

  5. I have bc/bs of greater New York. Just to let all of you know that its not the insurance companies fault but the employer. I found this out the hard way. Myself and my wife both have the same insurance but different plans. That's the key. My employer opted to purchase the cheapest plan they could and it does not cover any bariatric procedure,obesity study or even nutritionists. My wifes plan covers all so obviously I dropped mine and went on hers or this would never have been possible. I had a records file thicker than a phone book with all of the problems. Diabetes,hypertension,sleep apnea,heart trouble, swelling of the legs, joint pain high BMI etc... It meant absolutely nothing to them because of the plan the emloyer chose. They would rather pay hundreds of dollars a month for doctors and medicines which makes no sense. My doctor even wrote them a letter explaining how much this would help me liVe longer and relieve most of my problems but twice they turned me down. Some people have had it overturned but you and your doctor need to be persistent. Good luck to everyone and hopefully it works out for you like it did for me.

  6. Same here. I was feeling like I was eating too much but when I step back and really look at it, I am eating a whole lot less. My 9 year old daughter eats more than I do now. I know I am eating healthier than before and puree isnt as bad as I thought it would be. I even had a 1/2 slice of pizza puree and was extremely surprised. I can tell you I didnt finish it but it took away a big craving that I had. I have my companies Christmas party next week and have asked the restaurant if they could puree the food for me and without blinking, the chef told me he understood and would be happy to accomodate me. That made me feel good because I was prepared to bring my own food and also to know that he was willing to work with me.

    I am sure we are all going to experience obstacles when eating out but hopefully others will understand that this is real and many people are going through it.

  7. I am in on this. I had set a goal when I started my pre-op of 40 lbs by the end of the year. Everyone thinks I am crazy and out of my mind. That gave me 6 weeks to lose it. I figured that cutting thousands of calories and all the soda I used to drink would make it come off easy. Well I lost 20 lbs on 2 weeks of pre-op and have lost another 6 since banding. I need another 14 to go in 3 weeks. I dont feel that is too hard. I finally started walking on the treadmill at night. I am not walking for distance yet but am putting in 20-30 minutes per night. I now have to hang my jackets up. I used to use the treadmill to hang my jackets. What an expensive hanger that is!:) Next week if the soarness leaves I will clean off the brand new Bowflex thats been taking up space and I might even workout. I feel very confident that I will do this but also realize that I cannot get upset if I fall short because I am greatful for every pound shed!

  8. Hello everyone. I hope all the early December bandsters are feeling great. I am 5 days post op and today I went back to work. I have a desk job so working hard is not an option:tongue2:. I have some discomfort in the port area but other than the occasional trapped gas I feel good. Per doctors orders I started puree yesterday and all went well without any problems. Today has been a little different though. I am eating way less than I ever did before and get filled up quickly. I have been watching my Protein and making sure I am getting at least 64 oz of Fluid daily. I am getting worried about my hunger. I get hungry alot sooner than 3 hours and in the back of my mind I know fat land is there and dont want to ever go back. Is anyone else feeling this yet? I dont want to call the doctor for every little thing and I have an appointment next week but hopefully others have experienced this and can shed some light on this. I don't want to worry about this all day long but I can't get it out of my mind. I am actually afraid of eating too much now and I don't want to start making myself crazy. I know that an adjustment is at least four weeks out and don't want to gain what I have already lost....Anyone?

  9. Just checking in with everyone. My surgery was on Thursday and I spent the night in the hospital. I felt really good post surgery, some soreness at incision sites, otherwise good. I was on some pretty good painkillers in the hospital, and have taken some since getting home yesterday. The 1 1/2 hour drive home was not bad, but I was really tired and sore after arrival at home. I went to bed early last night - with drugs - and slept well. DH got up at about 4:30 and brought me another small dose of drug, and I slept until almost 8:00. I feel pretty good this morning, still sore around the port site, but since that is stitched into muscle I think it will be sore for some time. I'm able to eat (drink!) my full liquids this morning just fine, and they taste good after nothing but broth and juice! yum - Tomato Soup for Breakfast - my favorite!

    Hope everybody else is doing well. Sue from NE - you are doing great. I would not attempt a shopping trip this weekend!

    About the early weight loss - I don't think we should plan on a big weight loss early in the game. For one thing - if you are on liquids and drinking juices and broth, you are still getting a lot of sugar and salt. Even tho it's not a lot of calories, you will still retain Water. Post surgery, you have some of the same issues - not a lot of calories, but you may still retain Water on the full liquids. Don't forget that when you drop to very low calorie intake, your body tends to believe you are starving (feel like it too!) and will adjust your metabolism to conserve its resources (fat). The scale will be playing tricks on you the next few weeks so don't get discouraged. Just follow the rules and allow your innards to heal - the weight will come off.

    Mr. Mike - it's good to hear from you. I'm glad everything is going well. I have not had any of the gas pain people have talked about. The nurse said some people just don't have it. I feel very lucky! Have fun at the grocery!

    Good luck to all.

    Joannmarie, I am glad to hear from you and that your surgery went well. I havent had an appetite but I have been drinking becasue I know I have to. I am not concerned about the weight either because I know it will come off sooner or later.I just want to get 100% better. Good luck to you and keep in touch.

    I have been thinking about Florida Pete, I hope all went well with him also! Hopefully he is also doing well and coming home soon to report to us..

  10. HI everyone,

    I wanted to check in and wish everyone having surgery this week good luck.

    I had my surgery on Dec 3 (Wednesday) I had to stay over night. I spent most of it as drugged as possible. By thursday morning I was moving around pretty well. Yesterday I was up, shower and dressed and felt pretty good but still napped twice during hte day. every time I wake up I feel better. I started full liquids today and I feel pretty gassy. It hurts to burp.

    Otherwise all is well. I am two weeks full liquids and then two weeks mushy. I go back for my follow up on Dec 17. I will find out how much I lost then b/b I refuse to play the scale game at home.


    Hello Chris glad to hear all went well. I was also banded on the same day and honestly the gas has been the worst part. I have been taking mylicon drops and gas-x per doctors orders and it has worked. Also,I noticed the gas gets better when I am active. I plan on walking around the supermarket with my wife today just to get out and move. Good luck to you!

  11. Well I was banded on Dec 3rd and all went very well thank god! I was scheduled for 12:50 but didnt get in until 3:00. Just some more time to think. Just what I didnt need. Anyway I am glad it was delayed because it actually got me to relax just laying there. I was banded in N.J. at The Valley Hopsital. From the minute I walked in I was treated like a king. They immediately noticed I was not smiling and they changed gears. My wife was with me and was a great crutch also. Everyone from the receptionist to the O.R. nurse cheered me up and it started to work. I had myself so overworked for no reason. I was greeted in the O.R. by 4 nice looking women and my anestheologist was also a woman. How lucky was I? It was over so quick. I spent about 45 minutes in recovery and then back to my original bed. I spent about a half hour there before going for my upper GI. One bit of advice. You can sip the drink and it works the same. I drank maybe a shot glass worth and that was it. It almost came back up but I got lucky. I was released around 8:00 for my hour and a half ride home which was like hell. I think we hit every bump in the 95 mile ride. I slept great the 1st night without any problems. Yesterday my first day was a little tough. Pain, Pain,Pain is all I can say. My stomach was very tender especially at my port. I took pain meds and rested but also walked laps around the house for the gas.

    Today the pain has eased but the gas hasnt. Its been very hard to burp it out and I have been taking gas-x and mylicon. Thats been the worst part of it all, the gas. It gets stuck and its very uncomfortable. I am looking foward to the next few days for this to all get better which I know it will. No one said it would be easy and I signed up for this journey. I have no appetite at all and I force drinks down because I know I have to have them. Its amazing how such small quantities really do fill you up!!

    Well its behind me now and I wish everyone else going for surgery the best of luck with surgery and recovery.

  12. We're thinking about you today Mike! Best of luck with your surgery. I'll catch you on the "post-op" side of things!

    Thanks Pete and good luck to you to. I probably will not get to talk to you until you get back from Mexico.

    Well I am off to the hospital. I got a call from them last night moving my surgery up a few hours to 12:50 from 9:50. Oh well just more time without drinks and some more time to think.

    I never thought I would say this but I really want a Protein drink right now. :smile2:

    Thanks to everyone for the support and good words and good luck to everyone else.

    This site is the best!!

  13. Well tomorrow is my big day and although being nervous I am also excited. I spoke with my doctor today and he reassured me everything would be fine. He was happy to hear I have done well with pre-op and that I stuck to it 100% and lost weight. He feels that I should be home by tomorrow evening. At first I was definately staying with a high BMI and bad sleep apnea but now with the loss he feels that may change. I would rather be in my own bed anyway. Wish me luck please. I will keep everyone posted on my outcome and progress.

    p.s. Florida Pete thanks for the Holiday Hotties in the signature.

  14. THanks for all your support!

    Had surgery yesterday and it went well. Some pain, but controlled by the pain meds. They gave me a catheter while I was out, which was a surprise, but other than that, it was what I expected. Nurses were very nice. Surgeon said I had the smallest liver he'd ever seen. (Pats myself on the back for sticking with the pre-op diet). They usually keep people overnight, but let me go home. I've been walking and following the clear liquid diet and feeling pretty good today, though I am taking the liquid loratab. I've had no issues swallowing anything. Liquids go down fine, but I'm on liquids until my doctor's appointment on December 9th. Weight is up about a pound. I'm not sure it that's due to the gas or what. So far, so good.

    If you want step by step details, they are on the link on my signature to my live journal.

    Glad to here that you are doing well and that all went well.I hope mine goes that easy tomorrow.

  15. Hey guys. Well tomorrow is my time to finally get banded. I have been doing great on pre op losing weight and not cheating and mentally have been stable. Well thats what I think at least. Today has been the worst day for me. I started thinking about tomorrow from the minute I woke up today. I actually took a half day and decided to come home for comfort. I am happy but very anxious and honestly dont have an appetite today at all but I have been forcing my drinks down. I am sure I am not the only one who has felt this way. I am trying to put my mind at ease. I have no doubts about what I am going to do. I think the surgery part is whats getting me nervous. Just wanting to vent a little and here some of what everyone else went through so I know its normal and just not me.

  16. Connie, GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!! I cant stress that enough. Get away from the comfort zone where you keep your food. You have to change your routine and you can beat this. Truthfully it doesnt go away but it gets a little easier as the days go by. Remember you are basicaly starving your body from the thousands of calories you used to eat so its going through withdrawels. If I am occupied its not really that bad and I can eat a cow at every sitting believe me. Drink Water, drink water, drink water!! I have been drinking powder mixes with water to offset my cravings for sugar. I am on my second week and have 3 days left before surgery and can honestly say I havent cheated. I have come very close but keep telling myself I can do this and this is the right thing for me to be here longer for my family.

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