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About momx3

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  • Birthday 05/22/1970
  1. Happy 43rd Birthday momx3!

  2. Happy 42nd Birthday momx3!

  3. Yeah, I think that is to be expected. You will feel so much better and so glad you took that step to a healthier new you once it's over. Good luck!!
  4. I had the surgery done on Friday, July 11, 2008. I thought I would be fine to go back to work the following Tuesday, but I made it 1/2 day and left and didn't come back until that next Monday, so I was out about a week. I had never had surgery before, so I was in for a shock with the gas alone. I had it done in Mexicali, Mexico by Drs. Abril and Ham and of course I was nervous, but it was a wonderful experience. I work at a hospital, so I know the ropes a little bit and they were very professional and the facility was beautiful. I would definitely recommend it.
  5. Hi, congratulations on making this big decision to becoming a healthier new you. I had surgery back on 07/11/08 and have lost apprx 80lbs so far. I've still got a good ways to go, but I know now that i will get there. I had surgery in Mexico and I can remember afterwards having so many questions and concerns. If I can help you in any way, just let me know. Take care. Lisa

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