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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BobBayCityMI

  1. Cannot give you any advice, but only a congrats. I know how rough it can be to get the medical approvals. Hope the more astute and knowledgeable in here can answer your questions. Good luck.
  2. BobBayCityMI

    October 1st

    Good deal on the date, bummer deal on the lay off. I hope that the third time is indeed the charm for you!
  3. I hope that someone has an idea. I take these damn calcium citrate horse pills. Yes, know I can crush them up, but 9 (200 mg each) per day right now. So a chewable would be a blessing. Anyone know of a larger mg amount pill?
  4. OK...feeling tired, not too grumpy, a bit headachy, and did I mention tired? I mean bushed, whipped, and damn near comatose. Those of you who went through this, is this normal? Had the runs a couple of times (just what you want to read), have been doing all of my water, and eating (if one can call it "eating") at the right times. Please tell me it gets better. I still have 10 more days!
  5. BobBayCityMI

    Fitness Center

    Was looking at a local place as well. It has aerobics, tae kwan do, water aerobics, and steam and sauna to complement the normal machines and weights. Plus they have four certified and licensed personal trainers and one is always there wandering the floor. Only $35 a month, which seems good to me. I also like going to places like this for the social benefits. Being fat made me hide; now is the chance to get out once again.
  6. BobBayCityMI


    Oh, yes! Had them too. But after day 5 or so, they passed. Alleve and warm compresses helped me a lot as they were right behind my eyes. Now I am dealing with that wonderful breath that even makes my dogs look and me and wonder. You'll be OK...we got your back!
  7. Thanks for the shout out. I am so glad that I am getting to know fellow sleevers. I know I will meet more in my post-op meetings, but the help has been truly a blessing right now. Be well.

  8. Thanks for the shout out. Only one week...not that far! Day 7 of my pre-op diet, so I am working hard at staying focused. Can be tough. Be well.

  9. after day 6, doing much better on my pre-op. Headaches are gone and feeling a bit more energetic. Dealing with the runs, but was told that was normal. To quote Jack Nicholson in "The Bucket List," never trust a fart :)

  10. BobBayCityMI

    Presurgery 2009 009

    From the album: My journey

  11. BobBayCityMI


    Added my beginning pics to my personal file. Caution: Not for the weak of heart or those who just ate. :thumbup1:
  12. BobBayCityMI

    Presurgery 2009 006

    From the album: My journey

  13. BobBayCityMI

    Presurgery 2009 007

    From the album: My journey

  14. Hello fellow Yooper Michigander from a troll. Good deal for Monday. You're diet is a lot more relaxed than my pre-surgery diet. I am basically under 800 cals per day, pre-set up packets, for 14 days, then a one day special liquid diet the day before surgery. Then today I had to have a CT scan because they found a blob on my lung in the x-ray, but all is good. I am cleared for surgery. Except it took them four pokes to get the IV started for the procedure. Tough skin! You go! It will happen and we will see you on the other side!
  15. BobBayCityMI

    Day 4 of liquid diet

    Well, onto day 6 now and much has leveled off. Except for the tiredness. But naps can be soooooo nice!
  16. BobBayCityMI

    Day 4 of liquid diet

    AM doing three Protein shakes per day. That is what they require of me. A Fiber drink and a lo cal Soup once per day. Multi Vitamins and Calcium also. Just looking to get over the hump.
  17. BobBayCityMI

    A little update

    Good to see you back. Good thoughts for quick healing your way.
  18. Yup. That's me! Friend of Bill's for 23 years. Guess I might have substituted booze and drugs with food. Know that many of us do. Glad to know that, once again, I am not so unique.
  19. We were told that some oozing, called seroma, is quite normal. This is evidenced by the oozing, usually one to four weeks after surgery. They suggest warm compresses and a cut up kotex to collect drainage. Hope this helps!
  20. Had my pre-op eval done today. Most things were good, such as breathing and EKG. Blood levels showed that I am so close to being diabetic (6.5 on the scale; 7 is diabetic) and my uric acid levels were high (arthritis can happen). But the good part was that the doc (who specializes in pre-op intakes and is not on the bariatric team) believes I am an excellent candidate for this procedure. Most of the problems they found with the testing will be eliminated or greatly reduced from the surgery and subsequent weight loss. Only part I hated was the blood draw. Had to be poked twice..ugh! Tomorrow I have my pre-surgery dietician meeting. liquid diet starts Sunday! Be well all! Is good to know I am not alone.
  21. BobBayCityMI

    Pre Op Lab Work

    For my pre op they did the full blood work up, chest x-ray, EKG, and breathing test. Found out I was good for surgery, but am borderline diabetic and just a touch anemic, but nothing to prevent surgery. Also found out that my uric acid is way too high, and so am now on a med to lower that. The doctor asked me if it hurt when I peed, and I thought they only asked that for an STD. Guess they do for abnormally high uric acid levels as well. Mine was about a four hour work up and exam. Found out that I was not preggers! Phew! Hopefully you know of anything that would prvent the operatrion before this!
  22. BobBayCityMI

    VSG vs LapBand

    I had the same choice. At first I was gung-ho for the lap band. Then I did some more checking. Found out about the sliming, slippage and fill dilemmas; the removal of the "I am hungry" sensor; the success rates being so damn good; nothing plastic left in me (even if it can be removed); and fewer problems with malabsorbtion. I personally liked the permenance of it. The stomach is left with the toughest part of the belly, so less chance for stretching, unless I am really a doofus. All in all, I am very happy with my choice to go for the sleeve.
  23. BobBayCityMI

    To Tell ....or not to tell

    I am selective in who I tell. Even some family I chose not to share my upcoming surgery with because I was not ready for the battle I may get. "You know, if you just stick to a diet and exercise..." I told a couple of people at work just so if I need additional time for appointments and such, they will know. It is an individual decision for me, as I am sure it is for most. Now I know I will get the questions after the weight starts coming off.
  24. Welcome, Chancie. Good group of people here. Am glad that you make our number one more. Bob
  25. BobBayCityMI

    Why not caffeine?

    I would guess, too, it would be the high acid level. Just a guess...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
