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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by debbie089

  1. Thanks for adding me as a friend, how do we chat live on here?



  2. Hello and thank you for the reply. I am getting plenty of fluids and figured out the Centrum Chewable Vitamins were making me dizzy, I have to switch to childrens chewables. I have just finished up my mushies and am now feeling awesome... going strong!

  3. I figured out that it was the Centrum Chewable Vit. I was taking. I have to change to children vitimans. I feel great no hunger, very satisfied, almost feels like nothing was done to me. You have to eat VERY slow! I have never been nausus or sick! Going strong! Thank you for the reply!!! You can email me at debbie089@inbox.com

  4. debbie089


    Hello from Chicago
  5. debbie089

    Feeling Good

    Hello to you all, I am new to the site. I had lap band surgery 3 weeks ago today (YEAH) I have been feeling absolutely wonderful and lost 14lbs in my first two weeks. However, I have just started to experience light headedness, can anyone solve this mystery for me? Thank you, Debbie
  6. debbie089

    The First Day of the Rest of My Life

    You go girl!!! I have had it done and am loving it! Debbie
  7. debbie089

    Feeling Good

    Hello to you all, I am new to the site. I had lap band surgery 3 weeks ago today (YEAH) I have been feeling absolutely wonderful and lost 14lbs in my first two weeks. However, I have just started to experience light headedness, can anyone solve this mystery for me? Thank you, Debbie

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
