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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sweetkris

  1. sweetkris

    Low libido after weight loss?

    I have alittle bit of this same problem as well, I have lost 107 lbs since March 17 2008.
  2. sweetkris

    new years weightloss challenge

    Hi there China my name is Kris and I will set a goal for New Year's. Great Idea by the way! Ok I will say at least 8 lbs. I like to set small goals and go from there. Good Luck to all! And Happy Holidays
  3. sweetkris

    I can do it!

  4. sweetkris

    user47316 pic6736 1221846342

    From the album: I can do it!

  5. sweetkris

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Hi my name is Kris I am 30 and I am single but dating someone. See I told the guy that I am dating that I had it done just because the way I ate when we went out?.But You don't even have to tell anyone if you choose not to, untill once you get physical cause of your scars.But hey lets face the facts most guys won't notice anyway, believe me!!!! I'm glad someone posted this thread! We single gals gotta stick together!
  6. sweetkris

    New to this!

    Thank you for your advise.
  7. sweetkris

    New to this!

    Hi there my name is Kris and I am new to this website. I had my Lap Band done on March 17 2008. I am down 60 lbs, It has been a long and rocky road :willy_nilly:. I have fill after fill. It came to the point I was going for a fill once a month! Is this normal? Well I think my last 2 fills are working now I cant even eat a kids meal :incazzato:. The other night for dinner I had 1 chicken finger and about 5 fries I got sick. So I say to myself YES YES is this normal? Well I do get sick on alot of food. But I can eat anything soft or soup and I am good to go. So my point is! Is this Normal? And is it bad I want it to be normal? I need to loose 40 to 50 more pounds! I am headed to reach my goal. Cant wait!:cursing: I will soon post more pictures of me before I had the Lap Band! Thanks so much for your time on reading this!!:banghead::cryin: THE FAT GIRL'S GOIN' DOWN! of what will be
  8. Hi there and thank you, I was close to 240 when I started. My kids are 13 and 3. No regrets here, just cant wait to reach my goal. I had it done on March 17 2008

  9. sweetkris

    kristen down 60 lbs, 40 more to go!

    Thanks, and yes I will be posting before pic's soon as well! Ps. Yes that's pop in the back Diet Dew! lol
  10. Congrats 60 wow! Way to go!:rolleyes2:
  11. sweetkris

    Hello I am new to this!

  12. Hi there my name is Kris and I am new to this website. I had my lapband done on March 17 2008. I am down 60 lbs, It has been a long and rocky road :rolleyes2:. I have fill after fill. It came to the point I was going for a fill once a month! Is this normal? Well I think my last 2 fills are working now I cant even eat a kids meal . The other night for dinner I had 1 chicken finger and about 5 fries I got sick.:tongue2: So I say to myself YES YES is this normal? Well I do get sick on alot of food. But I can eat anything soft or soup and I am good to go. So my point is! Is this Normal? And is it bad I want it to be normal? I need to loose 40 to 50 more pounds! I am headed to reach my goal. Cant wait!:tt2: I will soon post more pictures of me before I had the lapband! Thanks so much for your time on reading this!!:wink:
  13. sweetkris

    Im a newbie :0)

    Congrats on your lapband!:rolleyes2:
  14. sweetkris

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    Good Luck all will go well!:rolleyes2:
  15. sweetkris

    New to this!

    Hi there my name is Kris and I am new to this website. I had my Lap Band done on March 17 2008. I am down 60 lbs, It has been a long and rocky road :cool:. I have fill after fill. It came to the point I was going for a fill once a month! Is this normal? Well I think my last 2 fills are working now I cant even eat a kids meal :tongue2:. The other night for dinner I had 1 chicken finger and about 5 fries I got sick. So I say to myself YES YES is this normal? Well I do get sick on alot of food. But I can eat anything soft or soup and I am good to go. So my point is! Is this Normal? And is it bad I want it to be normal? I need to loose 40 to 50 more pounds! I am headed to reach my goal. Cant wait! I will soon post more pictures of me before I had the Lap Band! Thanks so much for your time on reading this!!:tt1::drool: THE FAT GIRL'S GOIN' DOWN! of what will be
  16. sweetkris


    Down 60 lbs

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
