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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SunnyRachel

  1. Hey, Poodles! How are you doing?

  2. Oh my gosh, now that you post this, I think I did worry most about, "What? I can't drink an extra large Baja Blast from Taco Bell anymore? What will I do at my favorite pizza buffet too???" That's really sad. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to be a pig anymore. I will add though, with any surgery I have, I've always really worried about dying on the table. That's just me though. lol Thanks for this interesting perspective!
  3. SunnyRachel

    1 Year Anniversery!!

    Happy Banderversary!!! Your progress is really inspiring! Thank you! Congratulations!!!!
  4. SunnyRachel

    A bit concerned...please inform

    I hope you get some relief. *hugs*
  5. SunnyRachel

    Dr.Greene, Maryland

    First off, congratulations! I wish you a smooth surgery and an easy recovery! I live in PA, but work in MD, did not have surgery with Dr. Greene, but wanted to say hello just because I'm kind of a neighbor of yours. I'm in Baltimore almost every day. But I did want to comment on the kids issue... I was given a time frame too about surgery, but then when I got to the hospital, many staff members there made it pretty clear to me that my surgeon was always running behind by at least an hour. My husband thought he would have enough time to get home to the kids (I stayed overnight, so I didn't matter. lol), but he was rushing out there... five minutes after he left, the doctor called him on the cell phone to say that I was done. ha ha ha So it might be good to just have a backup plan for getting your kids home in case of those incidental things. I look forward to hearing about your progress!!! Congratulations!
  6. Wait, wait, wait.... I think BethFromVA points it out well... most of those posts include a phrase like, "I know I shouldn't have eaten this....but...." So perhaps we can't blame the surgeons out there for not giving the education. I think the best we can do as a group when talking to people with questions is always emphasize that they should have good communication with their medical team and actually follow their instruction. So when someone is considering the surgery, they first should ask themselves if they are compliant patients.
  7. SunnyRachel

    New and already starting crap...

    Hi Pretty Potato! (But after Plain called you Tater, I keep thinking of Ron White though and, "They call me tater salad." Sorry!) Welcome to LBT! Congratulations on your surgery and progress! I look forward to seeing you around and I wish you lots of success!
  8. SunnyRachel

    Day 7 After Banding-- A Clothes Conundrum

    It's great you are doing so well!!! Congratulations!! I say go for it...just try on that suit. You might surprise yourself!
  9. SunnyRachel

    Tell Me the Bad Stuff

    Okay. Okay. I am making a simple list here of what I thought was the worst, but like everyone else says, it's worth it to me. I'd do it again. 1. GAS!! (OMG I have so much more gas.) 2. The fear in my head I had of my first fill, even though it was just a pinch and does not really hurt... I was still scared. 3. I either did not chew well enough or ate meat that was too tough or I ate it too quickly on two occasions and felt like I was stuck. It felt like a rock was in my stomach. It was so painful. Then the slimes came and I thought I was going to vomit. I tried so hard not to vomit. That probably was the longest 10 minutes ever! 4. The gas pain in the left shoulder the first couple days after surgery was unpleasant. 5. When I woke up on the table after the surgery was complete, I felt like an elephant was on my chest and the pain was incredible. Luckily that only lasted until I got to recovery and got some pain meds. That's it so far. I'm pretty happy. Everybody though experiences it differently, and in different degrees. I wish you all the best!
  10. SunnyRachel

    I've got to ask this ...

    First, congratulations! I hope you have a successful surgery and a smooth recovery!! I think your question makes a lot of sense. It's a great one to ask, and I'm sure you will get lots of different answers. In my personal experience, I can say that that kind of discipline was easily found, but not easily kept. I could lose weight for a little bit, but then give up quickly and fall back into old habits. That's how I failed... not being able to stick to any plan. For me, the band has been an attitude adjustment. I have only had it for a short while now, only two months, but it has eliminated most of my desire for high calorie foods. Sure, my favorite foods still all sound good, but I look at them now and it is a lot easier to turn them down than it was before. Throughout the day, I don't feel deprived or hungry at all. In fact, what I always thought was hunger was just a mental illusion. Nobody really knows what the band will change for you until it's actually in place. Most of the time you won't feel different at all... but then pretty quickly I bet you will soon discover the difference it makes for you. I hope this was helpful. I wish you all the best!!
  11. Yeah, I want to know too, what was up with those beans? ha ha ha I know my grandma didn't make you those beans, so they could not have had a pound of lard in them! (I so miss my grandma's beans...:thumbup:) (Oops, didn't read the comments that followed first before opening my big mouth again. Sorry!)
  12. SunnyRachel

    My first fill...

    Was not as scary as I thought, but I still acted like a baby. My surgeon tried to comfort me, and I tried to be funny. I said, "I forgot to bring my teddy bear." He just chuckled. It really was just a little pinch like everyone said...but you know, you have to try it yourself before you are convinced, right? ha ha ha So I asked what my band capacity was, which I was not sure of before. I have a 10cc band, and at the surgery, he placed 3cc at that time. So he asked if I wanted one or two, but decided to go right in the middle and give me 1.5 cc. I came home and mixed up a packet of low sugar Quaker oatmeal with milk. That was an hour ago, and I still feel really, really full... in fact, it's almost a little uncomfortable. Yay! We have more restriction!!! The scale had only moved three pounds since my post-op on 11/14. I wasn't disappointed, but he said it was time to get things moving now. I'm really excited!!! Happy New Year!! :embaressed_smile:
  13. Well said! There's those of us that take the gentle approach and would rather hold your hand and give you a hug and tell you everything is going to be okay, and there's those of us that want to shake you and say, "What the heck are you doing??? Are you crazy???" lol Both groups though, I hope you can see, just care about each other, total strangers, and just want to see each other be successful... whether with tough love or cheerleading. I'm glad we can all be open and honest with each other here. :thumbup:
  14. SunnyRachel

    First Fill--Ouch!!!

    Ewww, that was what I was afraid would happen... and was relieved when it didn't...so I'm so sorry you went through that! You are so brave though! Congratulations on your progress and your fill. I wish you lots of continued success!
  15. SunnyRachel

    Happy Problem to Report!

    That is so wonderful! Congratulations! It is very inspiring. I hope you keep having this happy problem.
  16. SunnyRachel


    I don't have an answer; I just have a hug. I'm sorry you are feeling down. I'm still pretty new at this too. I just wanted you to know someone listened and hopes you feel better.
  17. Thanks, Lilnena!! Congratulations! I wish you a smooth recovery, and how cool to meet another LBT member on the day of surgery!! I wish you well and look forward to your updates. Hopefully DLD is home doing well too! Take care!
  18. SunnyRachel

    7 lbs shy...HELP!!

    My husband wants your phone number. :thumbup:
  19. SunnyRachel

    7 lbs shy...HELP!!

    Ooooh, weights in the bra!!! That's a good one!!! Nobody will check there! Much better than eating ten cakes and 50 pizzas!
  20. SunnyRachel

    Family Photos

    That's one of my goals too!!! Thanks so much for sharing this! What a beautiful family, and you look amazing! Congratulations! All of your hard work really shows, and that is so inspirational!!
  21. SunnyRachel

    Stomach Issues?

    Maybe others doubt IBS because it seems so common for a banded person to have lots of rumbling and gas. I had never been this noisy...but I guess it was just that there was so much in there before that there wasn't room for air! lol I know, that's not very scientific, but we tend to be more anecdotal around here. Someone asks a question and when lots of people respond that they feel the same way, you chalk it up to normal and move on. I think everyone would agree though that if you are concerned about it, and you still don't feel comfortable after many people say they experience it too, then really sit down with your doctor about it. But you've done that already....so..... hmmm... second/third opinion? I hope you find some peace of mind though. Take care!
  22. Yes, just like dolphanatic22 said... they want to see that you can make a good effort and comply with the nutrition afterward. I was thinking at the time, "Oh, no! What if I lose too much and they say I don't need it anymore!" Well, I lost 15 pounds prior to surgery and nobody said boo. (Except saying, "Yes, you are approved!")
  23. SunnyRachel

    Making my self at HOME!

    Congratulations!!! I wish you a smooth healing process and a very successful 2009!! Your positive attitude is great!
  24. I wish I could help you with an answer on that one, but that's something you really don't know unless you look down in there, right? I am replying though to give you sort of a pat on the back for admitting your lapse at the start. I think that it's good you recognized your mistake and have corrected it. It's hard making that adjustment mentally. I felt that way... I didn't feel like my stomach was traumatized by the surgery, but I knew it must have been. I'm guessing you were feeling pretty good too! I'm sure you will do well now. Keep taking it easy and follow the rules and don't be so hard on yourself if you misstep here and there. It's really hard. Heck, if we were perfectly disciplined to begin with, we wouldn't have gotten the band, right? You're doing great! Congratulations on your surgery!! Keep healing!
  25. I'm anxious to hear how surgery went for you and lilnena. Did you guys get to meet? Are you feeling okay? I know, it's early, but I just hope you both did well and are having a smooth recovery. Take care!!!

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