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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by picklehead

  1. picklehead

    You know you are a bandster when....

    when you can't stop touching your collar-bone. Where did that thing come from????
  2. picklehead

    Anyone Else PB Like This????

    I should have clarified more when describing this, nothing is coming out of my nostrils!!! I would die if that happened. I sneeze it out of my mouth. I was hoping that a ton of other people on here would be having the same experience every once in a while, but I guess I am just a weird one! :seeya:
  3. So technically I don't really PB. I have done that maybe 3 times since my surgery 9 months ago. However, I do Productive Sneeze about 3-4 times a month. I'll be eating, maybe take a bite too big and start sneezing. I'll keep sneezing (it has lasted 10 minutes before!!) until I Productive Sneeze! I quickly learned to always have a paper napkin handy in case I start sneezing. Does this happen to anyone else???? Is this worse/better/the same as PBing??
  4. picklehead

    so how much have u lost so far...?

    Just curious as to how all of you have been doing since ur surgery in January? Awesome!! Are you happy about your band? Absolutely, One of the best decisions I have ever made in my life was to get banded! Every day I look in the mirror, I look a little bit more like myself. How do you love bandster life? No real issues at all! I love it. It is wonderful to not have your life controlled by food and/or body size. How close are you to your goal? About halfway there. Do you exercise everyday? Nope. But I should and have an appointment with a trainer for the very first time next week. Do you PB alot? I have PB'ed about 3 times since getting the band, however I do Productive Sneeze about 3 times a month. Very weird, but I can live with it.
  5. picklehead

    how long!!!!!

    Hi! I have been banded for 9 months now and what REALLY helped me at the beginning, and still now, to get all my protein and liquids in was IsoPure. You can get it at GNC or on their online store. You can buy large ones with 40grams of protein in each bottle or do the smaller ones with 15grams per bottle. I started off right after surgery with the large glass bottles and stuck with them for about 3 months until I knew I could eat more solid protein. Now I use the smaller 15gram bottles to supplement each day. They have a no carb version which is GREAT! Tons of flavors but the best one, hands down, is Grape Frost. Almost tastes like a grape sweet-tart. I don't know what I would do without them. They aren't heavy or thick. Its just like drinking Crystal Light. Here is a link to the Grape Frost flavored ones on the GNC website, Drinks - Protein - GNC If you search Isopure on their site you can see all the different flavors. Don't worry, it will get easier every day!!!
  6. picklehead

    Trouble foods

    I don't know if this really fits on this thread. It isn't a specific food that I am having trouble with, it is the not drinking before, with, or immediately after a meal. I am just having such a HARD time doing that. Occasionally I'll completely forget and take a big swig of water between bites and it doesn't feel too good. But I am SO thirsty when I eat. Anyone else having this problem? Any tips?
  7. picklehead

    What are your skinny goals?

    My main goal is to be healthy enough to try and have a baby next year.
  8. picklehead

    Name Your NSV

    I don't have to get out the lotion to take my wedding rings off anymore. Pretty soon I am going to have to get a ring guard because they are going to start falling off! There is a good foot of space between my tummy and the bottom of the steering wheel and that is really cool. My shoes are getting too big. I'm just not puffy anymore at all. So nice. Has anyone else noticed a change in their skin? I don't know if it is all the water I am drinking or what, but my elbows aren't dry anymore and my heels are soft and smooth for the first time in years. And most importantly, I have SO much more energy! I really didn't know how bad I felt until after surgery and I started feeling better.
  9. picklehead

    Who Rewired My Tastebuds?

    I used to LOVE steak. Now, even if it is cooked perfectly, I just don't like the taste of it anymore. I also find myself eating more fish. VERY weird for me. I haven't wanted french fries or any other type of fast food. And I don't drown everything in mayo anymore. More than just a dab tastes nasty and greasy to me now. Also, I have become OBSESSED with drinking crystal light lemonade. I haven't had heartburn once since my surgery and I LOVE being able to drink lemonade again without having to worry about sitting up all night in reflux hell. Everyone seems to be doing great!! Congrats to you all!
  10. So I got banded a week ago and have my first post-surgery appointment with my doctor tomorrow. I have 5 incisions (4 small and 1 larger one) and for the life of me I cannot figure out where the port is. Can someone tell me where it most likely is? I don't think it is the bigger one because that one is in the very center of my chest.... Thanks!
  11. picklehead

    January '09 banders

    Thanks soontobeme. I always try to laugh instead of crying. Life is funny. Thanks for the good wishes. Surgery is tomorrow at 12:30pm. Trying not to stress, but I probably won't sleep too much. I am just ready to be done. They're keeping me overnight, so I should be back online by Thursday evening. If I have any new insights after surgery I will definitely share. If anyone has any questions after I get banded, toss them my way and I'll answer what I can. Take care all!
  12. picklehead

    January bandsters our time is coming!!!

    YAY! I am so glad you got your date! :wink_smile: I know you were anxious to get it. I am two days out (Jan. 7th) and get more nervous/excited by the second! :thumbup:
  13. picklehead

    January '09 banders

    On day eight of ten day pre-op diet. Clear fluids only. Aaarrghhh! Okay, so if I chew up some food and spit it out will that be considered cheating??? What about just licking a block of cheese for a few minutes? Just kidding...kind of. Pre-op diet is torture, especially when you walk in on your metabolically gifted husband munching on one of the many fried cheese sticks he has piled in front of him. Tomorrow's Headline - "Starved Woman Decapitates Husband with Cheese Stick!" I bet I could plead insanity.
  14. picklehead

    January bandsters our time is coming!!!

    Surgery is January 7th. So VERY close. Kind of nervous. And definitely HUNGRY. Have been on 10 day pre-op diet. First 7 days was yogurt, cottage cheese, protein shakes and clear fluids. Starting this morning the next 3 days are all just clear fluids. Who thought I could ever miss cottage cheese so much. Anyway, just wanted to say HI. Hope you all have a great experience this month. Take Care!
  15. picklehead

    Anyone getting banded in January

    I get banded on January 7th. I am nervous, excited and tired of this pre-op diet already. But I have to do what I have to do! I've never spent the night in a hospital before and I think that is freaking me out the most. Good luck to everyone!
  16. I have to have an upper GI. Has anyone else had to do that? Pre-op is 12/19 Surgery is 01/05
  17. picklehead

    Anyone getting banded in January

    hi. i'm getting banded january 5th. i have all my pre-op tests coming up this friday on dec. 19th. i'm excited, nervous and just ready to have it done all at the same time.
  18. I've lurked around this site for about 7-8 months now. Pretty much since I made the decision to get banded, through my 6 months for insurance approval and now up to my last appointment (this Thursday) before I get my surgery. Hoping to have the surgery around Dec. 8th. I have struggled w/weight since about 14 years old. Have always been an active person, just overweight. Was diagnosed with PCOS just over a year ago. It was my OBGYN who suggested this surgery. I am having the surgery because I want to be healthy, I want my life back and most importantly, I want to have a child. I think a buddy/mentor would benefit me. I don't personally know anyone else who has had this procedure. It would help me to have someone to answer or give advice on my questions and concerns. Here's the thing. I am not a rah-rah, smiley face every other word, frilly, jesus loves you, needlepoint kind of girl. No offense to anyone who is, I am just not that way. I respect a great sense of humor and a true and honest NO BS type of attitude. If anyone thinks they might be a good match as a mentor for me, it would be much appreciated. Thanks for your time.
  19. Thank you so much Lisa! I will definitely take you up on that! First question, how long before you went back to work?

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