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LAP-BAND Patients
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About BellaMosha

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/24/1981

About Me

  • Biography
    Will be Banded on 11/24/08
  • Interests
    Knowledge, feeding my brain, learning, growing as a spiritual being. Sex, Unicorns, Panda Bears, Aphrodisiacs, expanding my senses, especially the sense of touch and see. Anything passionate, and intense.
  • Occupation
    I am a full time Colorist, Make-up Artist, Designer, Creator, Innovative Thinker, Artist, Collaborator, Business Founder, A Sickening Wreck, A Dreamer, Passionate, Driven Soul who's desire is to make a Difference, Live and Love!
  • City
    Somewhere over the rainbow
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  1. I bet! 5lbs is alot in a few days! we have 4 short days...i had a really weak day too. At work I did not get a lunch break until almost 4pm I work in the ICU as an RN I had my usuall coffee and nothing else. by 4pm i was dragging so bad. then i had about 6 slices of turkey sandwhich meat with a little of cream cheese and rolled it up and ate. i felt so much better. It is now 8pm and i had a 4oz piece of chicken and crystal light. I must go for now I hope you have a better day tomorrow. im off this weekend and i plan on doing lots of sleeping during those clear liq diet before surgery LOL.

    I am Evelyn 38yr old 3 children and married

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