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Posts posted by marmar

  1. hey big momma thanks. I have 3 kids too all BOYS! God love em. Im a stay at home mom too and believe me we really had to sacrafice the last year and a half to get the money. No vacations no shopping. I love to garden and I couldnt buy any flowers;(. I feel guilty that ive had to take away so much from my family (my husband does nothing but work just to pay for all this) but I will be such a better mommy because of this. But I am scared something will go wrong. We have been praying like crazy people. Its all we can do

  2. Thanks big mamma for the reply and yes there is 12 g of Protein in the chakes and some fiber(cant remember how much. I dont mind doing a diet if its doing what its supposed to be doing. I just dont want to waste my time. But what you said makes sense. I am just sooo scared of having a fatty liver. I want to do the BEST diet out there to shrink a liver and was just wondering if the one Im on is the right one. Im selfpay so if he has to back out of surgery Im out of money and it would take me a couple of years to save back up if i even could.

  3. I weigh 459 lbs. My doc put me on a 3 week preop diet and it consists of 6 carnation Breakfast no sugar shakes.They have 150 calories ,5g of fat and 16 g carbs each. Ive been reading some posts and dont understand why he puts people on this diet. Im getting 96g a day of carbs. Isnt that kinda high? I thought low carb diets shrink the liver. Im only getting 900 calories a day but alot of carbs. Id much rather be on a low or no carb diet because this one is down right torture.Im starting to get darn right PISSED and wondering if this is worth it

  4. Its not that bad My gums are going down but why is my face so dry? Ive been doing perfect on my diet so I really dont want to change anything to soon I think Ill see in a few days. Maybe Ill get used to it. Im not allergic to anything so this is strange.It could just be an outside thing and it just happened at the same time

  5. finished my 2nd day on my preop diet only 19 more days to go. It consists of 6 carnation breakfasts a day and that is it! Oh and my period came just in time. Im craving everything. But ya know Im not really hungry Im just craving the stuff I make for my kids. I dont even like chicken nuggets but wow did they smell good tonight LOl I wanted to rip them out of there pudgy little fingers. I havent even been to crabby. All I can say is this..... I can do everything through him who gives me strength.... AMEN!

  6. Thanks for the reply and I know I can do this just because I want it so bad but the doc never said I cant kick and scream and cry my eyes out LOL ya know those gross shakes do fill ya up enouph so Im not starving its just that I love the taste of food and my 3 growing boys and my hubby eat alot! i dont know how they are always hungry. I know they have to eat but I refuse to make 3 coarse dinners in the evening. My family is just going to have to live with Soup and sandwichws and chef boy rd for a while. They dont mind. my husband isnt very picky so that is good. and he can take the boys out to eat a few times a week.

  7. The doc is making me do a 3 week preop diet. 6 carnation no sugar added shakes a day and all the sugar free liquids I can drink! I am starting tommorrow and Im freeking out a little bit. I* have 3 sons and a husband that I need to feed. It would be so much easier if I was a single gal with no food in the house. Ill be like a heroin addict dealing heroin and cant have any LOL I still have to deal the food. Im going to call my doc first thing in the morn and ask about Unjury chicken flavored broth because the thought of drinking nothing but sweet makes me want to puke!

  8. I cant wait for my surgery

    I cant wait to go into a waiting room and not worry if i fit into the seats

    I cant wait to travel more and not have to use half my sons chair and a seatbelt extender

    I cant wait to shop any place cuz right now all i can do is shop out of a catalog

    I cant wait to get off all my meds.(and I have alot)

    I cant wait to have more energy

    cant wait to love myself again

    I cant wait to be normal and not the fattest person around

    I cant wait to feel feminine and pretty

    I cant wait to not think Im gonna die before my kids grow up.

    And although my husband is the sweetest man and loves me no matter what I cant wait to be thinner for him

  9. This is kinda off topic but I was wondering do all these meds work? I think I may need one. I took Zoloft in the past and stopped cuz it did nothing. Im down in the dumps most of the time. I have anxiety and Im crabby to my kids. I blame it on being so obese but could it be depression?And is it some miracle pill that can make me happy cuz if so I would love to get on something:)

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