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Posts posted by marmar

  1. I dont know what to say but go to the doc and get out of this depression thing. There is no reason you should be so depressed. Ive weighed over 400 lbs for the last 10 years and have never been depressed.Sad some days but every day isnt normal. As far as the video games. STOP. That right there could be causing your depression. You think its fun but all it is is another addiction. Just like gambling,eating,smoking ect. You need to excersise and get some fresh air and sunlight. Im not saying this to be mean. Im saying it because I want you to feel better. life is to short to play video games all evening and being depressed. Im sorry but Im only saying.Good luck. Defenetly work on the sad thing before anything because you cant do anything if youre sad all the time.

  2. Are you afraid of needles in anyway? Because if you are maybe you can tell your family doc and he can give you some valuim for it. I have a very high pain tolerance so getting my fills has been a breeze and they have a hard time finding my port too.They poke me alot! Sure it hurts a little but it doesnt freek me out. Everyone is different. Im sure that would help you a little. And dont give up ya need those fills. Also Just request that the doc does them. Just be nice about it and they should be nice back. If they get snippy find a new fill doc. I hope everything works out for ya:)

  3. Thanks guys. Im so happy Im getting restriction because I have been working my butt off and I want this band to chip in a little LOL. I feel my will power slipping and wanting to eat more so this thing working is a huge deal for me. I was about to give up but now with a little help from my friend ( the band) I think I can do this WHOOHOOO. I think I may have ate too fast for lunch but before this fill I could wolf the food down and no pain. So this fill must be it or at least close to my sweet spot. Its funny how you can give up on yourself and think nothing including surgery will work. I need some faith in this band.

  4. I know this sounds stupid but i just got my 4th fill 2 days ago and had no different feeling. No restriction. I could eat anything as fast as I wanted to. Well I just got done eating 2 bites of ham and a string cheese and on my last bite I had this small uncomfy feeling in my chest for the 1st time. Is this the feeling of full? Or did I eat to fast?I hardly ate anything YAY. This band thing may work for me:)

  5. Thanks kiz. You are right I am a nervous reck LOL I just think in the back of my mind ,nothings worked why should this be any different. Ya know.I just need to feel this thing really working before I can believe it. My will power always failes about 3 months into a diet and well that time is coming so I need these fills to kick in.

  6. Im going for my 4th fill today and Im very frustrated because I dont ever feek any different after them. When I do my drink test after should the Water go down smooth or sit in my chest for a second? I dont understand how I should feel. as of now I can drink a cup of water in seconds. Should I still be able to do that with restriction?

  7. this is insane. Ive lost about 60 lbs.in 2 months and have no restriction but Ive been going to the doc every 2 weeks to get fills because he knows Im working really hard on my own. We got this band for help because we cant do it on our own. I can do any diet for a few months but then i give up so I need to have restriction soon or I will fail at this too. Im sick of diets. I want to eat like every other skinny person. They dont eat salads 3 times a day they eat less. Thats what i forked over $15000 for.

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