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About marmar

  • Rank
    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 03/15/1976

About Me

  • Biography
    Mother of twin 10 year old boys and a 5 year old boy. Married to a wonderful caring man
  • Interests
    Gardening and landscaping,swimming with my boys,Being in the Bahamas. Watching my boys swimming in that turquoise water
  • Occupation
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  1. shibalover I dont think I over did anything. I work out a few times a week and get my heart pumping for an hour at a time and before I had restriction I dieted and watched my calories but now I have restriction and am eating whatever I make my family but I just cant eat very much of it LOL. Ive come to relize I want to do this for life not like a diet. I dont get all my protein in most days but I try and I eat everything but the band helps with the amount. The only tip I have thats a for sure thing is DONT snack because the band wont help with that. I could eat a whole bag of reese cups if I want. so I stay far far away LOL I try not to have that junk in the house. It really is an awesome tool

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