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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by marmar

  1. The Doc took me off half of my dose of blood pressure/water pill meds. While thats great ive gained a couple lbs due to water weight. My ankles are swelling slightly. Will this go away as my body gets used to the lack of water pill or does it mean I still need to take the whole dose?
  2. thanks everyone. I gained a pound today:( but I was expecting it. My doc took me off half my blood pressure meds and it had a water pill in it so I think I gained some water. It still pisses ya off though
  3. Im 7 weeks out of surgery. Ive lost 70 lbs with pre and post op diet. I stopped losing about 3 weeks ago and Im getting frustrated. Im not at my sweet spot yet but why should that matter if Im only eating 1300 calories a day and walking 1 and1/2 miles everyday. And I weigh 400 lbs so 1 1/2 miles for me is alot. I just dont get it. Maybe the 900 calorie 3 week liquid pre op diet really screwed up my metabolism. I mean wow at 400 lbs and the life style change ya think the weight would be falling off . Im really freaking out.I just want to cry.
  4. I just got back from tric or treating with my 3 boys and oh my gosh. Reeses are the devils candy! And there is sooooo much its gonna last all month. What am I gonna do. Im a chocolate slut. Hey Reeses has protein right;)
  5. I am 6 weeks postop and Ive had one fill.I have NO restriction what so ever and am getting another fill tomorrow. Ive been so good excercising and eating only 1200 calories. Well today i got chinese chicken and broccoli and measured out about a cup. Well then i had another cup and nothing! Didnt feel full or anything! I could have eaten more. I dont get it. I was waiting for that full feeling but nothing. Is this normal and besides eating all those calories could I have done harm?
  6. marmar

    A THIRD Breast?

    Oh my gosh I had that too. Im 6 weeks postop and the swelling went way down. Now its just a little lump. So dont worry:) Mine was real hard too.
  7. marmar

    Not losing weight - very frusterated

    10% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you kidding? if the doc told me that I wouldnt have had the surgery. I just find that hard to believe. Its gotta help more than that or almost EVERYONE would fail.( Im not saying your doc didnt say that it just blows my mind away if thats true.)
  8. Oh my gosh. I am craving a turkey sandwich with mayo and lettuce so bad and also a ham and swiss on rye! Im 6 weeks out and start soft food in a week. Will I ever be able to eat these again:(
  9. Can you stretch the pouch by overeating before good restriction with no PBing? The reason I ask is Im about 6 weeks postop and can easily eat a cup of food and wanting more. I just dont want to stretch my pouch before I have good restriction.Also I try to eat slow but can eat a meal faster than the nut says. Like a cup of crab i can make last about 10 min.
  10. A couple days ago I went in for my 1st fill.Before this I could eat a cup of food .the doc put 3ccs in and the water sat in my chest...too tight so he took out 1cc and water went down.I felt pukey but that went away. I was on liquids for 2 days after and starved. well today I ate breakfast about half a cup and I am starving again. I dont get it. If 3ccs were too much and he took out only 1cc why am I hungry? What will the fill be next time?
  11. its been a month since my surgery and all my cuts are healed shut except one smaller one.Its not infected but its open (not gaping but the edges arent touching.Should I put neosporin on it or something?
  12. marmar

    14cc band ?

    The doc put a 14cc band on my stomach. Why do they give some people smaller ones and some bigger?Are there advantages or disadvantages with the larger band?
  13. well i had my 1st fill today and boy did that kinda suck. I have a 14 cc band and it came with 4ccs in it. Well today .Im 4 weeks postop.The doc put 3ccs more.I couldnt drink the water.It layed in my chest. so he took out 1cc and I could get water down. Does this seem like alot the first time? I am still pukey feeling and was wondering if that feeling will go away? I couldnt imagine eating food right now.Am I too tight? will it settle a little
  14. marmar

    first fill to tight

    Thanks a million and yes Im on liquids for 2 days then mushys for another 2. I am getting liquids down fine Im just a little pukey feeling. I am scared to death about taking all my pills:(
  15. wow I dont understand. Why is insurance charged such a high price? And why are us self payers charged thousands less?
  16. well I am 3 weeks post op and eating more than the 2-4 TBS. per meal . Im eating a cup of mushys per meal and still want more.I have been losing a pond a day but I am wondering can I hurt my band doing this? I called the nutritionist and she only advised I should be eating 2-4 TBS per meal GRRRR she sound like a broken record.I just wanted to know if Im doing damage. She never answered that question. Im starving now but I am going to start eating less food. I feel like maybe he forgot to put the darn band on LOL.
  17. marmar

    Self-pay question

    most ins company have different plans. The employer chooses what plan to get. My hubby has Cigna and cignas plan A covers the surgery. Well his plan through his employer is the B plan and that plan doesnt cover it. Call your ins. to see if the plan you have covers it before you go ahead and do anything.
  18. at 6 weeks I can start eating soft foods and then about half cup. Thats 3 weeks away.in 8 weeks I can start introducing food to my diet and can eat about a cup of food. I cant wait for some restriction. I want to follow the rules but 2-4 TBS is crazy.. Thanks all for the info
  19. marmar

    Self-pay question

    with my lapband Dr.s permision I just had my family dr rewrite the lab work and things and my ins payed for all the tests.
  20. well Im 2 and a half weeks out of surgery and Im starving. I just had 4 oz. of baked fish and about a cup of butternut squash. I know thats alot but I could have ate more and it was hard to stop.I havent had any fill yet. The calories werent high but the amout was kinda alot.does it cause damage to eat too much
  21. marmar

    Starting weight of +400?

    Hey Latinred there is a sight on the net called Living XL and they have great scales for under $100. Mine I got cost around $80 and weighs up to 550lbs. I love mine
  22. marmar

    Starting weight of +400?

    Hey girl I weighed 464 and Im around 5'11'' tall. I got banded 16 days ago. because of the 3 week Pre op liquid diet and the 2 week liquid diet after surgery Ive lost a wopping 59 lbs.So in about a month and a half Ive lost this much weight.I still cant believe Ive lost this much. I cant wait to get a fill and start working this band cuz Im still starving. As far as loose skin I think as much as we want to lose its unavoidable. I dont care Im doing this for my health. I know in the future Ill need an arm lift and a full body lift. ill just have to remorgage my house lol or my kids will be older and Ill have to get a job.( Im a stay at home mom) either way I think its worth it.
  23. while I think its too soon to eat a tamale I dont agree with the above posts. If we could do a diet we wouldnt need the lapband.If you want a tamole once in a great while have one.Skinny people eat tamoles and chicken wings and pizza ,butter and mayo but they dont everyday and they dont eat way too much(although I do know skinny people that do eat junk all the time LOL) you just have to make the right choices most of the time.
  24. ok well today was my 1st day of mushys Thank God! I had a scrammbled egg for breakfast, a cup of cottage cheese for lunch and for dinner I had about 1/4 Cup of meatloaf smashed with a fork mixed into about 1/2 Cup of mashed potatos and gravy. My question is was this OK or was the smashed meatloaf not a mushy? The nutrisionist never gave me a list of food I could have so just wondering everyones opinion. I was also wondering if anyone had any ideas for veggies cuz Im craving some. Also is baked haddock OK?
  25. marmar

    60g protein a day?

    You could add powdered milk to your milk and make it a double protein milk...Its not bad at all or you could get some greek yogurt(yum) it has 21 G per serving. Or cottage cheese, unjury powder has alot of protein.(not my fav).I like making smoothies with carnation ins breakfast powder(sugar free) and adding powdered milk,milk a yogurt,fruit and ice.It has about 30 G protein. It does have a little over 300 calories but I dont think thats so bad for breakfast.

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