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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by marmar

  1. Hi all Im getting banded in erie Pa from Dr Ali and was wondering if anyone has used him. I am so excited and i cant wait. It sure takes a long time to see him.
  2. marmar

    This Is The Hardest Desecion I've Ever Made

    Can you get a loan or remorgage? People spend more money on a USED car for goodness sakes. That is the way I look at it. My insurance wont pay either and my life is worth more than money so Im paying. I have about the same amount to lose too and Im sick of feeling like this anymore. I hope everything works out for you
  3. marmar

    Hamot Bariatrics- Erie, Pa

    My appt to meat him isnt untill the end of april!!!! Ive been waiting forever!!! How is it going for you? Are ya glad ya got it? Any regrets?
  4. do you need to take protein supplements for life? and around how much is it costing you per month?
  5. marmar


    Me and my hubby and kids go to the bahamas every year well if and when I lose my weight my hubby and I will want to go alone without kids. I never drink because of my medications. All those yummy frozen drinks on the beach are a no no for me. My ? is if I lose the weight and get off my meds would it be okay to have a couple of those drinks and get a little crazy with my hubby or is it imposable to drink a couple with the lap band? Will it hurt the band ?
  6. marmar

    Several Questions

    I'm self pay also and was wondering the same stuff. Don'T they want you to have tests done and all that? Wouldn'T that take a lot of time considering other docs are doing all of those tests? I cant wait to get this done! My doc is so busy I made my appointment a month ago and he cant see me until late April !!!!!!!! Then if he wants me to see a sleep apnea doc and so on how long will there waiting lists be ? Just frustrated I guess
  7. Wow 6'9" your a giant.LOL What does the doc say? At that height all you may need is the excess skin removed. Ive heard of people losing a ton of weight and just the excess skin is 30 or 40 lbs. My husband holds his weight well also. Hes 6'4" 300 lbs and looks great if you ask me. Keep us posted on your progress. It is so interesting.
  8. Holey crap that is freaking amazing. You look like you dont even need to lose anymore WOW. You give us hope
  9. marmar

    A short video you might enjoy

    Im gonna need all of that when I lose the 260lbs i need to lose. I know how much a tummy tuck costs but Im not clear as to how much a body lift is. Im sure I will need the body lift. Also can arms be done at the same time? If so how much together. Thanks for taking the time.
  10. ARE YOU CRAZY! Im sorry but WHY didnt you tell your doctor about the racing heart? You might need meds for it. About a year ago I had a racing heart and they put me in the ICU. Heart acting funny is serious especially for big people like us. I am on medication for it(digoxin) probably for the rest of my life. Even if I lose all the weight. I hope you let your doctor know. And I hope its nothing . Tons of things can cause a racing heart. Low potassium,dehydration,panic attacks,the beginnings of heart failure and heart attack.
  11. Ive been reading a lot of these threads and have read about people losing weight and there stomachs getting smaller and then needing a whole new smaller band! Does this happen often? Does it happen more to people that need to lose a ton of weight?Why use such a big band to begin with?
  12. marmar

    stress test?

    Thanks everyone,You made me feel better about it. Its funny what little things I worry about.
  13. I have heart palpitations and I'm on meds for it. Do bariatric doctors want people getting the lap band to have a stress test? Im scared to death to do a stress test because 1. I don't think the tread mill will hold 420 lbs. 2. I cant run up a hill. I cant even run. I can barely walk a mile fast. Any advice would be great
  14. I am new to this journey and your post brought tears to my eyes. I need all the hope I can get, and you just gave me some. I have about 260 lbs. to lose and you make me see that its possible .Keep up the great work and definitely post some pics soon.
  15. that is crazy! What do your docs think? If the lapband is supposed to be forever what are the chances of getting a stomach bug in a life time? Did they sew the lapband to your stomach? I heard they do that now. I havent got the lapband yet. So I cant help but Im defenetly gonna ask my doc about what you have said. God Bless and I hope you get what is best for you.
  16. I haven't even got my lap band as of yet . I have been searching these forums for some answers and cant find any. I have about 250 pounds to lose and know I will need major PS but what kinds specifically?A Full body lift inner thigh lift arm lift breast lift ? The reason I ask this is I cant find anyone who has lost more than 100 pounds and got plastic surgery. Also Ive read where people have got tummy tucks and got there ab muscles tightened. Why? Do the muscles in the stomach get screwed up because of all the weight? Sorry for all the ? I just have no clue. Does anyone know how much a body lift even costs?
  17. marmar

    if I loose 250 pounds

    Wow thanks for the support guys. Im so glad there are people out there that have come so far. You give me hope. JJ AWSOME pics. Thanks for sharing them.Pictures speak 1000 words.I wish you all had them posted
  18. marmar

    if I loose 250 pounds

    Julie Thanks for your response. Im the one who sent you the message by the way. your response did help. You are right about getting the first chapter done before worring about plastic surgery. Its just that I know Im gonna need tons of work and I wont be able to aford it. I will defenetly get the tummy tuck though because Ill defenetly need one . I have had twins that were large babys and then an 11 pounder and my belly got stretched out LOL. MY BOOBS ARE GONNA TOUCH MY KNEES. LOL My hubby loves me no matter what so I guess my health will be enouph to make me thrilled. I want to live to see my boys grow up and have there familys.
  19. marmar


    Im curious when was the first lapband put into someone? I wonder what is going to happen 20 or 40 years with the band on the stomach. Do the docs think it will last that long or are they just hoping
  20. marmar

    has this happend to anyone??????

    Were you on any sort of blood thinner? And if so the doc should of told you to get off of them a week or two before surgery. Do you have a blood clot disorder?
  21. Ok this is kind of a hard ? I am 420lbs. They say with the lap band you lose weight slowly. 1 or 2 ponds a week. Hears my ? When I diet I do real good for about 3 months and then I give up. NO WILLPOWER. Anyway, I lose pretty fast about 4 ponds per week and that is on 2000 calories (healthy calories) and walking 1 mile a day. So I guess what I was wondering why do people only lose 1 pound per week eating 800 calories and exercising like crazy. I hope someone can give me an answer. I was thinking maybe its cuz I have to lose so much and it comes off quicker the bigger you are. Will I lose weight quicker with the lap band because Im so big ?
  22. Thanks everyone for your answers. and yes I have thought about gastric bypass and It seems so invasive. I'm meeting my doc in April. (it seems too long to wait) I'M self pay so I'm hoping surgery wont be long after. You know I was wondering about metabolism and wondering if bodies go in to some sort of shock. My body wont know what the heck is going on lol.
  23. You know its kinda funny. Im not passing judgment on anyone when I say I have so much weight to lose that if I lose weight and am 100 lbs over weight I would be thrilled to death. Isnt that terrible. People get this surgery if they only need to lose 80 lbs. I have so much to lose that I would be happy being just fat not Morbidly obese. I hate being this big .
  24. Hi all I haven't met my doc yet and my appt. is in April. Ive been wondering if all docs sew the band to the stomach or if some don't. I will ask my doc when I meet him. I am self pay and am a nervous wreck about something going wrong. Especially band slippage.
  25. Hey, I was just wondering if coughing hurts the band? What I mean is almost every year I get bronchitis (no I don't smoke)and it causes me to cough a lot. also what happens if you get the flu or a stomach bug and throw up a lot will that cause band slippage? I never get the flu but my luck I will after I get the band. lolo.

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