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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Princess4174

  1. Hello babedoe4,

    I was just banded by Dr.Artuso.....on Nov 13th and everything is o.k. tomorrow will be my first fill. I actually called and left him a message to call me back because I have some questions/concerns about the first time....maybe you can help me out...does it hurt? how restricted wer you afterwards? how much can you eat? what do you eat?? as you can see I am a bit longwinded....sorry but if you dont mind....HELP! lol

  2. pssst J.Joseph not that "I" need it but could you tell me what your wife used to clean her colon?? Inquiring minds want to know??:embaressed_smile:

  3. Hey Liteweight! (love the name) I was banded Nov 13th.... struggling with the food but trying....waiting to be filled on Dec 18th...congrats on the weight loss! Ohhh what I would give to lose 42lbs....YOU GO GURL!

  4. Hey where are u from?? I'm in Tarrytown, NY (at work)

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