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Everything posted by Princess4174

  1. Hey Listen, I truly appreciate everyones input and find it very informative..... I will remember to take it easy and slow, yes missionary is a bit challenging slim-n-tn, and pssst J.Joseph not that "I" need it but could you tell me what your wife used to clean her colon?? Inquiring minds want to know??:biggrin: Those of us in a committed relationship while being obese may share the same feelings of the importance of performance especially while losing weight. Personally I find since eating properly and losing a little bit of weight and excising just a little bit (like power walking) has made a significant difference in the bedroom...for one my stamina has gone through the roof....where as before I was too busy trying not to get a damn charlie horse in my stomach.....(YES, AND ITS PAINFUL AS HELL!) so for those of you who may feel this post to inappropiate SORRY, others who dont mind discussing and sharing on a respectable, grown adult discussion.......GOD BLESS YOU! AND THANKS IN ADVANCE!
  2. I havnt been following this rule....exactly and was wondering if this is why I am not feeling restricted...I havent had my first fill yet I was just banded on Nov 13th and well I havent done all that great as far as sticking to the post-op diets. At this point though I am able to eat pretty much anything and have. Outside of the TERRIBLE GAS I have experienced much else...no restrictions for me....oh except on Thanksgiving the Lasagna almost killed me...wont be doing that anymore... so should I be drinking 45mins b4 eating or vice versa or does it even matter?? :thumbup:
  3. Princess4174

    Relationship Question

    Wow kintime, all i can say is obviously your a christian (because you stated you rely on prayer) and you know what the bible says about divorce and untder what terms....not being judgmental or trying to make you feel guilty or anything but if i may express my opinion.... This man loved you when you didnt love yourself and thats great.... I too have experienced failed relationships and even a failed marriage because of my insecurities.. And since i have found someone who i believe truly loves me for me and has been very instrumental in the rebuilding of my self-esteem and he constantly encourages and supports my self love and happiness and worth... I am very aware and conscious (?) of how hard it had to be for him in the begining to be with some one with low self esteem issues...so i say all of this to say try really looking at the man your with and communicating to him what your not getting and your needs.... The affection and intimacy can be spiced up...experiment (unless your just not attracted to him anymore). Money is not everything after all god does give us everything we need.... All i can stress is honesty, honesty, honesty! How are you ever going to be happy or get what you want if you dont communicate....god bless!
  4. Yes, my period was due on the day of my surgery and still nothing.... surgery date was Nov 13th.. I figured it will resume back to normal in Dec....
  5. See I did do all of the liquids but by the time I got to the mushy's my first mushy meal was veggie beans and chicken vienna sausages.... I was able to inhale a whole cereal bowl full.... then came the bagel..... with no side effects or filling... I guess I just have to put it in my mind that I am full and satisfied ... but I have to ask HOW LONG DID IT TAKE YOU TO GO FROM A SIZE 24 TO A SIZE 6??? Currently I am a 16 (on the bottom) and a about a 20 -22 up top (top heavy) .... I hate my shape, when I do lose weight it always comes off the bottom first....any suggestions on how to get rid of the arms, back, stomach, breast.... lol HELP!
  6. YES I DID, I am starting over from stage 1 and will proceed to stage 2....I truly want to succeed with this surgery... This website really does help....I wish you guys were home with me when I get really hungry....like last night...to avoid from eating I just drank some water took a pain killer and went to sleep.....dont want to trade one addiction for another....
  7. I here all of you talking about what your able to eat after the mushy stage and after fills, how about I went from liquids to bagels. O.k. I had two, and now I am starting over from the liquid stage because the 10lbs I lost last week I've gained this week....I was excited when I was able to fit boots I wasnt able to wear for the last two years so yes I've got to get my *sh together....But why is it I am not getting full after 4oz or a cup of anything. I dont feel restricted at all....well not since the first week....my surgery was Nov 13th A WEEK AGO! outside of the sour belly I dont feel a difference....AM I GOING CRAZY OR IS IT ALL IN MY MIND OR WHAT? ALL I KNOW IS I DID NOT GET THIS SURGERY FRO NOTHING AND I AM GOING TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT IF I'VE GOT TO DRINK MY TO MY GOALS I WILL....
  8. Princess4174

    Not following the post-op diet.

    OMG....I need help! I am 11 days post-op and I will not admit to the things I am guilty of eating.... I dont feel full, nauseas, cramping or nothing. I was even feeling around my very itchy stitches to see if I truly have the band. Guys I have eaten a bagel....and nothing. Its no secret I am not a discipline person when it comes to food thus me getting the surgery but I thought I would get sick which is what I need to feel so that I do/eat these things....I am going back to the liquids this week and I am going hard......I gotta get this weight off but I am feeling like I probably should have done the by-pass....Not looking for sympathy just some tough love.....HELP!
  9. Princess4174

    Not following the post-op diet.

    compare to you all I should be ashamed of myself....I 11 days post-op and already have eaten unmentionable things. I was dissappointed in myself when I got to work and saw that the 10lbs I'd lost last week has already come back. I am starting my liquid stage all over again and will vow to stick to it for 2 weeks. Gosh, I totally lost sight of why I gotten the surgery in the begining. Not to make up an excuse for my behavior but i thought the band would make you feel full? I'm not full or feeling any discomfort. After all this is why I felt I would be successful with this surgery because it would FORCE
  10. 4th Day post Surgery...Its weird and exciting at the same time...any advise? Feeling a little hungry at times, tired and lazy of course....some cramping after I drink. shortness of breath other than that I cant complain! Please somebody school me on whats to come in the first stages.. :smile2:

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