I, too, am having problems with my esophogas. For the past two weeks, anything I eat or drink hurts - alot!! I went to see my badn doc yesterday and he doesn't think it has anything to do with the band. They did a throat culture (which will be back probably Thursday) as there were some lesions in the back of my throat. He actually thinks I have a viral infection in my esophogas. He made an appointment for me with my regular doc so she can schedule a barium swallow and/or an endoscope. I have lost 11 lbs in 2 weeks, so that's good! But I am diabetic, so not eating and/or drinking is not a good thing. I force myself to eat and drink throughout the day. The only thing I seem to really have good luck with is ice cream, probably because it numbs my esophagus when I swallow. But it is EXTREMELY painful. So if it is an infection, they will put me on a tetracycline antibiotic of some kind. If not, then I guess we do the other tests. But my band doc was sure it wasn't the band, as if the band were too tight, food would not go through and I would be throwing up.