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LAP-BAND Patients
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About maryewilson

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/11/1951

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  1. Happy 62nd Birthday maryewilson!

  2. Happy 61st Birthday maryewilson!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary maryewilson!

  4. maryewilson

    Beggining of day 4

    You are a day ahead of me. I am doing ok. Not a lot of pain but a little discomfort which I find surprising. It is like I didn't expect any discomfort. I am not having trouble with any liquids which I guess is good. I don't know. I hope you have a better day today. It is not fun feeling like you want to do something and just sit around. I am glad you got out - I may go and walk in a little while as the weather is good now and suppose to go downhill this pm. Take care.
  5. maryewilson

    Wow- one year

    Congratulations. You have done a great job. Keep it up.
  6. maryewilson


    I just home about an hour ago and am feeling great. My insurance makes you stay overnight. I am experiencing just a little discomfort - not enough for meds. I am going to bed but wanted thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. Everything is working as it should. Liquids for a week. I sure am looking forward to the pureed turkey, dressing, and gravy. Any real food would be great even broccoli but that is a week away and maybe a few more pounds lost away. Thanks again. Mary
  7. maryewilson


    I just home about an hour ago and am feeling great. My insurance makes you stay overnight. I am experiencing just a little discomfort - not enough for meds. I am going to bed but wanted thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. Everything is working as it should. Liquids for a week. I sure am looking forward to the pureed turkey, dressing, and gravy. Any real food would be great even broccoli but that is a week away and maybe a few more pounds lost away. Thanks again. Mary
  8. maryewilson

    Banding Tomorrow

    I am getting banded tomorrow. Funny to say since this has happened so quickly in a way and taken a lifetime to get here. My weight has fluxuated all my life and I am so tired of not being able to keep it off. A couple of years ago I knew I had won and now I can't believe what I see in the mirror. I tried to find a doctor this summer to get banded but walked out when they said that out of all their surgeries they have never had anyone, who followed the rules, have any complications. Being a thinking person I knew that to be a untrue statement so I walked out. The second doctor was close to my house and I went to my appointment. The lady at the desk who greeted me and asked for my papers was on the phone the entire time. I had questions to ask and she remained on the phone. I walked out of that place as well. A man I purchase some merchandise from on Craigslist had lap band along with his wife and he recommended a Doctor. I downloaded the papers on Wednesday and on Friday they had me approved and scheduled for November 18th. I feel that I have found a doctor who is passionate about the work he performs and how it improves peoples lives. I love that and it feels real. No walking. Tomorrow at 8am they want me there. I feel that I am just putting one foot in front of the other and going forward. I am glad of my decision and a little scared as well. I have completed my two week diet eating only two green beans in addition to the Optifast. It was a little difficult the first few days but I just kept my sight on my goal. I am hoping this is the best decision I have made for myself in a long time. I can't wait to get back in my size 10's that are sitting in the closet. By the way, the time between the two appointments referenced above was about 4 months. In the time between the appointments I went on vacation and went scuba diving. My husband I got certified this year. It was a wonderful time except for one thing. The weight belt I had to wear was so heavy I felt that could have sank the Titanic. I decided then that I would get this weight off so I could scuba again and not be so heavy. I guess tomorrow is like my first dive - I am jumping with my mask and oxygen with trust that this will be the tool I need. So here goes....
  9. maryewilson

    Banding Tomorrow

    I am getting banded tomorrow. Funny to say since this has happened so quickly in a way and taken a lifetime to get here. My weight has fluxuated all my life and I am so tired of not being able to keep it off. A couple of years ago I knew I had won and now I can't believe what I see in the mirror. I tried to find a doctor this summer to get banded but walked out when they said that out of all their surgeries they have never had anyone, who followed the rules, have any complications. Being a thinking person I knew that to be a untrue statement so I walked out. The second doctor was close to my house and I went to my appointment. The lady at the desk who greeted me and asked for my papers was on the phone the entire time. I had questions to ask and she remained on the phone. I walked out of that place as well. A man I purchase some merchandise from on Craigslist had lap band along with his wife and he recommended a Doctor. I downloaded the papers on Wednesday and on Friday they had me approved and scheduled for November 18th. I feel that I have found a doctor who is passionate about the work he performs and how it improves peoples lives. I love that and it feels real. No walking. Tomorrow at 8am they want me there. I feel that I am just putting one foot in front of the other and going forward. I am glad of my decision and a little scared as well. I have completed my two week diet eating only two green beans in addition to the Optifast. It was a little difficult the first few days but I just kept my sight on my goal. I am hoping this is the best decision I have made for myself in a long time. I can't wait to get back in my size 10's that are sitting in the closet. By the way, the time between the two appointments referenced above was about 4 months. In the time between the appointments I went on vacation and went scuba diving. My husband I got certified this year. It was a wonderful time except for one thing. The weight belt I had to wear was so heavy I felt that could have sank the Titanic. I decided then that I would get this weight off so I could scuba again and not be so heavy. I guess tomorrow is like my first dive - I am jumping with my mask and oxygen with trust that this will be the tool I need. So here goes....
  10. maryewilson

    New with a question

    Thanks for your response. That was the last real question/concern that I had. I am ready to go. Mary
  11. I am scheduled for Lap Band on Tuesday Nov 18th. I am so tired of my weight be up and down all my life I feel that this may help me live the rest of my life healthier. One question that I have is that my doctor usually puts in a pain pump that nums the abdomen for a few days. Since I have such a high pain threshold I opted out. Any comments on my decision? Thanks Mary
  12. maryewilson


    I am scheduled for Lap Band on Tuesday Nov 18th. I am so tired of my weight be up and down all my life I feel that this may help me live the rest of my life healthier.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
