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vicki's band

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vicki's band

  1. I hear you, I couldn't believe she said that to me, I honestly didn't know how to reply! I finally learned how to play the one and only game on my cell phone yesterday, and even got bored with that!!
  2. Its funny Rain cause that is the first thing he said to me, well, don't worry your getting a fill.......Well, no sh**, I gained three lbs. I would have followed him home if he didn't give it to me..He also didn't numb me, just stabbed me with the damned needle.:thumbup: We rode down the elevator together and i told him alot of us are not happy with the way things are running up there and he said he knows it is not good right now and then told me about Kim, I had a problem with her right after surgery, she told me I had no restriction at that point and could eat and drink whatever and so I did and when I went back and had gained weight Hoff says what's up and i told him. He was pissed and said Kim doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.. the first time i saw him really mad...I have not seen her since, until yesterday and she lost 55 lbs and let me know it was the old fashioned "hard' way, so I guess she was saying I am weak or whatever. but I told her good for you...then I sat in that damned room for over an hour and you know the rest. I HATE going up there and they even moved my appt up from 3 -2pm what a joke.............:cursing::bored: so any way, today I weigh 209.7 up 2.7 lbs since our first weigh in so I need to lose 12.7 lbs by halloween:scared2:
  3. Maria, I also have an appt with Hoff on nov. 4 @ 12:45 when is yours
  4. I hear you mpador and i am sorry i missed you.:wink2:
  5. Also he told me that there has been a lot of complaints about Kim cause she is working with him now and he said many complaints are coming in.....I told him there are many complaints re. how thing are going up there.
  6. Great way to choose your goal Rain I will also see what mine is...I went to hoff's today and got there at 130 got out at 400 they were turning the lights out and Hoff is on his way to chicago for a week, for conference... anyway, he forgot about me and was on his way out the building and they caught him and said Vicki is still waiting.. I was pissed but when he turned on the charm I melted...:wink2: So, I gained 3.3 lbs up to 211.3. He was going to give me a .5cc fill and I said wait, You took .5 out cause i was too tight and so I don''t think we should put more than .3cc for now, so i have to go back in 4 weeks...
  7. Hey Jen, I went to one of those sites that figure your bmr and it said if i did nothing at all just lay and breathe i would burn 1630 calories a day. so why are you restricting your self to 1100 cals a day. Is it just to lose faster?
  8. Well, it is funny you asked Rain cause I just changed it again. It was always 145, cause i am only 5'5 then I changed it to 150 and now 160 Ha! tell u the truth, I should just change it to 199 cause at this rate that is probably more realistic....will anyone else be at Hoffman's tomorrow around 2 pm?
  9. dont wear any underwear or jewelry or cut your hair short, or maybe you will just do it, but even if you dont, look how close you are and maybe the week after you will be in onederland...good luck Rain, I am rooting for you...:thumbup: I see Hoffman tomorrow, get a fill and hopefully I wont be to tight or too loose this time.........
  10. it'll be ok mKat, they will take care of whatever it is and who knows, maybe that is the cause of your weight gain and then you wont have to get the band.
  11. unfortunately Jenn there is no carb I don't like..I have had self control for over a year but it is deminishing and I am out of control.. I need carbs anonomous.........:smile:
  12. Congrats Val, On your 3 lb weight loss, I think It jumped on me cause I am up again.:smile: I think I will just tell Hoffman to hook me up to an IV bag and fill me up cause I am totally out of control on portion sizes and carbs.:wink2: I am sugar ladened again and detox will be brutal.... :thumbup:
  13. Actually Rain, he mentioned it a couple times, and I agreed, then he says well, lets wait till fall. well, fall has arrived and I will mention it again tues. I wish he would just fill me under fluoroscopy!!!:smile: Jenn, thanks for all your support every time you guys talk to me it helps, no matter what you say...It just feels so good to have someone who understands and cares, and my other half is no help at all, he doesn't want to hear it and brings cakes and candy and chips and anything else he thinks might trip me up.. I can't take it anymore............. so when i have all your support it means the world to me :thumbup:
  14. Rain, Just knowing you care helps me a lot, I am not even sure how to help myself..I feel lost, like I cant remember how I did the 80 lbs. I don't know what happened, except that when i started getting filled and unfilled everything went crazy. I am either too tight or too loose. I could cry.:smile:
  15. O.K. I'm up again 211.6. Up 4 lbs in 3 weeks, my appt is wed. the 7th at 3pm. he better give me a fill, i could eat a horse.... I had the Same procedure last year Jenn, actually almost 2 years ago. I still get light periods at times and none other months but i am menopausal. It was wonderful not to have the heavy loooong periods any more..... p.s. MUAH!!!
  16. Shar, it is time of month, it took me a while to catch on too, I am still trying to figure out Jenn's MUAH...Huh? Jenn what is that " may your ass harden" ha ha LMAO!!!!!
  17. oops, it must have been a freudian slip, cause i weigh myself a million times a day but today was my baby's birthday 29 yrs old aaahhhhh! so I jumped up showered and left to go off with her for the day and didn't weigh myself. will do tomorrow.
  18. Thanx for all of your imput, I am not sure how u get all the info on calories and protien gr. is there a book or a site...I had a porkchop and veggies for dinner, I can figure it out if I have a label but how many cal and prot. is in a porkchop. what if I eat out and dont know how some thing is prepared...... and mKat you are in a really great place right now, they will not hold u to an exact number on the scale, they just want to know you gave your best, and made the effort. take advantage of the first year and the weight will fall off..you'll do just fine, you'll see...chin up and like Jenn said......breath...........
  19. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, You guys are awsome, it is so nice to see i am not alone, and that i have the most awsome pals when i am having a meltdown.. i am up again today, 210.4 I am perimenopausal so i don't know if it would be TOM, so I will see what happens the next few days, I did track my cals. yesterday was at about 1300 total. I know I dont always eat what i should or do eat what i shouldn't, ever since that major unfill in may i have been totally screwed up....but i do know i eat better and eat less and move more than I used to and I guess that is my issue..I would think i would at least maintain or lose slowly..but I am gaining...we shall move forward Huh? thanx guys you are all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. thanx guys, I know everyone is struggling, I too was told "oh you can eat whatever u want, just less of it, then It was south beach now i have to count calories and watch fat, well isnt that what i was doing before the band? I guess i thought i would just keep losing like i did the first year of surgery. just gotta get over it. p.s i am starving all the time...........
  21. Sorry guys I'm having a pitty party :tongue2:
  22. I too have grout lines but I usually pick the one that says the least, however, it is not consistent so what say's low today, might be the higher tomorrow.OMG, i am crazy listen to myself.....anyway, i was up again today and i am so discouraged....No i do not count calories, never have since surgery, didn't think we had to with south beach, I thought that was one of the benefits of SB...anyway i guess maybe i'll go back to weight watchers point system?????? I don't know anymore, you would think Band/SB what was it all for if I have to diet count calories, etc why not just do this to begin with and forget the surgery???????????
  23. Man oh man oh man, I am up again, I have a band and do south beach and i still gain weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't stand it any more......
  24. is anyone else having problems logging on to this site, i am having intermittent problems.........

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