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vicki's band

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vicki's band

  1. Oh gosh, I am having the worst heartburn again, gonna call tomorrow and see if I can get in sooner..
  2. Oh Rain, u look adorable..... :thumbup: You know guys i'm starting to think it is all relevent, up 5 down 10...still down 5 right.:scared2::frown:
  3. A friend of mine was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer a few months ago and she was just told she has 6 months to live....Her daughter just got another tatoo and she says they are like potato chips "you can't have just one" I think it is a nice tribute to all woman jenn, good for you :sad:
  4. No Jenn, I suck, I ate 1200 calories worth of icecream in the last 2 days............happy holloweenie to me,,,,,,,,,,,,:sad:
  5. oh gosh, can I come lol.........I am up today 205.9 and so I would eat at a holloween party. I guess I will go for a fish fry instead......:sad:
  6. yes, i am o.k., just hungry all the time and can't seem to lose another ounce no matter how hard I try, you are 200.5, that is great, I was going to say wonderful, but dont want to jinx you lol.....:thumbdown:
  7. 204.9 today, so down 7 lbs. since the challenge began, my heart burn is raging again, up all night drinking mylanta, have to stay away from the darned tea and spicy food. need to find a new drink that doesn't have acid in it...groooaaannn!!!!!!!!! still doing my birthday challenge, but am up for anything to help me get to onederland, seems like as soon as we get close our matabalism shuts down..:thumbdown:
  8. hey Rain, were like little squirls, stocking up for winter and bunkering in for the long cold winter, it's going to get tough now with all the holidays ahead......
  9. welcome home rain....i am so jealous....
  10. It is GORGEOUS here today also Jenn that is pobably why it is so quiet, had the windows open, heat off, and walked the dogs in my t=shirt....aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!:wink2:
  11. Hey Twin, I wouldn't change a thing if I had to give up Dr. Hoffman, It is really not the Hospital, just a couple issues with the office...But dr h makes it all worth while......:wink2:
  12. I hope not too, the last time he took fluid out it was like the flood gate was unleashed and I just went for it. I was like an animal who had been starved, and i took full advantage of the situation...I am throwing the sand man your way and hope u sleep well tonight, keep us posted during the week on your heartburn saga..lol..not really funny :thumbup:
  13. If I were leaving town I would have done exactly what you did Val cause there is nothing worse than a bad case of heartburn...I am miserable when it flares up, i can't even think straight........
  14. WOW, that was fast,lol, I thought u were on ur way to the store :laugh:,,well, good for u Val, I didn't know it was that bad, I hope ur good now and heal fast...keep me posted...:blushing:
  15. That is what I did Val, i drank the EAS myoplex lite for three days, and my heart burn is gone at the moment. see if that helps. I hope so cause i know how horrible it is....:blushing:
  16. Oh, ok. well I have been drinking protien shakes for breakfast, and sometimes lunch I drink the EAS chocolate one from sam's club, i am sure they have them everywhere, they are good cold, the only ones I have found that I really like. they are a little expensive, about $24 for a case, not really bad now that I think about it, cause i just bought muscle milk $3.19 a bottle and I hated it....:closedeyes: Also, I was wondering if anyone knows where to get soy pasta?:w00t:
  17. oh Jenn, I couldn't think about any kind of peppers in my food right now:scared2: I am burning up as it is...........How are u doing, you don;t chime in as often as u used to....Hey, I see ur bmi is in the 20's, that is awsome!!!!!good for u.
  18. Hope u feel better Val, Fudgecycles are better than popcycles lol....Now everymorning when I drink anything my stomach is spasming squeezing so I don't know what that is all about. Dr H. told me not to drink Hot or cold.. but I am not comfortable with the Idea of my stomach going into spasms. does this happen to anyone else? p.s down another pound this a.m.
  19. do u have an antacid or try drinking milk or sf pudding these always help me, try not to eat to late, I know if u are like me , my eating time is at nite groan......but my heart burn is all day usually at nite it is better..go figure..I hope u feel better soon . I now heartburn is miserable, sometimes I am afraid to eat anything! P.S. sugar free fudgcycles, they are cold and ease the burning
  20. Oh no, thats not good, I have asthma too and reflux will do that...It may be why you have a sore throat too. I hope its not the flu. how much is in your band, do u know?
  21. you go BigGurl, that is awsome,:seeya: I wish we could have met last nite, maybe next meeting.. congrats Val, I am down about 2.5, but I never know if it is weight or water, so I am reluctant to say...do u regurgitate alot, I am wondering if I am eating too much then regurgitating and that is what is causing the heart burn..
  22. Val, I too have been having horrible heartburn, eaven during the day, I have been filled for over two weeks and had no heartburn and now out of the blue I have it and I am wondering if I aggravated my esophogus and so I am laying off the spicy food and drinking milk instead of iced tea, which seems to bother me when I am irritated...I hope neither one of us have to get unfilled again it is getting old............
  23. I hear that too, I always loved hot and spicy and barbque foods, now I get into trouble everytime I eat it,,,
  24. thanks everyone. they just came back from the doc and he says he doesn't think it is swine flu, just a really bad cold. I cleaned up the house for her and did laundry and put Jadon down for a nap so I am home now and maybe go back later. we will see... Yea, I thought if I was too tight the heart burn would have started right away after the fill but I will go on a bland diet and see if it calms down... the iced tea started aggravating it again so I will stop drinking that.. I cannot eat chicken breast or dryer denser meats either BigGurl, they just don't want to go down..Hope this goes away, I really don't want to go get unfilled AGAIN!!!!! but I will if I have to cause this sucks big time.....
  25. Rain, have a great trip, looks like the weather hear is going to suck so your leaving at the right time... Jenn, sometimes we have to be human and just eat a nice dinner out with friends and family as long as we are not sitting and eating a whole cake with a gallon of ice cream, I think it is ok once in a while to splurge.....I have that horrible heart burn again.I got filled 2 weeks ago so why is the heart burn comming back now??????????:thumbup:

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