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Everything posted by hopefullystillinwaiting

  1. hopefullystillinwaiting

    In Need of a New High Desert Dr.

    Thank you so much for the information, I was so excited to finally hear from someone. I called but they do not take HMO's. I do want to thank you very much for trying. :thumbup: Still in waiting
  2. hopefullystillinwaiting

    In Need of a New High Desert Dr.

    I have been working on having surgery for about 6 years now. I live in the Victorville High Desert Area of CA. I was under the Dr. care recording my progress when I became ill and had to stop. It has now been about a year and I am better. I went back to my Primary Dr. to start back with the weight loss program where we left off and she now tells me I have to start all over again! Does anyone know of a Primary Dr. in this area that is truly in favor of helping us in need of this surgery without playing so many games... I feel I have played more than my share! I would greatly appreciate any help I can get. Thank You, Hopefullystillinwaiting
  3. hopefullystillinwaiting

    Health Net?

    Hello EM1125, Thank you for your response. I started looking into the surgery 6 years ago going to a seminar. I then went to my Dr. (at that time) which told me he did not agree to the surgery. I later changed Dr. this one agreeing and we started documentation. During that time my insurance changed and I was told I would have to change Doctors. I took all my information to the next Dr. once again this new Dr. did not agree with the surgery so I was back to square one. I later found out I could return again to my last Dr. in which we started keeping records again. Several months into it I started having a lot of female problems they had become so bad that I stopped with the weight and started with getting help for female surgery. It has now been a year and things are going well so I went back 3 months ago to talk to her about getting things starter again where we left off with my weight program and she (my primary Dr.) told me I would have to start all over again! I told her this was ridiculous I have already played their games and she told me this is the way it works... I have since been back in the hospital due to now a heart condition! I am waiting to see a cardiologist. I feel these conditions (arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, acid reflex, and now recent heart condition... the next is diabetes, everyone of mothers side, grandmother & two uncles loss of limbs, two aunts blind all from diabetes) are being brought on by the weight, the yo-yo dieting roller coaster I have been on for the past 30 years. I hope I have not lost you through all this long drawn out story but I am trying to help you better understand... Thank you any help is greatly appreciated... Hopefullystillinwaiting :thumbup:
  4. hopefullystillinwaiting

    Health Net?

    Hello All, I had signed on here a couple of years ago as Hopefullyinwait now Hopefullystillinwaiting I have been looking into having surgery for about 6 years now. I was putting my time in as Health Net requires, I had about 8 months time in but became very sick from female problems. I had surgery for that and now that I am ready to get started again with the weight loss my Dr. now tells me I have to go through all their games again! She says it is due to the insurance co. Does anyone have any information on this... I was trying to find out information when it sent me to this site... I am hoping the one who started this page was blessed with your surgery and is now health, slim & trim:thumbup: I would love anyone's help if you know of any Dr. that do not make you play all the games as mine is saying nessesary to do again. I have many health problems and they seem to be adding up as time goes on. It hardly seems fair that I should have to play any longer, 6 years is more than enough. Living in High Desert Apple Valley, Ca area. Thanks to All...:cool:

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