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Everything posted by pyt1908

  1. I go up 5 to 8 pounds. really frustrated.
  2. I lost 70 pounds in 6 months. I am down 85 and I was sleeved in june. I think wine and carbs have contributed to stalls. I am thankful for the loss. I have 25 pounds left to loose.
  3. pyt1908

    35 lbs?

    I love this statement! I often compare myself to othrs. I am 3 months post op, down 40 pounds. I loose 1-2 pounds a week. I have resolved that I am the tortous and slow and steady is probably best.
  4. pyt1908

    SOOO Frustrated!!

    I was sleeved in June. I seem to loose a pound or two per wek. Ive lost 40 pounds in 3 months so I guess I am slow compared to others. Dont get dismayed, it will come off.
  5. Hi Carole. I live in wc and was sleved in june. send me a mss if you have any questions. good luck.

  6. Havent been on for a whil. Down 40 pounds in 2.5 months. slow and steady wins th race Iguess.

  7. pyt1908

    Gained weight>....

    im 3 weeks post op and was horrified by the 3 pound weight gain so I feel your pain!
  8. pyt1908

    Chin Hair and Weight Loss?

    LOLLOLLOL! I have a really bad problem- wa eah week but this post is hillarious!
  9. pyt1908

    Why me?

    still praying for you. try organic banana baby food. it helped me.
  10. pyt1908

    a little over 1 month!

    congrats on your success! can you share your typical day's diet? I am 3 weeks out and havent had this type of lost.
  11. AWESOME! can you send me a few sample menus. Im curiuos to know how to improve my eating/ drinking. Im 3 weeks post op.
  12. I am 2 days away from being 3 weeks out. I lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks, 20 pounds including the 2 day liquid diet. I weigh myself on Mondays. Well to my horror, I have put back 2 pounds. I am barely eating. I can digest solids but very little. I am not getting all of the water and protein in because I just dont feel like I can fit it in. I am very frustrated. Could it be that I am gaining bc I am not eating vegetables? I am tempted to start fasting just to get my body cleared. I am desperate
  13. God is good. my surgery went well. the NYP Cornell weil team was stellar. I was sleeved on june 8th. down 17 pounds. initially it was 20 but gained back 3. I've made a few posts and have learned that I may have been prematurely concerned about he WL. The day after surgery was ruff, lots of vomitting; however, all tests displayed my anatomy was ok. After the naseau meds were adjusted, i was feeling good. I never took the pain meds prescribed after my discharge. I have a little incision pain- but nothing major. I am working to increase my food and liquid intake bc I am not having BM like I should.
  14. I am a few days shy of 3 weeks post op. I have lost 20 pounds but Im physically feeling like he loss has already slowed. I am afraid to weigh in because I dont think I will meet my goal of 30lbs for 30 days. Any suggestions on what I should eat? I know I am not getting enough protein and water in.I do drink an atkins shake each day. I have advanced from puree. For those of you that have lost alot during the first three months can you share some food and excersize ideas?
  15. so maybe I am freaking prematurely..............thanks all.
  16. I identify completely- I too question the bowel movement frequency. I was very regular, now I feel sluggish and may have a BM 2 a week. I know that this is wrong. I am thinking of going on a fast but then I wont get the Protein in................
  17. thanks for your responses. I am really frustrated beause I have gained 2 pounds back. I am trying to meet the guidelines for protein and water but I physically become sick when trying to get these things in. I really cant eat more than a few bites and I push to get 32 oz of water in a day.
  18. gained 2 pounds back and Im only 3 weeks post op- wth????????????????????

  19. pyt1908

    2 weeks post op

    I am 3 weeks post op and eperiencing the same thing. I lost 15 pounds in the first 2 weeks, 20 if you count the 2 days of liquids pre surgery. I am able to eat solids but I barely eat more than 3 spoons of food twice a day. I know that I am not getting 64 oz of watr or the Protein but many others have reported that they could not get all of their nutrients; yet they are loosing. I feel your pain.
  20. I am wondering the same thing. I was sleeve on June 8th and have los 1 pounds. I was on puree since I left the hospital but I can get 2 oz down at a time. its getting better, oday I finished 4 oz of activia lite. However, I am no getting in the protein. I just want to have maximum weight loss so any food suggestions would be grealy appreaciated.
  21. what id you eat to loose so much?

  22. pyt1908

    3 Months Out Update

    can you share your menus? I am curious to know if I am eating the right hings. I am 2 weeks pos op.
  23. pyt1908

    Walking is just not cutting it!!

    If you have a wii buy Michael Jackson. it is the best.
  24. i wondered the same thing. I am a week post op and I still feel uncomfortable so I am going to wait a few weeks to have sex but my toys really miss me. :unsure:

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