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Posts posted by pyt1908

  1. I love this statement! I often compare myself to othrs. I am 3 months post op, down 40 pounds. I loose 1-2 pounds a week. I have resolved that I am the tortous and slow and steady is probably best.

    Please don't compare your weight loss to anyone else on the forum. It is dependent on so many variables. I have lost right at 50 lbs in just over 4 months and I am very pleased with that because I have lost that 50 lbs for the LAST TIME!!!! Just remember the story of the tortoise and the hare...slow and steady wins the race. Also remember this is not a race between you and anyone else...it is a race to a goal.

    Best wishes for a happy and healthy journey...Kathe

  2. I was sleeved in June. I seem to loose a pound or two per wek. Ive lost 40 pounds in 3 months so I guess I am slow compared to others. Dont get dismayed, it will come off.

    I was sleeved on 8/17, and have lost 20lbs since the surgery. I have plateau and have bounced between losing 20-21lbs - when I know it's not a whole pound, it's really half a pound. I have a shake for breakfast, Protein for lunch and protein for dinner. I don't know if I need to add something mid morning and mid afternoon, I've been drinking my Water like I should. I am going to start walking today and after being off for 10 days, I am going back to work tomorrow. I know it's not going to disappear in the blink of an eye, but I didn't think I could plateau so early in the program. Of course I am not going to give up, I am too scared to eat sweets or anything I'm not supposed to, but argh! I know I need to be more patient but it's gone on for the last three days. Ahh!!

  3. im 3 weeks post op and was horrified by the 3 pound weight gain so I feel your pain!

    I'm so annoyed! I gained 3lbs! I know it's rebound from being sick (kidney infection) But it's really disheartening to see :-(

    So back to the grind charting food (just in case I'm screwing myself somewhere along the line!) thinking about cutting all non-produce carbs, I have my 12wk followup in 10 days hoping to be back on track and losing well again.

  4. LOLLOLLOL! I have a really bad problem- wa eah week but this post is hillarious!

    I was really fat, and my mom is Greek. 'Nuff said.

    I'm debating over trying the "No No!" Have any of you tried it? I'm seriously thinking about taking the plunge and trying it. I would do laser (even just for my eyebrows of nothing else - waxing makes me look like I've been maced), but several friends have done it and they all compare it to "the agony of being repeatedly sliced by exacto knives." Umm, pass...

  5. still praying for you. try organic banana baby food. it helped me.

    I'm sorry I should of updated sooner. I came home Monday night and feel sooo much better. My potassium is a little low. They tried to give me some via IV and my veins couldn't tolerate it. I'm just now able to do Protein Shakes so I'm hoping to get some potassium that way. They said I could try eating banana's but I just can't bring myself to eat it. I feel like I am so far behind everyone else at this stage. I'm 2 weeks out today.

    Thanks everyone so much for your kind words and concern. It really helped knowing I had support from fellow sleevers :)

  6. congrats on your success! can you share your typical day's diet? I am 3 weeks out and havent had this type of lost.

    you will! You're in the rough part of it right now but it will get easier and better everyday and then *Presto chango!* you're losing weight! lol

    **mkay I'm not a magician but those are the magic words, right? lol


  7. AWESOME! can you send me a few sample menus. Im curiuos to know how to improve my eating/ drinking. Im 3 weeks post op.

    Hi Everyone!! Today is my 8 week surgiversary and I weighted in today at 239!!!!! Goodbye 280's, 270's, 260's, 250's and 240's!!!!!!!!! I have lost a total of 43 pounds including 14 preop!! I have gone from a size 24 to a comfortable size 20..I feel great and so happy to have the support and guidance I need on this journey!! I am loving my sleeve!!:cheer2:

  8. God is good. my surgery went well. the NYP Cornell weil team was stellar. I was sleeved on june 8th. down 17 pounds. initially it was 20 but gained back 3. I've made a few posts and have learned that I may have been prematurely concerned about he WL. The day after surgery was ruff, lots of vomitting; however, all tests displayed my anatomy was ok. After the naseau meds were adjusted, i was feeling good. I never took the pain meds prescribed after my discharge. I have a little incision pain- but nothing major. I am working to increase my food and liquid intake bc I am not having BM like I should.

  9. I identify completely- I too question the bowel movement frequency. I was very regular, now I feel sluggish and may have a BM 2 a week. I know that this is wrong. I am thinking of going on a fast but then I wont get the Protein in................

    Hi all,

    I had a May 23rd surgery date too. I know what you are going through. My scale is wacked out. I lost ten pounds the first week and then nothing the second week, a pound the third week and then a pound this fourth week. So 12-13 pounds in a month is really disappointing. I keep telling myself - its okay because I lost 58 pounds before surgery (10 pounds during pre-op, after I gained some back during my food funeral). I know that comparing myself to others is not good because some people didn't lose that much prior to the surgery so they are in a different place with their weight loss.

    But it is very frustrating. I am not eating too much, not too many carbs and am getting my Protein in. I think I may have eaten too many carbs the first two weeks because the only thing I could eat was cottage cheese and other dairy products that rose my carb levels. Now, I'm all about the protein and keeping bad fat and carbs low. The only thing that I think may be a problem is that I don't always drink enough so I will work on this now.

    My husband gets mad at me when I get upset with the scale and tells me that he is going to hide it. I am not obsessing with it so I only "count" the time I weigh in on Monday morning. He thinks I'm being impatient and unreasonable that I am upset on what I've lost. I guess I just expected it to come off much quicker. This is the ultimate weight loss period and I'm afraid I won't be a success. I really want to get smaller. Everyone I know knows about this surgery so it is hard to say nope, no weight loss when people ask about it. I am an open person but now when I'm not losing it is hard to say that to people who are asking. Any thoughts of this being an easy process are out the window. I thought it would be easy to lose weight the first couple of months, at minimum and expected a battle after I got below 200 pounds.

    My scale fluctuates like crazy, even when I do weigh myself at the same time of day. I think maybe a new scale? I could see a couple of ounces but like 3 pounds between today and yesterday? It is not period weight, because I just had that less than a week ago. I don't know, I may go back to not weighing myself because it doesn't seem to help. The surgery is done, I plan on eating healthy and exercising regardless of the scale so I have to do my best.

    Also, weird question below - sorry if it grosses you out!

    Does anyone know how often we should have a bowel movement? I never (NEVER) had problems with Constipation or being backed up so I don't know how often we should be having a bowel movement at this stage. I think I may be backed up but I don't want to take laxatives or stool softeners unless I truly need to. I don't know how to tell if you are (I know weird). I used to go at least once a day but I now go at least a day or two inbetween any bowel movements. I will ask my doctor about it when I see them the middle of July but wanted to see what you all thought.

  10. I am 2 days away from being 3 weeks out. I lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks, 20 pounds including the 2 day liquid diet. I weigh myself on Mondays. Well to my horror, I have put back 2 pounds. I am barely eating. I can digest solids but very little. I am not getting all of the Water and Protein in because I just dont feel like I can fit it in. I am very frustrated. Could it be that I am gaining bc I am not eating vegetables? I am tempted to start fasting just to get my body cleared. I am desperate :mellow:

  11. I am 3 weeks post op and eperiencing the same thing. I lost 15 pounds in the first 2 weeks, 20 if you count the 2 days of liquids pre surgery. I am able to eat solids but I barely eat more than 3 spoons of food twice a day. I know that I am not getting 64 oz of watr or the Protein but many others have reported that they could not get all of their nutrients; yet they are loosing. I feel your pain.

    Im 2 weeks post op today and I dont see any more weight coming off.. I lost 12 lbs the first week and seem to be suck. I dont think I have lost anymore.. What is going on :(... I am getting discourage that I will ever be as skinny as I once was. Has this happen to anyone else?

  12. I am a few days shy of 3 weeks post op. I have lost 20 pounds but Im physically feeling like he loss has already slowed. I am afraid to weigh in because I dont think I will meet my goal of 30lbs for 30 days. Any suggestions on what I should eat? I know I am not getting enough Protein and Water in.I do drink an Atkins shake each day. I have advanced from puree. For those of you that have lost alot during the first three months can you share some food and excersize ideas?

  13. can you share your menus? I am curious to know if I am eating the right hings. I am 2 weeks pos op.

    I'm at 3 months out and here is where I'm at:

    I started this journey at 100kg (aahh!!) 220lbs and now I weigh 77.6kg / 170 lbs (Yay!!!)

    I have lost 22.4kg / 49lbs...

    I was busting out of Australian size 18's and now I can get my butt into a size 12!!!

    I have lost 71 cm in total from my body.. 20cm alone from my waistline!!

    My BMI is now 31, down from 40..

    I once had sleep apnoea, now I don't wake up grasping for air!!

    I used to feel huge and in the way, now I feel comfortable in my skin...

    I used to puff crossing to oval to pick up my kids, I now skip up the stairs with ease..

    My exercise bike was caked with dust, it's now out of hibernation.

    What else can I say? but this is without a doubt the best thing I could have ever done for myself!!!... Sure compared to others, I am one of the 'slow-losers'.. but thats fine. I chose to be a 'secret-sleever', so the gradual loss is working well for me, nobody suspects that I am losing weight in any other way than good old diet and exercise, (which is pretty accurate anyway).. but I have this sensational tool that makes it just that little bit easier!!

    I still have 15.6kg / 34lbs to lose reach my goal weight of 62 kg (BMI of 25)... so I guess my only concern is that I am now worried about when this weight loss will stop and the honeymoon period people say about on this forum??.. (That and the fact that I am still losing quite a lot of hair each day, luckily I have quite a lot hair to begin with!!)... So if anybody has any advice or experience about what to expect in terms of weight loss from this point on I would really appreciate it!

  14. If you have a wii buy Michael Jackson. it is the best.

    So, i'm sooooo careful about charting my weight daily and looking back over the last 4 weeks i've realized that i lose the most on Sunday and Monday, which coincide with the huge amount of dancing i do on Saturday night into Sunday morning... but for the days i'm just walking... zip!! SO... from now on i'm going to forget about walking... it uses a lot of time for very few calories burned... instead i'm going to focus on higher intensity aerobic exercise!!!

    Videos I've downloaded:

    - Bellydance Fitness for Weight Loss-- Too Hip with Rania

    - Cardio Bellydance Workout with Dolphina

    - Luscious- The Bellydance Workout

    - Suhaila-- Fitness fusion Yoga

    - Yoga Meltdown Level 1 & Level 2 (with Jillian Michaels-- i ♥ her!)

    - Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (very hard!! OMG)

    - Jillian Michaels -- Banish Fat Boost Metabolism

    - Jillian Michaels-- No More Trouble Zones

  15. I was sleeved 6 days ago at NYP weil cornell by Dr. Dakin.he is a man of little words but his skill speaks volumes. So far, I am doing well. struggeleing to get liquids in. God is Good. My surgery went well ecept for the first day post op- lots of naseau. I live in westchester county, right net to the bx; i am familiar with "noo yawk".........LOL.

    New Yorkers are pretty proud people (everyone wants to be like us!) and this is the perfect place for us to get together and rep the Empire State. Please share your experiences (especially those specific to NY), your surgeon/hospital info, and anything else you think will be beneficial to the NY VSGers!

    *I'm from Noo Yawk...concrete jungle where dreams are made of...*

  16. Is it normal to not be excited and consumed with worry before surgery? I have been a blubbering fool worried about all of the what "ifs" related to complications, even though I have an excellent surgeon and a designated 1A hospital. I am worried about the anastesia and of course the possibility of not returning home to my kid. Any words of encouragement?

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