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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by davbooth

  1. I am a family practice doctor and was banded on 11/18. I have treated many obese patients medically and referred several for WLS, but it is wierd being on the other end of things. I have spoken to several nurses who have gone through surgery but no doctors. I was told at a professional WLS seminar that doctors and dentists seem to have worse outcomes than the general population?? I would love to hear how other doctors handle practice issues, etc. related to their own surgeries. I have not tried to keep the issue private because in a small town everyone knows anyway.
  2. Hello, this is my first post. Sorry for the length but something truly remarkable happened to me yesterday and I want to share it. I had lap band surgery yesterday and came home today. I could not be more pleased with my Dr. and staff. Even the office nurse and dietician came by the hospital this AM to check on me. In recovery I was having significant pain but there was something within me that just wanted to get out of bed and walk. The recovery nurse asked me if I was sure that I wanted to do this because of the amount of pain I was having along with borderline low oxygen saturations. I am a doctor on staff at the hospital where I had surgery so I guess she let me fudge a little. Anyway, when we got to the room, I got my clothes on and started walking. A strength came over me that I can't describe. As soon as I started walking my pain left. My wife and aunt couldn't keep up with me and started taking turns with one walking with me while the other marked the tally marks for my laps. I walked at a fast pace pushing my IV pole until I had walked for 6 miles. I rested for an hour, took some tylenol and walked another 4 miles. I finally stopped walking because my nurse was getting calls from nurses on the other end of the floor wanting to know what was going on and I think it was making her nervous. I have never had a post-op patient do this and I certainly wasn't trying to impress anyone. I think it was simply the "Joy of the Lord" within me showing me that I can do this and I can live my dreams. I am very sore today and probably did overdo, but that was one of my life's greatest victories. By the way I weigh 275 and had not been in an exercise program prior.
  3. davbooth

    I'm new to LapBand Talk.com

    Sorry, I posted in the wrong place :thumbup:
  4. davbooth

    I'm new to LapBand Talk.com

    Hello, this is my first post. Sorry for the length but something truly remarkable happened to me yesterday and I want to share it. I had lap band surgery yesterday and came home today. I could not be more pleased with my Dr. and staff. Even the office nurse and dietician came by the hospital this AM to check on me. In recovery I was having significant pain but there was something within me that just wanted to get out of bed and walk. The recovery nurse asked me if I was sure that I wanted to do this because of the amount of pain I was having along with borderline low oxygen saturations. I am a doctor on staff at the hospital where I had surgery so I guess she let me fudge a little. Anyway, when we got to the room, I got my clothes on and started walking. A strength came over me that I can't describe. As soon as I started walking my pain left. My wife and aunt couldn't keep up with me and started taking turns with one walking with me while the other marked the tally marks for my laps. I walked at a fast pace pushing my IV pole until I had walked for 6 miles. I rested for an hour, took some tylenol and walked another 4 miles. I finally stopped walking because my nurse was getting calls from nurses on the other end of the floor wanting to know what was going on and I think it was making her nervous. I have never had a post-op patient do this and I certainly wasn't trying to impress anyone. I think it was simply the "Joy of the Lord" within me showing me that I can do this and I can live my dreams. I am very sore today and probably did overdo, but that was one of my life's greatest victories. By the way I weigh 275 and had not been in an exercise program prior.

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