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Miss Flump

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Miss Flump

  1. Miss Flump

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Gillian, Sorry I've not been on here for a while. Just want to wish you all the very best for your operation. You are in very capable hands with Dr Chris and his team. I really can't sing their praises highly enough. As for me, I'm on the mushy stage now. Eating lots of mash, tuna, custard, jelly and carrot and turnip etc. Have even started to eat doritos/tortilla chips and a bit of rice, although not everyone can manage this and a lot of people can't have this after they start getting their fills. Whilst I can still eat quite a bit, I am definitely eating less than I could previously. I also definitely have to eat slower, because I can feel the food travelling through my insides and if I put too much in my mouth and swallow it too quickly, it hurts. Also, I've noticed I always try to fill my mouth too quickly when I eat finger foods, so now I understand why finger foods are not recommended. I felt quite restricted for the first few days after surgery and I think this might have been because I had pre-menstrual bloating. I thought I would have been due on around the day of my surgery, but luckily my body held out until a few days after the op. I lost a stone, but I've put a few pounds back on. I've heard that this can happen as you can start to introduce more foods and in the run up to getting your first fill, so I'm not too concerned, although I have eaten quite a bit of chocolate which won't help!! I've got my first fill booked for 12 Feb and I can't wait. It's in Manchester and it's costing me £90.00. Just a quick question for everyone, how many of you use Facebook? I have just started a group called 'Gastric Band Patients of Dr Christiaan de Bruyne' if anyone is interested in joining it. If you search for that group, it should come up and anyone can join. It would mean that we can start loads of different discussion topics in one area, rather than having one really long discussion about everything on here. Anyhow, hope everyone's well and will pop back on here again soon. Miss Flump x
  2. Miss Flump

    Michele & Toby Christmas 2008

    What a remarkable transformation! You are a true inspiration to me. I was banded 3 weeks ago and hope to achieve as much success as you. Well done!!
  3. Miss Flump

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Wishfull, Thanks for checking out my video. Hope it gives you a bit of an insight into what the hospital's like etc. As for me not looking too overweight in the video, I'm all belly and midriff !!! I regularly get mistaken for being pregnant which is never good!! I am tall (5'10'') and my BMI was nearly 38 when I went for my operation. I could do with losing about 7 stone in total. Only another 6 to go now though!! Don't forget, any questions, just ask. MF x
  4. Miss Flump

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Wishfull, Thanks for checking out my video. Hope it gives you a bit of an insight into what the hospital's like etc. As for me not looking too overweight in the video, I'm all belly and midriff !!! I regularly get mistaken for being pregnant which is never good!! I am tall (5'10'') and my BMI was nearly 38 when I went for my operation. I could do with losing about 7 stone in total. Only another 6 to go now though!! Don't forget, any questions, just ask. MF x
  5. Miss Flump

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hello everyone and a happy new year!! Sorry I've not been on here for a couple of days, but as I spent Christmas alone in Belgium, I've been relaxing and spending a lot of time with my family and my boyfriend since I got back. It's been great!! Better stop it soon though, and start thinking about work on Monday. :tongue2: My dear old Grandad reminded me earlier that it was a week today that I arrived home from Belgium and it really has flown by. Other than wearing dressings, I can honestly say that I don't feel as if I underwent surgery just over a week ago. I'm wondering whether having TL there to keep me company might have helped a bit. Even if she did say that I can't half sleep! For those of you that might be interested, I have been documenting my gastric band journey on Youtube. There's one video of my bedroom in the Campanile Hotel and one in the hospital, the day after my surgery. I even get my dressings out!! I'm hoping to actually do a video about my hospital experience in the next few days as well if you fancy checking back at some point. Just search for Miss Flump and you'll find everything I've uploaded. Anyhow, if anyone has any questions, just ask and I'll do my best to help. Have a good weekend everyone. MF x x x
  6. Miss Flump

    This was taken this Christmas 2008

    You look fabulous. What a way to start a new year. Congratulations!!
  7. Miss Flump

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi everyone, Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas!!! I ended up spending mine in Brussels - which I'll explain about in a minute. Just to let you know that everything went fine with my surgery and the pain was definitely manageable. As Tropical Lagoon said, the pain was a bit like having done a million sit-ups. But, I know it's different for everyone. As you all know, my operation was on 23rd December and I had my flight booked for the 24th December. But when Dr Chris found out that my flight home was the same day as my release from hospital, he said he would cancel my operation unless I stayed an extra day in Brussels!! I mentioned that I thought Bridget was supposed to have spoken to him about this, but he said 'no' and that 'she knows it's three days in Brussels'. SO, I ended up having to reschedule my flight and stay an extra two nights in Brussels and flew home on Boxing Day instead of Christmas Eve. Am sooo glad to be home with my family and boyfriend now though. When Tropical Lagoon went home, I thought I'd lose the will to live in the hotel room by myself on Christmas day with only one channel of TV that's in English!! Anyways, am definitely feeling full very quickly. Had a small Starbucks frappuccino at the airport on the way home and it took me ages to drink. Normally, I'd have a large one. I've lost 10 1/2 pounds since 23rd December, but not sure if this will all stay off when I start taking in more fluids and go on to the mushy stage. Think I've had such a good loss, because I had such a lousy pre-op diet. Apparently my liver was a bit big in the op. Anyways, this is a huge posting, so I'll say bye for now. But, feel free to ask any questions. MF x x x
  8. Miss Flump

    Newly Banded - Wow

    Hi Greek Lady, Huge congratulations on your recent banding and fabulous 6 pound weightloss!! I am flying to Brussels tomorrow and getting banded by Dr Chris the following day on 23rd December. Now, I am very excited, if a little nervous. Sounds like you're eating all the right things at the minute. I can't really think of anything else that you can eat right now, but you might be able to progress on to the pureed/mushy stage in time for Christmas. Anyway, keep up the good work and I will post again when I arrive home. Miss Flump x
  9. Miss Flump

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Fox, LOL. I'm a secondary school music teacher, so you needn't worry about me checking out your grammar!!..!!!..,,,,,,,:shades_smile: I really want to say a big massive thank you to you for all the info that you have given us band virgins. You've been really helpful and as others have said, I definitely feel more at ease knowing about what I'm about to go through. I'm glad to hear we get to keep our knickers on. It's bad enough getting my stomach out without the prospect of having to show off anything else!!! I've another couple of questions for you, they won't put me on a catheter will they? I hope not, only I've seen other lapband patients (from USA) on Youtube who mentioned they woke up with a catheter attached. That would really alarm me if I didn't know it was gonna happen. Well anyway, today I stopped at Superdrug on my way home from work and bought lots of dissolvable painkillers, Remegels and waterproof wound dressings in preparation for coming home. I also bought a few protein shakes from Asda the other week in preparation for the liquid diet. All this prep is really making it sink in now. How long does Dr Chris insist on a liquid diet afterwards? Does he give you any documents with all this info on? When and how do you go about booking your first fill? I apologise if I'm asking questions which have been asked before. I have read the whole thread, but it was a while back now and I can't remember everything that's been said, so any more advice you can give would be great. ALSO, just a massive thanks to everyone who has sent their good wishes to me and Tropical Lagoon about our ops next week. I think the support on here is absolutely brilliant and although I'm nervous as hell, I'm also really excited because of how well everyone on here seems to be doing. Your glowing reports about Dr Chris have all played a really, really big part in my deciding to go along the surgical route. I hope I'll be able to log on again before I leave for Brussels, and I'll definitely be back on after my op, so hope to speak to you all soon. Miss Flump x x x
  10. Miss Flump

    Out with friends in September. I'm the one on the far right.

    Gosh thanks. I can't wait for my op. Roll on 23rd December!!
  11. Hey GG,

    You stalking me?? LOL!!!

    Looks like we hang around the same places on the web!!

    There's some gorgeous photos of you on here. You should definitely put 'em up on Youtube too.

    Speak to you soon. x x x

  12. Miss Flump

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Fox, Thanks for your reply. Good powers of deduction by the way, because I am a teacher!!! Thanks for the info about showering in the hospital. I asked mainly to see if I could travel without a bath towel, cause I want my luggage to be as light as possible!! If they don't offer me a shower, I'm not gonna ask. I'll wait until I get home. Can anyone offer any advice on what they have been doing to look after their incisions after surgery? I've never had an operation before and obviously want to keep everything as clean as possible afterwards. Will let you know how I get on. Miss Flump x x x
  13. Miss Flump

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Fox, It's really encouraging to hear that you're improving by the day and that you don't have nearly as much pain as you did. My surgery is booked for 23rd December, with my flight home on Christmas Eve. I know I'm crazy, but I would have had to wait until the summer for the surgery otherwise, because of my job. I'm not taking a companion with me, so I am worried about the airport on the way home, but I'm only taking one small weekend bag on wheels, with my nightdress, flight socks, clean underwear, washbag and painkillers. Then I can hopefully focus better on making my way through the airport. :tongue2: As there are no flights home on 25th, the best date to come home was Christmas Eve and this was mutually agreed between me and Bridget. Bridget said she'd inform Dr Chris about this, so I'm hoping it will all be fine. I will probably feel like death warmed up, but I don't want to cancel now as I'm all geared up to do this and everything's booked. In 10 days, I'll be banded!! I will keep you posted with all the gory details!! Also, any other advice from any other bandsters will be gratefully received. Miss Flump x x P.S. Do you get to take a shower in the hospital?
  14. Miss Flump

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Fox, Ooh, I'm a bit worried now. I'm coming home the day after the operation by myself, but I wanted to get home to have Christmas day with my family. Guess I'm gonna have to travel extremely light and dose up on the painkillers. I'm not going to be able to afford extra nights in hotels and possible changes to my flight at that time of year. :rolleyes2: Thinking of travelling light as possible, can anyone tell me whether the Campanile Hotel and the hospital provide bath towels, or should I bring my own? Hugest congratulations to you on your weight loss. You've done so well. A stone loss in ten days is FANTASTIC!! Keep up the good work and keep us posted. x x
  15. Miss Flump

    December 23rd bandsters

    Hey guys, I'm also being banded on 23rd December. I'm from the UK, but flying to Brussels to have my surgery. I'm nervous about flying home by myself the following day, but I'm certain it'll be worth it. Good luck to you all. Miss Flump x x x :sad_smile:
  16. Miss Flump

    Dr Christian De Bruyne

    Hey folks, I'm being banded by Dr Chris on 23rd December. I went to the bank the other day to get my Euros and the reality has finally hit me. I'm nervous but also dead excited. I can't believe that I'm on my way to a slimmer future, cause I've always been a fattie. Will let you know how I get on.
  17. You look simply stunning and your daughter is gorgeous!! I hope I manage to look half as good after my surgery. x
  18. Hey folks, I'm due to get banded on 23 December and am extremely excited as I've had a weight problem all my life. I've never, ever, been in a healthy weight range and can't wait to see how my new body takes shape. I am a typical apple shape. I have no butt, a fat back, big belly and midriff with skinny legs, thighs and smallish boobs. My question is to those of you that were also apple shaped with small boobs before surgery. Did your boobs look in proportion after you lost the weight? I've always considered myself on the small side where my chest is concerned and would consider a boob job if they shrink too much. Hope this isn't too personal a question to ask. Thanks, Miss Flump xx
  19. You look amazing. Simply stunning. Hope I have as much weightloss success and look as nice once I'm banded next month!

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