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Everything posted by TropicalLagoon

  1. TropicalLagoon

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I think I may be doing so well as I stuck to the pre-op diet. Frederik told me my liver was not a problem at all. So all the sacrifices before Christmas were worth it :tongue2:
  2. TropicalLagoon

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Yeah me and Miss Flump shared the hospital room and the hotel so we managed to keep each other company. I did have my 16 year old son with me but he just took it as an opportunity to spend all my money as I couldn't exactly stop him lol. He took the train to Brussels while I was in hospital. In the airport, the staff pushed me, so don't worry if you're on your own. They were more than happy to help. By the way the alarms went off each time I went through security as the port contains titanuim apparently, so I got frisked twice, lol. I came home the day after surgery - yesterday.
  3. TropicalLagoon

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks a lot :tongue2: Well here I am at the other side. I must say that it was not as bad as I thought. So far I have escaped the gas pain in my shoulder and apart from a very swollen upper belly and the feeling I have overdone the sit-ups, I am ok. I was gutted yesterday, watching everyone tuck into a yummy Christmas dinner while I had cream of chicken soup though, lol. I can give you all chapter and verse of the whole experience if you want, but I don't want to bore anyone unless asked. Anyway I have my first fill booked in for Bristol on 22 Jan, which will be 4 weeks and 2 days after the op. Oh by the way, I totally recommend asking for the wheelchair at the airport too - talk about VIP treatment - they were all great. Anyone want to ask me anything, feel free. Take care x
  4. TropicalLagoon

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi gang Thanks for the good wishes :tounge_smile: Well I'm all packed now and ready to go to the airport for a 11 am flight tomorrow morning. Still as nervous as hell, but keep reminding myself why I am doing this. Catch you on the other side........
  5. TropicalLagoon

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thank you :smile2: x
  6. TropicalLagoon

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Ok gang, this time next week it will all be over for me, well, the op anyway and now I am terrified :smile2: The reality has kicked in, and thanks to watching videos on YouTube, I know what to expect as the operaton is on there in full graphic detail. I just wish I hasn't seen them. They have totally freaked me out. I only went on there to see the before and after stories and the video diaries and stumbled across the surgery, including the fills too. I am so squeamish, I don't know how I managed to have 2 children, and I can feel myself squirming now at the thought of what's to come. On a more positive, cheery note and the thing that is spurring me on, so to speak, is this time next year, I will be dressed up in a little black dress about to go out and party and not the big balck dress I have this year, lol. It's me and Miss Flump off on the same day, so we have agreed to meet up in the hotel the night before so at least we will have eachother for moral support. Guess we'll have to keep you posted. My son intends to take his laptop, but I'm not sure how much the hotel charge or anything, so I may be able to report back hours later or not til I get home. Just like to say it is lovely to know you guys are here with your support and encouragement. Not sure I could have gone through with it if it wasn't for this lifeline of likeminded poeple. Many thanks :biggrin:
  7. TropicalLagoon

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I'm flying from Cardiff, with a changeover at Amsterdam
  8. TropicalLagoon

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi gang I am due to be banded in 9 days and have already done almost a week on the liver reducting diet. In this time I have had no alcohol, but with 2 Christmas dos lined up for next weekend, I was wondering what effect this would have on the liver. I do not want to undo all the good work I have done so far, but if alcohol does not make a difference, I would at least like one last drink before a life without it completely. Another query, do those who have followed a low fat diet prior to surgery have less pain and recover sooner than those that dont? Well done to Foxy too and thanks for the info regarding the hotel and what they provide, etc. I've booked the Frederik package too and he has said I can pay the entire cost the day prior to surgery. I'm hanging on til the last moment to change my Euros now. Could have kicked myself when I wanted to change at 1.17 and the lady told me rates were on their way up again and I should wait :tongue2: It's no wonder there is so much pain post-op as I have just seen a stomach operation on TV and they don't look that gentle with you..... I am now starting to panic big time..... Sal
  9. TropicalLagoon

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Yeah according to BOSPA a 7 day liver reducing diet is sufficient. Take a look at a suggested weekly plan here: BOSPA - The British Obesity Surgery Patient Association - loads more useful info there too :smile2: Good luck Foxy x
  10. TropicalLagoon

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey experienced bandsters, I'm trying to sort out my Euros for my trip - being done 3 weeks today - gulp! As you know I have booked my package via Frederek, so hotel and accom taken care of. I just wondered how much spare cash I should take for the 3 days, any ideas? I have no idea what the prices are like out there for food/transport for my son, etc. I know I won't be eating anything or going anywhere, lol, but he plans on a trip into Brussels when I'm in hospital. He is 16 so should be ok by train or taxi, so any indication as to costs/prices over there would be well appreciated. Cheers gang Sally x
  11. TropicalLagoon

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey gang I have taken the plunge, gulp. Flights booked now, following an email back from Frederik saying I was booked in for 23 Dec. Still a bit worried, I will turn up and find no taxi and no hotel booked..... Just checked the Campanile online and they are fully booked for the dates I want..... so.... Starting pre-op diet on 9 Dec so munching my way through all the Christmas goodies I had already bought in, lol - already put on about half a stone. Thing is my BMI was only just over 35 so with the pre-op diet I thought I would be under by the time I got there so didn't want to risk them not doing it. Good luck to those of you having it done early December - guess you are already on your pre-op diet eh! Can't wait to hear how you get on.... Sally
  12. TropicalLagoon

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Is it Zaventum airport I need to fly in to?
  13. TropicalLagoon

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks for the welcome guys Just wondering if any of you who stayed at the Campomile or whatever it is called noticed if they have a gym? My 16 year old son is coming with me on the condition he can use a gym. If not does anyone know if there is a nearby hotel with a gym? I am trying to book the package with Frederik so may have to stick to the hotel. It would just be nice for me to be able to tell my son there was a gym he could use not far away - what with being away and flying back on Christmas day and all I sort of owe it to him..... lol Sally
  14. TropicalLagoon

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Miss Flump, I am a teacher too, hence the December choice of date. I have heard back directly off Dr Chris saying he still has a free spot on that date but he has not sent me prices yet. I was looking to find out about the package that the others have been mentioning. I thought I may have to fly back on Christmas Day, so the anaethetic had chance to work through the system. My son says he'll come with me as long as the hotel has a gym, lol. Since mentioning things to family and friends, I have had mixed reactions. Some have been really encouraging and others have told me to not be so drastic and just stop over eating! easier said than done hey! If I definitely book for 23 I will let you know and we can meet up over there :thumbup: Sally
  15. TropicalLagoon

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi all, especially those in South Wales. I have read all posts with interest. I am contemplating 23 December also but have not made firm arrangements. I am also toying with the idea of going to France for just a few euros more. Has anyone heard of a Dr Frering? Sally

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