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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Savedbygrace

  1. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Welcome to the thread Anna! Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. I've been covered in work lately! I hope that you find this and all the thousands of other threads helpful!! Shawna- girl i know what you mean. It's hard to explain the fill experience. It didn't hurt at all but a weird feeling indeed. I hope that she was actually in the port and trying to find a whole... with all that jabbing on me. It was quick and simple though. Wonder if I could do it myself haha! Did they give you any helpful instructions? How was your nutrition follow up?
  2. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hey everyone!! WOW It's been a tough week so far at work and I'm realizing more and more how I got to this weight! Maybe I am a stress eater... coming out of denial! HA Shawna - I can't tell much difference with this fill. I had a meltdown yesterday and resorted to a cheese stick.. I didn't chew it well and it hurt! Other than that, I haven't had any problems. I have got to get back focused and realize this stress will go away and not to take it out on my body!!! SO Missy - Yes I'm still going to the gym. I missed 3 days due to having the gout and am still struggling with being able to walk 45 mins on the treadmill with a stiff toe. The doctor told me to stay away from the gym (never thought I would hear that!) until it was gone but when you stop seeing weight loss, it's hard to sit on the couch! I'm making up my mind today to get back in the game! Start back counting protein, water intake, calories etc. Although I've only been off the band wagon a couple of days, it's discouraging and I WILL WIN this fight!!! OK I'm off of my soap box haha Glad to hear that everyone is coming right along and feeling better!! Diane - I agree with the desire to swim. I never remember hearing them say not to but it was about 5 weeks when I started swimming. I hadn't been in YEARS and forgot how much I love it!!
  3. Savedbygrace

    Anyone have issues with GOUTsince banding?

    I'm the only one in my family (of 5) that has never had gout... UNTIL NOW!! Oh my it's painful! My family recommends going in for a shot. I'm headed to the doctor as soon as I can get dressed.. which seems to take a while when it hurts this bad to walk... heck... sitting still hurts!!
  4. I've always heard that you can do hundreds of exercises with those. This one sounds like the best! Burn them calories!! :-)
  5. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Well the first fill is over and done. It took all of maybe 30 seconds. Disclaimer: I'm sure everyone is different... but this is MY story went... haha They offered me the numbing med but did remind me that most people say that stings and bc I'm not really afraid of needles.. I refused it. They came in and did a QUICK ultrasound to find the port, rubbed some batadine (SP) on it to clean it and stuck the needle in. It felt as though she hit it the first time but had to move it around, in the port, to get it situated. A little strange feeling but not painful. She said that I already had 3 cc's in there and she added 1.5cc's. So I'm at 4.5 in a 10 cc band. I was very surprised (after reading other fill stories) that there was no post fill diet to follow. She reminded me to eat slow and chew chew chew. So far, I can't tell any difference. I did eat less for supper but not because I was feeling stuffed. They scheduled my next fill for 4 weeks. I was hoping it would be 2 but oh well. Other than that, I met with Ashley, the nutritionist and that went fine also. She reminded me of some things I had overlooked ( ex: the 5g, 15g in cheese also... I have been looking at that on everything.. but did forget about the cheese) I guess that's all.. just wanted to give everyone an update. Hope all of you have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!!!!!
  6. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    A few more hours Di!! And you'll be on your way to some consistancy at least! I never wanted to change phases during that time bc I was scared of gaining but you better believe, the first day I could... I did haha. I am a sweet nut but I was tired of them too. It seemed that everything during that liquid phase was sweet. I do go tomorrow for a fill! I can't wait to see what it's all about. I wasn't able to feel my port for a while and can't always feel it now but if I'm laying flat, I can find it pretty easy. Does anyone know if they do the first fill with fluro? --- and what that even is? HAHA Have y'all been weighing at home? How's the loss going? I'm down 28 pounds - 6 weeks out. For about 3 weeks, it slowed greatly but I'm still happy with it! We've been working out at least 45 mins to an hour every day at the gym. Yesterday we went swimming... do you know how long it's been since I've been swimming??? I had a blast! So how's everyone?? Do Tell!! Anyone struggling with anything? Since we are all so far apart.. this is our best option for a support meeting HA!
  7. Savedbygrace

    Confused-Cardio or Strength or both?

    What exactly are y'all doing for the weight training? We joined the gym about 2 weeks ago and have been everyday except 3 (we were out of town) We are walking 30 mins on the tread mill and 1 or 2 mile bike ride. I am having some pain in my hip and the elliptical kills it! I was told not to worry with weights until I've lost the weight bc the muscle will just push the fat out (like making it more visiable I guess) But I have certain areas I feel I need to work on... upper arms, upper back, etc... So what are you doing for weight training? Thanks!
  8. Savedbygrace

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    I'm using it too. You're right... it is NOT CHEAP! It says 3-4 ( or maybe it was 4-5) times a day but I just can't make myself use it up that fast haha. I haven't been able to tell a huge difference until I started tanning. The combo seems to be making the staple holes vanish but the incisions are still very bright.
  9. Savedbygrace

    Anyone from Alabama ?

    Not sure where you are located but I chose Dr. Les Miles in Birmingham. From my understanding, he and Dr. Schmitt have done more lapbands than any other surgeon in Alabama. The confidence he had was one of my main deciding factors. Do your research and go with what is best for you!!!
  10. Savedbygrace

    Huntsville Area

    I've only heard good things about Dr. Groves. I would have considered him more had if I had known he comes to Madison also to do the surgery. I also work with his brother in law and yes he does have the band himself. AL- I would tell your friend to insist on more fills, more support -SOMETHING if she is following the bandsters rules.
  11. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Di - Glad to hear that the fever has been tackled! I was the same way with the staples.. GET THEM OUT!! I felt so much better mentally when they were gone. I felt as if I could get on with life. I am finally seeing the staple remains vanishing. The incisions are still very noticable though but I'm sure thats expected. Sounds like we are all going to have to get together and play the Wii haha. I'm not sure I want to be around anyone while I'm exercising :-). Although I did get over my fear of going to the gym and exercising beside those skinny minnies. I just remind myself I'm going to look like that someday. But talk about sweating!! I should be loosing at least 2 pounds a DAY just in sweat lol. I can't wait to get a fill! I hope he puts 5cc's in this 10 cc band HA! I have hit that hungry phase and I hate it. Now that I can eat solids... it's hard. My problem has ALWAYS been that I don't eat healthy foods. That habit has showed it's ugly face again. I don't over eat... but it's hard to have healthy foods when they are so much more expensive and more trouble. I hope the nutritionist gives me something to go by as far as healthy foods next week. Jason, glad to know you've got that scheduled and well on your way to approval. Ok I'll shut up now hehe.... just got back from exercising and wired up. Glad to hear everyone is doing well.
  12. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hey everyone! I'm back! We had a great weekend with family and I didn't gain a pound!! WOO HOO. I started solids on Thursday so I was really worried about vacationing and beginning the solids. We did stay busy the entire weekend so I'm sure that helped. I am anxious to get back in the gym tonight! The WiiFit sounds like alot of fun! Work it gals and guys! I don't have a wii so that is out of the question until they go down on the price haha. Di, glad to read that everything went fine! Take it easy.. IT DOES GET BETTER!!! I am so ready for a fill! Next Thursday is the day! I called today to try and move it up but there wasn't any appointments available uugghh I'm getting hungry and I dont like it!!
  13. Savedbygrace

    Meet and greet

    I'd be intrested depending on when it is. I am in Huntsville and these days.. as you know.. gas is outrageous!!!
  14. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Sounds like you're doing great! My incisions are still VERY obvious! I was told to take the bandages off the next day. Therefore I didn't have any issues with the strips. I have been getting in the tanning bed this week and thought that would make them vanish faster but maybe I'm wrong. I've been putting mederma on them but they still aren't going anywere. Other than that, I'm doing great! We are working out every night...well right now we were instructed to walk and ride bikes to get used to it.. so that's what we're doing. As far as food, I was able to start regular foods last night and it scares me. I had a taco from taco bell and it went down fine... I'm just scared I'll start making bad food choices again and I don't need that! My fill is scheduled for 6/5.. yes I've very excited. The last 2 days have been my first of feeling hungry so I'm READY for a fill!!! Meeting up sounds fun!! :-)
  15. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Your welcome! Different insurances require different steps. Mine required a 6 month physician directed diet. During that time, I did alot of mental preperation and took care of the other requirements. I couldn't afford to be self pay so it was my only option. Although I didn't like that they dictated my healthcare.... I am now grateful for the time I had to prepare myself for the changes and go ahead and start implimenting them beforehand.
  16. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I know Shawna. I am the same way. I messaged her last night but haven't heard. I sure pray all went well. How are you feeling? Got the staples out?
  17. Savedbygrace

    Tanning with the lapband

    I just started tanning this week...at 3.5 weeks postop. After day 4 of tanning the port incision has some redness around it.. may be from the lotion I used last night. Other than that, no problems. I haven't tried laying on my belly yet.. worried it might be a little uncomfortable but will eventually.
  18. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hi!! It's been about 10 months since I attended the seminar but I think it was about 1.5 hrs. Some of the seminars on Saturdays have support group meetings afterwards so you might want to check that out to. (If you choose either of them to do your surgery, you are required to go to at least one support meeting anyway) I used Dr. Miles and liked his confidence. They say he's done more lapbands that any surgeon in Alabama. I'm not sure about the Aetna question. I'm sure you could either call your insurance or his office to see. Goodluck!!
  19. Savedbygrace

    Before and DURING pics

    I still have a LONG way to go but it's encouraging to see a little improvement. Thanks Missy for the recommendation to do this from time to time. It was also fun to try on some of my old cloths tonight. I actually fit in a pair of pants that someone gave me YEARS ago that I was never able to wear. Work in progress............ First pic is 3 days post op..... Second pic is 22 days post op
  20. Savedbygrace

    Before and DURING pics

    Thanks Jason! I really like Dr. Miles' confidence! He was really laid back on each visit we had with him. We didn't feel rushed at all. He answered every question we had.
  21. Savedbygrace

    Esophageal Spasms -- Help!

    Sorry to hear that you've had this pain! I wasn't officially diagnosed but diagnosed myself with the same thing twice now.... and related it to cream corn. I too was close to going to the ER. Terrible pain it was!! Both times I had cc for supper and the pain didn't start until around 1pm the next day. Hope your stops soon!!
  22. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Gosh what a bummer!!! It's very aggrivating that the insurance companies can change the rules so often and you have no way of knowing until it comes up. Is this just a one time visit for the one on one. Get that bad boy scheduled and go for it!! I don't know about your plan, but I have regular BCBS PPO and she told me the same thing.... up to a month after submitting.. but it wasn't. I don't know exactly how long it took as I was experiencing a failed pregnancy at the time and was too busy with that. I do know that I just happened to call one day to check on it and she said.. oh you were approved I was just waiting to hear from you. SO.. my suggestion is once you know it's been submitted.. either call BCBS or her at least once a week and check on it. Even after she told me that.. it was like 2 more weeks before I got the approval letter in the mail. So do what you have to do to keep it all current and the ball rolling!
  23. Hey Advengers. I need some help, advice, comfort... SOMETHING haha I just started mushies Friday (3 days ago) I've eaten mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, pureed black eyed peas, refried Beans, backed potato with melted cheese, crackers (after chewing chewing chewing) apple sauce, sherbert... I think that's all. Oh Saturday morning I did try a maybe 3 bites of grits and 3 bites of scrabbled eggs.... all of this in VERY small portions and all are on my list of "can eats". Starting Saturday around 12:30 pm I started getting this pretty tough chest pain. It felt like TIGHTNESS. I had eaten around 8:30 and nothing else until about 4:30 due to the pain. After eating apple sauce it got better. Then around 8pm I ate some baked potato and here it came again... lasted all night. Woke up this morning with the same pain. It felt like what was explained as gas pain but I never had after the surgery.. until now. Now everytime I eat something.. It starts. I took 3 gas x strips today and it got better. Just ate some sf pudding... it's back. Is it normal for the food to cause gas pain? I'm not using a straw, not drinking while I eat (which is hardddd by the way). Surely this can't go on forever. I can't live on gas x strips. I wonder if the chewables will work better and longer.. and are they ok to use? Any advice???
  24. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hope your approval letter comes soon Jason!! Keep us updated!!
  25. Savedbygrace

    Gas like chest pain, just started mushies..??

    Hi Gwen! Sorry to hear that you are having some of the same issues. I've figured out that mine was caused from cream corn. I wasn't aware that it was a no no food until I ate it again this past Friday and thought I was dying all day Saturday. It felt like my esophagus and stomach was having extreme spasms. I almost went to the er it was so bad. Thankfully, after digesting it, I haven't had any problems. But I can assure you I WON'T be having corn again! I haven't heard of anyone having problems with cottage cheese but I can tell you that the first time I had this problem I had eaten a couple of bites of scrambled eggs. They felt heavy going down... so maybe lay off of them a day or so and see if that's what the problem was. Hope it gets better!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
