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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Savedbygrace

  1. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    How long does the meeting last? Seems like it was only 30-45 minutes before as bad as I need it... that's a long way to drive for such a short time.... but then again, I drive 2 hrs for a 10 second fill. HAHA
  2. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Anyone going to the support meeting next Saturday? Hopefully gas prices will have gone back down and I'll be able to go for the first time since prebanding. I'm excited as I've got to get remotivated. NO MORE VACATIONS for me!! This past one really got me off track! Who all is going?? Let's make some plans!
  3. Savedbygrace

    You Tube has officially freaked me out!

    Be careful watching some of those videos on youtube. Most of the ones I found that were negative were just advertisement for a surgical practice that recommends a different type surgery. Of course they want you to have a negative impression on the band so you'll consider their procedure. Is that true for the vidoe you're talking about?
  4. Savedbygrace

    Help! Need advice!

    Hi! I don't have any experience with IL but I have BC of AL. My suggestion would be to have your doctor make a couple comments in the record stating that you lost/ gained x amount of pounds during that month and that you added more exercise etc... whatever . I am not saying lie about it.. I just mean ask him to document that you came in and what you had changed in that month. Then you should have it covered.
  5. Savedbygrace

    5.5 months since surgery and 100lbs GONE!

    That's awesome! What's an average days menu look like?
  6. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hey CG! Sorry I must have overlooked a post or two that you were having surgery Monday. How are you feeling? Surgery went well I assume. Welcome to the banded side of life! Keep us updated!
  7. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Congrats AA!! Like Jason said, walk walk walk. I used gas x strips like candy and I never really had any gas pain that was unbearable but the pains I did have, I could walk and they would go away. Jason - sounds like the muscles around the port are sore but wouldn't hurt to call and be sure!!
  8. Savedbygrace

    Miles or Schmitt?

    Dr. Miles was my surgeon and he handled all of my questions and concerns great. He was hosting the seminar when I went so I felt comfortable with him. Dr. Schmitt took my staples out bc Miles wasn't working that day. He was very nice and also addressed my concerns at that appointment. I think you're perfectly safe with either!
  9. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hey everyone!! Gosh the board has been booming! That's great! I have been on vacation for 7 days and had to go back and read about 6 pages. Sounds like everyone is doing GREAT!!! Congrats Jason! I'm so glad that the surgery went well, that you're taking care of yourself and have lost THAT much so soon! That's awesome!!!! Keep us updated on how you're doing! Congrats to all of you who have dates set... sorry I read to many post to remember the exact names haha. You are days away from a complete, positive life style change!! Keep us updated on your journey. I am so sorry that I haven't been here to encourage and answer questions! Things are going fine with me. I went back for fill #4 yesterday. Can feel more restriction as far as I can't eat as much. Being out of my routine has been tough so as bad as I would love to have stayed on vacation, I'm glad to get back in the swing of things and hope to start back loosing. Eating out every meal is not easy!! It's good to be back and hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  10. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Yes you are required to go to at least one. I went to the one after the seminar so I didn't have to make more than one trip. I found it very intresting.. just can't seem to get back down there on a Saturday. Looks like the next one is Sept 20th. You can see the schedule at their website - www.alabamawls.com
  11. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    My policy covered 80% of any bariatic surgery and 80% to the surgeon- while it paid 100% of any other sugery.. but anyway.. that's where the deposit came in. Then I had a $150 copay to the hospital. I work in a medical office and my experience with our patients who have PEEHIP.. it's good! So from my GUESSING... you should be fine with only the hospital copay. Check your OUTPATIENT copay... most of their surgeries are done outpatient.
  12. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I may not be alot of help on this but during my journey - I didn't have to have a psch eval. I'm not sure if he bases that off your history and physical or what. As far as the suprise charges, they could never give me an estimate - which was frustrating- but I ended up finding someone to show me their explanation of benefits and I based my estimate off of that and was really close to right. I did have to pay a deposit upfront but I had saved during my 6 months so I could be prepared for anything ha.
  13. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Ok everyone... let's hear it! How did the support meeting go? Did y'all get to meet each other?
  14. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Neomi is getting some help!!! Praise the Lord!
  15. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Jason... you're day is getting closer! Got everything lined up?
  16. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hey everyone! I'm still alive! CG - CONGRATULATIONS!!! You're one step closer to starting the countdown! It'll be here before you know it! Things have been really busy around here. I was able to go home (Mississippi) to visit with family and friends. We had a bday party for my uncle and unfortunatly, i went wild HA. Gained back 3 lbs. So I've been trying all week to get that off. The fill was wonderful for the first week or so. Now I still have restriction and eating isn't always easy but it's not helping control my hunger. I'm ready to go for the 4th one with hopes that I will eventually get to where I have the restriction I feel for a few days.. for a longer time. We are going to Georgia this weekend to see my neice so I can't come to the support meeting. I know y'all will have a great time. ONE OF THESE DAYS....we'll all be able to meet up hopefully. Missy - your pics are great! You can most definently see the difference. Congrats!! Thanks for the concern that all of you have shown for me! It's great to know I have a support system on here! Hope to keep in touch a little more! Y'all let me know how the meeting goes Saturday!
  17. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Well I've never had a c-section.. or a child for that matter so I can't help you with this one ha. I would IMAGINE that it wasn't as bad as that would be.
  18. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Asking questions is perfectly fine.. that's what we are here for! As for MY journey.... The presugery diet was liquids for 24 hrs and nothing after 12 ( I think.. I do know that it wasn't the same as you hear alot of here... no 2 week diet etc) The night before you have to drink that NASTY junk to clean you out. I mixed mine with white grape juice and it really helped! I just can't drink that juice anymore haha.. it gives me flashbacks. Before they put you to sleep.... they put me in this little holding room and did some vitals... Veronica came in and talked with me and my husband. They took me back to give me some resting medicine.... I remember cutting up with the nurses and then being moved to the operating room. I remember moving onto the table and seeing that big light above me and that was it. When I woke up I was in recovery and quite honestly, in alot of pain! They eventually moved me to another recovery room where I stayed until I could walk around the halls and use the bathroom... then went home. At the time - and the week after - I thought I was dying... but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat!
  19. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Restriction feels GREAT!! I don't have as much today as I did right after the fill but I can tell I'm getting there. I dropped 3 more pounds this weekend. What a pleasant suprise!! I finally have less than 100 lbs to go to get to my first goal! Don't give up!! I know it's hard at times but it's worth it!! Shawna- good to hear from you! I know what you mean about eating out. It's not always easy... to find something and eat slow. But that band will remind you want it? HA
  20. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    CG- It took about 2 weeks before I found out I was approved... I called Neoami and she told me she had the approval... I didn't get the written approval until a month or so. Anna- You're welcome! Keep your chin up... you'll be on the loosing side soon! AG- PB stands for productive burp. When the food gets stuck and needs to come up... it's like you burp and its up but trust me.. it's NO FUN!!! Chew slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! SO Missy - I know your pain! It would be nice if was just a PB and over but for me... I PB'd about 4 times then vomitted about 3 times.. pain for about 12 hours. I've come close to doing it again ..... so I have to focus on what I'm doing when I'm eating and slow down. The fill went fine. I'm at 6cc's. She said if the PB episode had messed something up, I would know about it. Slippage seems to equal not being able to keep anything down. Thankfully the weather held off until I got home. The staff members were ok today. I guess I'm just so used to the medical office I work in ... everyone there treats you life family... it's not that way down there. But they know their stuff and that's important to me!! Our home air is on the blink. We had to stay at a hotel last night and looks like it's going to be again tonight. NO FUN!!! NOT CHEAP!!! This is NOT the way to loose weight.!! (sweating)haha.
  21. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Oh the thought of liquids again.. uugghhh ... but I've come so far to get where I am.. I'll do whatever it takes haha. I wish I could do something to pipe the staff up down there. I had some of the same issues in my prebanding and post banding days. I even talked with Dr. Miles and Veronica about the complaints and that I didn't want them to loose business due to some of negative thread postings. I do believe he is a wonderful surgeon and don't want people to write him off due to this slack of the clerical staff. He told me that he appreciated me letting him know and they hired ....oh I've forgotten her name now... but it seems the work just keeps piling in and they need more help!!
  22. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Well I go for my 3rd fill this afternoon. I sure hope that it helps the restriction get back on track. I haven't had any since the PB episode. I hope they can confirm that the band HASN'T slipped or something. I'm suppose to have 5cc's in the 10cc band right now and most of the time, I can't even tell it's in there! So let's hope it gets back on track today and that I don't have to deal with rain the entire 2 hr drive down. On a good note, I am in the 270's now WOO HOO!!
  23. Savedbygrace

    Alabama bandster

    Congrats on getting through all the red tape! Are you submitting paperwork for approval or have you already got that too? I used Dr. Miles and my appt was about a month out from approval so hopefully that will work out for you!!! I have my 3rd fill appointment this afternoon!! Not sure if you've been on the thread for Dr. Miles and Schmitt but here's the link if you want to talk with anyone that's used them. Keep us updated!!
  24. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Congrats on having a date!!!! It'll be here before you know it. Dr. Miles was my surgeon but I assume they have the same preop instructions. The only requirement I had was 24hrs of liquids... nothing after midnight...( I think) I know there was no 2 week restrictions etc. Keep us up to date!!

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