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Everything posted by Savedbygrace

  1. Savedbygrace

    Alabama bandster

    Hey! Dr. Miles will be doing mine also. A few weeks ago, I emailed Neoami (Dr. Miles' pre auth lady) and asked her the same thing. This was her reply - Hi Wendy, Once you've completed the 7 consecutive visits, they can be faxed (205) 838-3497 to me. You won't come back into the office until your pre-op visit (approximately a week before surgery). Once I receive everything, I'll file your insurance and we'll get a letter in the mail from BC/BS with the decision. Have you viewed the video(EMMI) online? Thanks, Neoami Have you already went in for the initial consult with Dr. Miles?
  2. Savedbygrace

    BCBS of Alabama - My Journey

    Thanks for sharing your journey so far. I am a little upset to read from you and one other person that BCBS requires 30 days bw each visit. My policy states that I can go to a nutritionist for 7 visits and see my MD 3 times within that 6 months. I chose that route because in the long run, it was cheaper and I knew I needed the nutrionist more than just seeing my doctor every month. Well my nutritionist works closely with the physicians here in Huntsville (but I'm using a surgeon in B'ham..not that it matters lol) BUT... I started this on 8/22/07. In December, she took 2 weeks off so she moved my appt to 12/19. I questioned her about this and was told as long as we end around the same day of the month, it will be fine. If I have to start this ALL over... I will be devistated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My physician appts were more than 30 days apart but only 3 of them, as required by BCBS. Because the short month wasn't my last month (that being 2/25) I wonder if I will have to start all over or if I can just add one more month - if I HAVE to?? Any ideas? I guess I can call BC and ask. GGRRRRRR
  3. Savedbygrace

    North Alabama (Huntsville) Support Group

    Hey everyone! I haven't been banded yet either.. only 19 more days until I am finished with the 6 month documented diet and dont have a surgery date set yet. I don't feel qualified to lead it as far as what to do after the surgery. Does anyone know someone who's had it done that wouldn't mind leading it? Any suggestions on a good quiet place to meet? and if using the room is free.... of course that would be great!!
  4. I am 27 days away from finishing my 6 months diet. Has anyone been through the 6 month documented diet and STILL denied??? Guess I'm getting worried they may try and find some small thing to use as a way to deny it. I have done everything I was told to do. Just curious if it's ever happened to anyone? Thanks!!
  5. Savedbygrace

    Holding Pattern in Mississippi

    Congradulations!! That is great! Keep us updated!!
  6. Savedbygrace

    Alabama bandster

    These post are the first time i've heard of BC requiring a pt eval?? I printed the policy guidelines and its not mentioned. Is it new? I'm sure they don't pay for it. What all is involved?
  7. Savedbygrace

    Holding Pattern in Mississippi

    Hey Kim! I am in TN but from MS and plan to move back there in a few years so I'm trying to keep up with that state so I'll have a doctor to go to for fills. Anyway........... lol I don't know what insurance you have but I have BCBS of AL and they also require the 6 month period. In their medical policy.. it states that LA Weight loss is acceptable but you also have to send in physicians notes that heshe recorded you were going there or attempting to loose weight. Look into the policy guidelines. For most of them, you can find it online. If I can help in anyway, let me know. I will finish my 6 months at the end of next month ...wwooooo hhoo!!
  8. Savedbygrace

    I am not alone...Am I?

    I am hoping to have my surgery in March also!! I finish up my 6 months around the 3rd week in February. I have BCBS of AL also. I hear it takes about 2 weeks to get an approval. I just hope the surgeon is not booked out to far!! I'm excited and ready to get started!!!!!
  9. Savedbygrace

    For those who have PCOS

    Awesome!! That's very encouraging to me!! Thanks for sharing it!
  10. I know this is a TN forum... and I actually live in TN but because Huntsville is so close and a general area for people to gather....... I wondered in anyone close by would be intrested in getting together to start a lap band support group?
  11. Savedbygrace

    Alabama bandster

    Where is the support group meeting at? Is there a schedule?
  12. Savedbygrace

    banded 12/4/07

    Thats awesome! Keep us updated!
  13. Has anyone read Carnie Wilson's "Gut Feelings" book? I thought that during this 6 month supervised diet, that I would try to find some books that encourage eating when hungry.. help you realize the relationship you have with food... etc. I have seen wonderful results from the banding and I can't wait to have it.... but i do understand that if your heads not in it, it can't work. Like one doctor told us, you can get a gallon of ice cream through the band ... a little at a time. I just want to be as mentally ready as I can be! Any suggestions?
  14. Savedbygrace

    Banded Today!! 10/16/07

    Congradulations!! I pray that your recovery goes well!
  15. I don't think I have any symptoms of sleep apenia but my surgeon is requiring me to go to a sleep apenia doctor to be evaulated. I'm hoping that the doctor can just review my symptoms (or lack of) and not require that I go through the sleep study... mainly because it is expensive! So my question is.. and I know all patients are different and all doctors are different.... but has anyone just went through a counsult with the physician and not required to go through the actual study? Anyone gone through the study and NOT diagnosed with it? Thanks!
  16. Savedbygrace

    Huntsville Area

    Well duh.. that's where this one IS! My bad
  17. Savedbygrace

    Huntsville Area

    oh come on... surely we have more people close to Huntsville, AL. Maybe we should post a thread under the Alabama forum.
  18. Savedbygrace

    BCBS TX - Approved

    Congradulations! I can't wait until I can claim the same excitement!! Have you got a date set yet?
  19. Savedbygrace

    Do You Agree With Brad ??

    I'm not much of a debater... especially about religion because people tend to get really upset and because I am a Christian who knows I can't live without Christ, I believe that turning a debate into an arguement is not what Christ would have us to do. I haven't read all of this thread...and what I have read.. doesn't seem to be any arguing going on.. I just wanted to insert some historical information.... This following does NOT come from the bible. These are real documented humans who wrote about Jesus, while He lived.... I am BY FAR, NOT a histoty buff... aamof... I can't stand listening to history but there are so many people who think Christians just believe for a feel good.. or believe because someone told them to... but there is proof that Christ lived.... Let’s go back in time and call some witnesses and see what they have to say about this man named JESUS! Cornelius Tacitus A Roman historian name Cornelius Tacitus lived from A.D. 55 to A.D. 120. His moral character and integrity marked him by many scholars as a great Roman historian. In one of his great historical works known as the Annals, Tacitus wrote about Jesus and the persecution of the Christians by the Roman emporer Nero. Tacitus writes, "But not all the relief that could come from man, not all the bounties that the prince could bestow, not all the atonements which could be presented to the gods, availed to relieve Nero from the infamy of being believed to have ordered the conflagration, the fire of Rome. Hence to suppress the rumor, he falsely charged with the guilt, and punished with the most exquisite tortures, the persons commonly called Christians, who were hated for their enormities. Christ, the founder of the name, was put to death by Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea in the reign of Tiberius: but the pernicious superstition, repressed for a time, broke out again, not only through Judea, where the mischief originated, but through the city of Rome also." (Annals XV, 44) In this historical recount, Tacitus affirms several facts set forth in the Bible about Jesus. First, he affirms that Jesus existed as a real person. Secondly, Tacitus states that the Christian movement was named after Christ or "Christus" (Christus was a common error in spelling made by many secular historians of the day). Thirdly, he affirms that Jesus Christ was crucified in Judea by Pontius Pilate during the reign of Tiberius. Lastly, Tacitus mentions the "pernicious superstition", or the reported resurrection of Jesus Christ. Suetonius Suetonius, another Roman historian spoke of Christ’s existence in his work Life of Claudius in which he stated, "As the Jews were making constant disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus (another misspelling of Christ), he [Claudius] expelled them from Rome. Suetonius verified that Jesus was a real person, and that his followers [Christians] believed that he had been resurrected from the dead "mischievous superstition". Lucian of Samosata Lucian of Samosata, a Greek writer in the second century also affirmed the real and historical existence of Jesus Christ. He wrote, "The Christians, you know, worship a man to this day-the distinguished personage [Jesus] who introduced their novel rites, and was crucified on that account." Pliny the Younger Pliny the Younger was the governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor in A.D. 112. In a letter to the emporer Trajan, Pliny explained that he had been killing mass numbers of Christians, men, women and children alike. In his letter he stated that he "made them curse Christ, which a genuine Christian cannot be induced to do." Pliny the Younger demonstrates through his own words that Christ was real and that the Christians of that early period recognized that. Not only does the evidence demonstrate that Christ was real, but that the Roman governor Pliny was persecuting Christians for their belief in him and their recognition of Jesus as "a god". Let’s look at some Secular Writings and one more non-biblical character in reference to Jesus Jesus is historically referenced in the works of the Babylonian Talmud as well as the writings of the Jewish historian, Josephus. What is the Talmud and who is Josephus? The Talmud is a collection of Jewish laws and traditions considered by Jewish authorities to be Judaism’s holiest collection of books. The Jewish Scribes claim the Talmud is partly a collection of traditions Moses gave them in oral form consisting of the Mishnah and the Gemara. The Mishnah is the section of the Talmud that consists of the oral laws and the Gemara is made up teachings and commentaries on the oral laws of the Mishnah. According to the writings contained within the Talmud, its authority transcends that of the Torah (Old Testament of the Bible). The Talmud records historical evidence concerning the virgin birth, the crucifixion, and the disciples of Jesus Christ. The Talmud states, "It has been taught: On the eve of Passover they hanged Yeshu (Jesus). The word "Yeshu" translates into the English name Jesus. It is reported that in some versions, this text reads "Yeshu the Nazarene". This Jewish description of the crucifixion of Christ confirms that Jesus did exist in history as a religious leader and teacher, one who did miracles, was charged by his own people and then handed over to be crucified on the cross by the Roman government. This passage demonstrates and confirms the historical presence and facts concerning the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Who was Josephus? Josephus ben Matthias, born only a few years after the death and resurrection of Christ was a religious politician and Jew. Josephus was a Jewish historian in the employ of the Roman emperor, and after gaining favor in the eyes of the emperor Flavius was actually given his name. Hence, he became Flavius Josephus and during his employ composed two large works: The Jewish War and The Jewish Antiquities. In The Jewish Antiquities, a passage reads, "Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was the Christ, and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men among us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians so named from him are not extinct at this day." As Josh McDowell states, "So even the great first-century Jewish historian Josephus, writing just a little more than half a century after Jesus’ life and crucifixion, attests to the truth that Jesus was not a figment of the church’s imagination but a real historical figure." Even more important that these secular writings and witnesses are the scriptural evidences given to us that Jesus is the Christ. Yes it's easy for Christian's to believe in God, based on faith and it's also understandable that non believes think faith is hog wash. One thing I don't understand is how a person can downplay faith that God created the universe... but they have believe that the earth just began on its on? To me it takes more faith to believe that all this just happened... than it does that someone created it.
  20. I wasn't aware that she had it or has a book out. I'm going to look that up on amazon and see if I can get ahold to it. Thanks!!
  21. Savedbygrace

    Huntsville Area

    "have my hand raised". I actually live in Fayetteville, TN but work and do most of our business in Huntsville. (only 25 miles away) I plan to have my surgery in Birmingham with Dr. Miles... sometime around April 08.
  22. Savedbygrace

    BCBS Alabama

    That would be good. I know Huntsville Hospital has one but it's Bypass and Lapband so I'm sure it's mainly Bypass. They also have one at a church in Toney and it's both. Maybe we could post a thread for people close to Huntsville and see what response we get.
  23. Savedbygrace

    BCBS Alabama

    Hey Laura! Small world huh lol. Which surgeon did you use? I plan to use Dr. Leslie Miles in Birmingham. A little bit of a drive but I chose him because of his experience doing more bands that any other that's closer plus they give you all the info and follow up you need to make it work. We did go to Dr. Mailapur's seminar and liked him as well but he seemed to highly recommend the bypass and I don't want to do that! Do y'all go to the local monthly support groups?
  24. Savedbygrace

    BCBS Alabama

    BTW.. I'm in Huntsville too! What surgeon are you planning to use?
  25. Savedbygrace

    BCBS Alabama

    I have BCBS of Alabama and work for a company of about 35 and it is covered. Thankfully I work in the medical field and get authorizations for DME so I do know a little about how it works. I have access to pull up benefits for BCBS of AL and see that my plan does cover it. If you want, you can email me in a private message with your policy #, name and DOB and I will pull it up for you. I can go over the benefits with you via email or fax them to you. As far as their "medical policy" they do have some requirements. Must have BMI of 40 or above for the past 3 yrs of a BMI of 35-40 with comorbs. They also required that you have documented 6 month diet, exercise and behavioral modification. There are several ways to do that. I am in month 2 of my 6 months. I hate that they control my health but I'm taking it as 6 months to prepare. Different physicians require different things before hand ... so this gives you plenty of time to get that plus go ahead and adjust to lifestyle changes. If there is anything I can help you with.. let me know! I'm excited to get into the banded world!!

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