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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Savedbygrace

  1. Savedbygrace

    OMG! I have a brain tumor

    My prayers are with you! We serve an awesome God that can do ANYTHING!! We will be praying for you!!
  2. Savedbygrace

    Belly Sleepers

    AGH! I'm not the only one! I am miserable when trying to sleep. The first 3 nights I slept in the recliner and I guess bc of the pain meds and getting over the anithesia (sp) I slept like a rock. I decided to move to the bed night before last and was MISERABLE!! I can't get comfy on my back and when I try to lay on my right side (even with a body pillow) it feels like something falls and starts tugging around the port area. I can understand the discomfort to some extent but are ya'll feeling that something moves?? It's so uncomfortable!! I fought all night last night to sleep period. Tomorrow is my first day back at work so I NEED SLEEP TONIGHT!! When will this go away?
  3. Savedbygrace

    First Pair of 14 Jeans!!

    Congratulations!! I can never remember being in a size 14 so I look very forward to getting there someday!! How wonderful it must feel to look in the mirror and be proud of the way you look!!! Thanks for sharing!
  4. Savedbygrace

    Tomorrow is my Band Day!

    Wishing you the best tomorrow! Hang on.. the hunger will be gone when you wake up from surgery!
  5. I was a little worried about it too.. even made sure someone was home with me the first time I tried HAHA.. but it was fine. I was really wanting the cream of potato so I blended it up... well DH did.. and I ate 3 oz and was fine. Today I ate the other 3 oz. I have been more "unsatisfied" today than the past 4 days but staying on track!!
  6. Savedbygrace

    Is anyone from TN.?

    I wouldn't be able to make it on a Thursday as it wouldn't give me time to get there after work but THANKS for replying!!!!!
  7. Savedbygrace

    Day 4, Down 7

    Congrats! I am on full liquids and having broth, cream soup, sf jello, sf popsicles (several different brands / flavors) , flavored water and I think that's about all. I'm going to try the carnation instant breakfast soon. I have protein shakes also that have 35 g of protein and taste good. I can't drink the entire thing but I sip on it througout the day. Good luck!!
  8. Savedbygrace

    Home and doing good

    Congrats! We share the same surgery date!! I'm glad you're home feeling better! Each day it gets a little better. Looking forward to being completely healed and begin this new life!! Keep us updated as you go along!
  9. Savedbygrace

    Home from surgery today

    I too was VERY sore for the first couple of days. I slept in the recliner for 3 nights and finally got in the bed last night. I am a side sleeper and couldn't get comfy so I might continue in the recliner for a few more days. The desire to roll over is alot less when you can't lol. I took gas x strips and because I walked every couple of hours, Im not sure if they helped or not but I figured it couldn't hurt. Best of wishes for a speedy recovery! Praise God for a supportive hubby!
  10. I am the same pain. It was alot worse yesterday (day 3 post op) but has gotten a little better today. I did call the doctor and he didn't seem to be concerned which helped me to not panic. I continue walking and doing the breathing exercises and hope it completely goes away soon. Best wishes!!
  11. Congrats on the loss and everything being ok with the port!!!! Enjoy your meal tonight!!
  12. Savedbygrace

    Is anyone from TN.?

    I live in Fayetteville, TN. Did I see that someone said there is a support group in Murfreesboro? That's a pretty good drive me for but I would like to attend if there is one.
  13. Savedbygrace

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    The only other thing I recommend is a heating pad, the prescription drugs (which I'm sure you'll get tomorrow) and a supportive helper to fetch things. I have used the recliner up until last night and it just seems easier to get up and out of. Don't be nervous.. I know that's easier said than done but it will be over before you know it. Wishing you the best!! Keep us updated when you feel up to it!
  14. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hey Diane! I just got out of bed and so far... yes I feel alot better so far. Last night was my first night to sleep in bed and it was tough! I am a side/ belly sleeper and I knew this would be hard. While in the recliner the last 3 days, I didn't have the temptation to turn and I slept alot better but last night, I felt like a crack head feening for a hit lol.. I wanted to turn SO bad!! I was able to get semi comfy on my right side but had to support my belly with a pillow. Other than that, I feel that I am breathing better than yesterday. The pain in my rib cage seems to have lifted some. I'm about to go walking and we'll see if it's still there. I've read from another bandster with the same pain and same onset.. that hers was a partially collapsed lung and relieved itself about day 10 but I'm not having that!! In Jesus name.. be better TODAY!! I've had a partially collapsed lung a couple of years ago but had pnuemonia at the same time so I can't remember how long it took to feel better. Thanks for checking on me! :biggrin2:
  15. Savedbygrace

    Well wishes - the 28th

    Ditto! Best wishes to the ones who will be banded soon! Wishing you peace and excitement as the journey has probably already been long but the best is yet to come!!! Keep us updated on how it goes!
  16. Savedbygrace

    After surgery check in for Avengers!

    Finally on the loosing side!!! I was banded 4/24. Had to be there at 5am .. with a 2 hr drive so I slept most of the way there to keep from worrying! I wasn't there 20 minutes and they took me on back for questions and meeting the antithesiologist (sp). My husband was able to be with me at this time. Shortly after, they whisked me a way to start the IV. The nurse anethosist was awesome. We joked around until she put the versed (SP) in and I don't remember alot. I do remember being in the operating room and moving to the table with tons of lights above me. There were HUGE screws on the lights and I remember thinking "are they going to drill those into my head" STRANGE I know... meds can do crazy things to you! lol. I woke up in recovery IN PAIN!!! My throat was killing me and my stomach felt like I had been run over! They gave me some morphine and asked me to take deep breaths .. .which hurt. I remember having to get more morphine and then being moved to short stay. I heard the nurse say she had given me 12 of morphine. I don't know if thats alot or not but it wasn't enough. The short stay nurse pumped some nausea med in the IV before giving me liquid lorcet. I still hurt pretty bad but looking back, I slept through most of it. DH says the surgery was over about 8:30 (lasted about an hour) and it was 10:15 before the put me in short stay. Then 2 before leaving. The staff was VERY busy but during MY time of need... I was upset that I had to basically do it all myself. For their sake, I think they were just letting me sleep until I got ready to go.. but I was aggrivated that I was hurting IN the hospital. Finally got my cloths on and walked to the desk and said we are out of here. It hurt to sit up in a wheel chair so I walked to the car.. which wasn't far. I slept all the way home and the rest of the day. Friday was pretty painful.. the port incision. Saturday the incision and the gas was rough but not nearly as bad as I had imagined. Today, I woke up short of breath and when I take a deep breath... I feel like I'm being stabbed. I finally got worried and called the doctor and he didn't seem concerned at all about it. Said he didn't know what it was but it could last 2 days to 2 weeks but wouldn't kill me. I'm convinced from other post that I have a partially collapsed lung. It's fine as long as I'm laying down. I've slept in the recliner all 3 nights so that might have something to do with it. All in all ....NO REGRETS!!! I don't mean to sound so negative but I know I can't be the only one with this type pain. I had read so much of no pain no pain (and Im thankful there are some who don't have any!!!!!) that I wasn't expecting it to be this tough. But anyway, I'm watching closely to get my fluids in and walk as much as possible. Got a tad bit hungry today but 3 oz of cream soup took care of that. Good luck to everyone!!!!! I'm excited about OUR FUTURE!!
  17. Savedbygrace

    Day 4 doing worse...

    Today is day 4 for me... 3rd full day after surgery. I am still dealing with gas but not as bad as yesterday. I'm having a sharp pain in my rib cage upon taking a deep breath. I truely believe my lung has collapsed in one area. I have been doing fine with getting the fluids down. I did better at that the last 2 days than I did today. I ate some blended potato soup... 3 oz ... and I was full! Would love to drink some water now but am witing out my 30 mins. I too haven't had the best confidence in my surgeons office or hospital post op. Its very very aggrivating but hang in there!! We'll see the positives soon!
  18. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Oh great! What a pain to deal with that! I would call her first thing tomorrow.. which I'm sure you will. That must be agrivating. I'm glad I didn't have to deal with that. I got my own sleep doctor and glad I did. Surgery went fine. More pain that I expected but hopefully it's going alway. The port incision is the only one that hurts and it's only when I'm getting up or down. I have some pain around my rib cage that concerned me but Dr. Miles said it wasn't anything to be worried about. I've been strict to the diet and have been walking a couple of times a day. It seems to help with the gas and motivates me. I have 5 incisions with a total of 15 staples. I took turns with the liquid tylenol and liquid lorcet so that I didn't run out of the good stuff over the weekend. I only take it at night now. I'm generally pooped... not much energy but I'm sure its from being put to sleep. Everyone was nice at St. V's... well my post op nurse could have been nicer but I'm sure I wasn't the best patient... I HATE pain lol. Anyway, I'm going to go check out your vacation pictures. Let me know what you find out about the card mess up. Thanks for checking on me!!
  19. Savedbygrace

    Partially collapsed lung

    Did the pain in your left ribs start as soon as surgery was over? I was banded 4/24 and wasn't having this pain until now. I woke up with it in the middle of the night. It's about 3 inches left of my port incision and 3 inches above it. It only hurts when I take a deep breath but WOW it takes my breath away. On the breathing machine with my height and age I should be up to 2800. Yesterday I was able to get there comfortably. Today I can barely get to 1800. Does this sound like your pain?
  20. Savedbygrace

    Stuff you Need at Home

    I've been sleeping in the recliner so I wouldn't have such a time getting in and out of bed. I think by tomorrow I'll be good to sleep in bed. As far as the bed and jeep being high... I would think that would be better! I have a grand prix and a tahoe and even with gas being $3.50 a gallon, we drive the tahoe right now bc it's easier to get out of by just stepping down.. not having to pull yourself up. Good luck!!!
  21. Savedbygrace

    Christian bandsters

    well i thought the gas was gone lol. I've dealt with it more today. Mostly in my chest. I've went out walking twice and of course walking around the house every hour or so. Laying down is uncomfortable!! The good thing is that the incision pain is better! I took the bandages off today and they are already itching some but thats a good sign!! Looking forward to the future!!!
  22. Savedbygrace

    Any Phen-Fen folks out there?

    I took redux for about 3 months and was diagnosed with mild to moderate mitral valve regurgitation. I've had about 3 echos since then. When it was first diagnosed, I had to take antibiotics before dental procedures but in the last year the dentist removed that requirement due to all the resistance to antibiotics that seems to be nationwide. I had surgery this past Thursday and had no problem from it. It was a pain but bc I was told that the manufactors of the drug knew it was going to cause a problem, and had millions saved up for it, I pursued the class action suit. Someone spoke it and it's true... the lawyers took more than half of the settlement and it took some 5 years for it to be settled.
  23. Savedbygrace

    Any one with BCBS of AL PEEHIP?

    Hey! I don't have PEEHIP but I do have BCBS of AL PPO.. the only thing I had to go through was the 6 month dictated diet and have a qualifying BMI. I started my journey in 8/07 and was banded yesterday. I took the 6 months to try and prepare myself more mentally than physically for the changes ahead. Good luck!!
  24. Savedbygrace

    Where is everyone from????

    Hey! I was banded yesterday in Birmingham. I actually live in TN but work in Huntsville so I chose Bham. Do you have a date scheduled yet? Which surgeon are you using?
  25. Savedbygrace

    Christian bandsters

    I'm doing ok. Still struggling with moving around due to pain in the incisions but I think I'm done with the gas pain. No problems swallowing. I am hurting in both calves in my legs so I just got back from having an ultrasound done to be sure there are no blood clots. I haven't heard the results yet but feel that it's from the compression devices. I'm on Clear liquids but not hungry at all. Im having to make myself drink the 48 oz of liquid I need. If I could get rid of this incision pain.. I'd be wonderful!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
