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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Savedbygrace

  1. Savedbygrace

    What to do until fill????

    Oh Medge I would be FURIOUS!!!! I would call and ask to speak with the office manager, doctor or even if the doctor is governed by the hospital I would call the CEO. That is crazy! ESPECIALLY since you've paid THAT much! As far as I can tell across the board, 6 weeks is the max before they will do it. Putting you out ten weeks is unacceptable. I can understand his issue of wanting to only do fills once a month but he should at least get the 1st fills in and then go from there. Goodluck!
  2. Do any of you have youtube video blogs about your journey? I've been looking through and watching some. Some are very informative, inspirational and down right FUNNY!! I guess bc I've been through some of what they are talking about.. it's hilarious! I thought I would post and see if any of you have them so I can view yours too. I'm not a camera type person YET lol so I don't have one but have been enjoying watching others journeys.
  3. Savedbygrace

    Tennessee Lap Banders

    I live in Fayetteville and was banded in Birmingham, AL. Looking forward to a healthier life!!
  4. Savedbygrace

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    I agree! I have some old adipex pills and have thought about taking them during this time but I'm like you. I HATE the way they make me feel. It's not really worth it even though they do take away the appetite. Got the 15 staples removed today and the surgeon says it's healing well. I am so excited to get a full nights rest tonight without the pain of getting them hung or not being able to sleep on my side because of them. 5 more weeks and I'll get a fill!
  5. Savedbygrace

    Losing My Banding Nerve...Help!!!

    Yes that something that we all go through! I too have BCBS and had to do the 6 month thing. I know they have more than one reason for requiring that but I think one of them is because they know people will get tired of it and stop. If you qualify for the band and feel that the band will help you live a longer, healthier life... don't give up!! Fear is from the devil but is a real feeling! You can do it! Technology is amazing these days. They have all they need to take care of you! I am 8 days post op and did get kind of fearful the week or so before. I had to remind myself that God SPOKE and created this earth! He can surely handle this. There are MILLIONS more deaths or long term disabilites due to car wrecks in a day! Take your time but don't give up until you KNOW that you KNOW you dont want it. Goodluck and keep us posted as you go!
  6. Savedbygrace

    What to do until fill????

    8 days out for me and today I really experienced what y'all are talking about. I haven't been able to get full all day. I HATE seeing the scale go UP but I hate being hungry all day too. I'm still on full liquids and will be until next Thursday. I have protein shakes that have a whopping 35g of protein. I thought that was suppose to make me feel full longer. I don't think so. I'm ready for at least mushies!!
  7. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Gosh Shawna I know you must be very frustrated!!! Have you heard back from them? That is outrageous! I know it's been a struggle for you but try to look at is at when it's the time God wants you to go through with it.. it WILL happen! You'll be banded and loosing soon! I went in and Dr. Schmitt took my staples out. No problems at all! It stung but VERY little. I'm so glad they are out now!! I made an appt for June 5th for my first fill. Gosh after the day I've had today, that seems like forever. I've been starving all day! It's going to be a long 5 weeks. Maybe it will get better when I can eat mushies. Glad to know that Karen is on her way home..well.. by now she's probably home. Give her our well wishes. I'm not sure if they give you meds for nausea while your asleep or not but if you've had problems with it, I would tell the anesthesiologist when he comes in to talk to you before surgery. After the morphine and I was still having pain, she was about to give me liquid lorcet and I told her that it makes me nausated without wood so she gave me something in the IV before I took that. SO TELL THEM!!!!!!!!
  8. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Send my congrads to her! I'm leaving in a few to have Dr. Schmitt take these dang staples out! Praise God! Dr. Miles did the surgery but is off today. Hope it don't hurt too bad but looking forward to a GOOD nights rest!
  9. Savedbygrace

    Youtube lapband video bloggers

    Beware: you will find TONS of advertisement videos of patients claiming to have failed with the band and went to mini bypass. You will notice that most of these .. if not all.. are advertisement for the mini bypass surgeon.
  10. Savedbygrace

    How many calories a day are you averaging?

    thats about what im getting in a day also but my loosing has stalled. I know I know.. this is a time for healing but dang.. when seeing the scales go down 16 pounds since surgery.. I want to keep it going. Plus I'm not eating alot more than I was.. only soup has been added.
  11. Savedbygrace

    How long were you off work?????

    OH WOW! How great is THAT!! My boss would never tell me to wait longer than I could lol. I had surgery on a Thursday and came back on Wednesday. I was fine with it but did leave an hour early. Today is my second day back. I have a desk job too. Sitting up in a chair all day is tough on the port incision and REAL tough on legs that have been propped up for 6 days - except while doing the daily walks. I just prop them up on something and keep on working ..... or reading LBT lol
  12. Where is the port actually located on you? Above the big incision, below it, beside it? It looks like I have a dip in my stomach where the big incision is or maybe the port is above it and it's just swollen. I cant feel it (port) but maybe I'm not feeling in the right direction. Also, for those of you who had staples.. does it hurt having them taken out? I have a total of 15 and as much as I'm ready for them to be removed, I'm kind of dreading it.
  13. Savedbygrace

    OMG! I have a brain tumor

    Congrats on the earlier appt. I'm like you, I would have NEVER waited that until then either. Thats crazy that they would put if off like that and then never let you know anything. We'll continue praying! Let us know how the appt goes!
  14. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    There is light at the end of the tunnel! lol. I wish you the best with this!! What a hastle!!! Good luck Shawna! I really hope it works out for you to get it done Monday. Keep us updated!!
  15. Savedbygrace

    Hi everyone!!!

    Hey! I share the same banding date with you ... and several others. It's hard to believe it's been a week already. I'm not really hungry.. but some days I'm not satisfied if that makes sense. Tuesday I felt like I couldnt get satisfied but Wednesday I didn't want to even get the fluids in.. just no desire.. Today was about half and half. Good luck and keep in touch!
  16. Savedbygrace

    Feel the Band

    I've only been banded 6 days but no I can't physically feel it in there. Some things... like jello.. make my chest feel kind of heavy feelingish.. but that's it.
  17. Savedbygrace

    I *HATE* protein supplements/Jamba Juice

    vht smootie extreme's are wonderful! I can't taste anything but vanilla and chocalate shake. I'm not a fan of the stawberry and I LOVE strawberry but it taste nasty. Each can has 35g protein. I also tried Unjury and was ok with the vanilla and chocalate.. mixed with skim milk.
  18. Savedbygrace

    April Running-Weight Totals!

    Down 16 lbs since preop which was 4/23/08 (7 days ago). A pleasant suprise!
  19. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Girl I would be HOT also!! That is nonsense!! Did they diagnos you with it before giving you the machine? Are you self pay? I'm just not understanding all the run around. I had to do the sleep study and didn't have it. My local sleep doctor wrote a note saying I didnt have it. But all that was before it was sent to BCBS for approval. So if you are using insurance, how will they get it approved that soon? And if I were you and had to start over, I would definently go to another doctor. That's CRAZY!!! Sorry for your frustration. Keep us updated!!
  20. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Shawna... what ever happened about the card? Are you still on for Monday?? Girl don't leave us hanging like this! lol
  21. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    lol.. yes and I am.. soup is eating aint it? lol I am on full liquids... protein shakes, cream soups, etc. I didn't want anything yesterday and had to make myself DRINK.. but today I am paying for it. I am back to work and VERY tired already. I guess I didnt get enough nutrients in yesterday. But I have lost 16 lbs!!!!
  22. Savedbygrace

    Horrifying First Fill

    oh wow... I had imagined it simple too. That 5-7 minutes probably DID seem like eternity. I hate that it was a tough experience but I appreciate you sharing it. I had read so much about how easy the surgery was that I wasn't really prepared to HURT.. but I woke up thinking I was about to DIE! It's better now thank God. I had watched some videos on youtube of people getting fills and NO KIDDING... that needle looks as long as a pencil!! I know I have alot of fat to go through but I thought that the port was close to the skin. Anyway, here's to that fill giving your restriction. Keep us updated!
  23. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Yes they gave me spirometer and I've been faithful to it... until today. I've felt so much better that I've only done it a couple of times. My bad. lol. I don't remember her mentioning this is our nutrition class but wish it had been so I would have been prepared. But anway, I'm grateful that it's ALOT better! It's been beautiful outside today so I've walked a couple times and plan to do so again in a bit. I couldn't seem to get satisfied yesterday but today I've had to make myself eat. I wish that feeling would stay until I get a fill haha
  24. Savedbygrace

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hey Bamalama! Congrats on the loss! That is awesome!!! Care to share you exercise routine, calorie intake, how you made it happen? How many fills have you had? I wondered if they are strict about the 6 weeks or if its individual based. Thanks for sharing!!
  25. Savedbygrace

    How much time off??

    I am only 30 but I figured I could put in my input hehe .. I've been off a total of 6 days, including surgery day and the weekend. I'm going back tomorrow and other than giving out easily and a little soreness... I think I'm ready. That might change tomorrow lol but right now I'm ready!

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